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Old March 19th, 2008, 04:27   #76
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Originally Posted by kullwarrior View Post
And as for the 407 fps rule, it's really really grayish true u can get a 407+ FPS and less than 5.7J airsoft in IF YOU comply with the un-restrict class firearm which is like:
Semi AUTO only
Non-prohibited type firearm. (EG Mp5, G3, AK47 are not allow)
18.5 inch or longer when stock callopse etc
not sure if five bullet rule applies but I think you will realize without license it's basically importing Bolt action gun from WWI.
Come back when you have some useful, correct information.

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Old March 19th, 2008, 05:39   #77
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I'd love another retailer about as much as I'd love to win the lottery.

That being said. I wouldn't risk your established business with something that is, as shown by recent events, destined to fail, or at least cause a lot of heartache.

I'd have to say, that the gesture is beyond what could ever be expected, and honestly appreciated, but it's just not worth it in the end.

We've got ways to get what we need, not the most convenient, but it works. No need to jeopardize your livelihood for our convenience.
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Old March 20th, 2008, 19:19   #78
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As a newly interested person to Airsoft, long time paintballer, I love seeing someone like Silvercore stepping up to possibly get Airsoft properly classified under the law. No more grey area. I know it's a long shot that anything will happen in the near future, but the fact that an established, known firearms training facility is talking to the CBSA about this may make them reevaluate the current classification.
I know being new my opinion doesn't rank as high as some of the guys that have played for 10+ years, but personally I'd buy a gun with the bright orange tip(I can always change it after), like they do in the US.
Would the orange tip really turn you guys off of the sport?
I just think if that's the change that's required in the end to make this work would that really be all that bad?


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Old March 20th, 2008, 19:37   #79
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by sfours View Post
As a newly interested person to Airsoft, long time paintballer, I love seeing someone like Silvercore stepping up to possibly get Airsoft properly classified under the law. No more grey area. I know it's a long shot that anything will happen in the near future, but the fact that an established, known firearms training facility is talking to the CBSA about this may make them reevaluate the current classification.
I know being new my opinion doesn't rank as high as some of the guys that have played for 10+ years, but personally I'd buy a gun with the bright orange tip(I can always change it after), like they do in the US.
Would the orange tip really turn you guys off of the sport?
I just think if that's the change that's required in the end to make this work would that really be all that bad?



I think that this is useless discussion number 4B Lets just take it as read and move on.

Silvercore never mentioned "taking on the CBSA" besides it is not the CBSA that makes the laws.. they just interprit them.. and apply them.

Go ahead and read the literaly thousands of posts already made on this subject.. and you will find all the thoughts you need.

I appreciate that you may not know the depth that this issue and all its permutations have been totaly thrashed to death on here already.. being your 2nd post an all.. but trust me.. its been thrashed to hell and back 100 times before.

There are a lot of excellent posts on the subject in other threads.. have a look and you will discover all the issues.
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Old March 20th, 2008, 20:39   #80
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I never said that Silvercore was 'taking' on the CBSA, I said I liked that they are talking to them. I know it's been talked about on here alot, and I have been reading the different threads, most of what I've read is that the small importer/retailers have tried to make changes and talk to some people with no real gain made. I just thought that it was good that a larger reputable firearms and tactics training company is taking steps towards hopefully changing things.

Having said that, I will Read and move on as you've said.
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Old March 23rd, 2008, 15:52   #81
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Originally Posted by Firewalker View Post
I'd love another retailer about as much as I'd love to win the lottery.

That being said. I wouldn't risk your established business with something that is, as shown by recent events, destined to fail, or at least cause a lot of heartache.

I'd have to say, that the gesture is beyond what could ever be expected, and honestly appreciated, but it's just not worth it in the end.

We've got ways to get what we need, not the most convenient, but it works. No need to jeopardize your livelihood for our convenience.
I have to kind of agree with this now..
You came here asking a question and it has turned into everyone wanting you to become a new canadian retailer. As great as that would be dont get pressured into it unless you really actually want it.
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Old March 25th, 2008, 11:49   #82
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I know many of you are jaded, but heck you don't have to be a killjoy! There is nothing wrong with asking questions and getting information. Silvercore is in a position that NONE of you have been in, or can be in. He knows people at CBSA and has an established relationship with them. We already know that airsoft is often at the individual *interpretation* of CBSA officers, and unless you're in contact with the same guys that Silvercore is in contact with - you simply don't know what answer he is going to get.

Silvercore is going above and beyond to get information and do this within the law. I am willing to pay whatever price he thinks is fair for the guns. There's no need to shoot down his efforts and say "they won't work" (even if they haven't worked for *other* people). What's the point exactly of doing this? Just let him ask and get answers for himself.

It always pisses me off when people make assumptions and shoot down people's efforts to get information from source. Doing that makes the human race a lot more stupid.
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Old March 25th, 2008, 12:56   #83
The Saint
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Sigsour, before you go and snap at people, you might want to reread the thread. The critical comments were directed not at Silvercore, but rather at other people providing misinformation. And a lot of that misinformation comes from people confusing Silvercore's legitimate goal to import for training with the idea that he's somehow opening the door for importation for the purpose of resale.
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Old March 25th, 2008, 14:53   #84
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The Saint, before you go and snap at me, why don't you read how Silvercore responded to those threads. He was obviously:
1) showing interest in a legitimate side business selling airsoft
2) discouraged from doing so after reading the negative posts

I prefer to take the approach of: "go on and give it a go - there's no harm in trying". Rather than "raise the white flag, give up and go home because the big bad wolf can never be beaten". Well if you know the history of paintball - you know that the big bad wolf CAN be beaten.

On a side note: a potential retailer once asked me whether it might be feasible to import regular airsoft with clear bodies. I shot him down too, but I wish I didn't given the current situation. I think that importing with clear bodies, and then changing the bodies out is a great idea (or worst case: paint the bodies).
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Old March 25th, 2008, 14:56   #85
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take it to PM's guys keep this thread clean, or warnings will happen.

If this is not to answer the original questions asked, then stay out of this thread.
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Old October 31st, 2009, 11:45   #86
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Just to bump this up:
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Old October 31st, 2009, 11:56   #87
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Strange. They did not have the proper liscence or did not obey the restrictions comming with those liscenses.

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Old October 31st, 2009, 12:06   #88
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Maybe, but you can get all those charges simply by moving your gun to a different gun cabinet, and all of them are subjective charges. There is no standard as to how ammunition should be stored and meet a "within close proximity" requirement.

It varies from CFO to CFO, and cop to cop. This guy was VPD for 30 years, you would think he should know the law, but apparently it's a little grey for him too.

Funny how these charges were laid about the time this thread was started, yet they have not been arraigned yet? I smell political-timing BS here.
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Old October 31st, 2009, 13:08   #89
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But him being a VPD does not mean anything since we don't have any details here. He could have become complacent and negligent. Or plain arrogant with the "veteran police" status.

We don't know.

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Old October 31st, 2009, 13:29   #90
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One thing to keep in mind, the laws regarding firearms are not straightforward.

Imagine you are driving your car down a freeway, 3 lanes on each side. There are posted speed signs every few km saying 100km/hr. Suddenly, out of nowhere, you are stopped by a dozen police cars. They inform you that the speed limit was changed without notice to 30km/hr on a freeway, your car is now prohibited because the tires are different and someone doesn't like it's agressive looks, and they will be seizing your car. Also, your license will become invalid because they reclassified your car due to it's different tires and looks.

Now, you are facing charges of possessing an prohibited vehicle, driving without a license for this class of vehicle, and you now have a fine to pay for speeding and no insurance (because you can't insure something that is illegal). Oh, and you will get no compensation for your seized car, you have to fight to get your license back (at your expense), just so you can buy another car.

Now, these changes were made by someone in a cubicle far away, they are under no requirements to inform you, although they may. Ignorance of the law is no defence. You are immediately guilty, the Deprtament of Transport has placed a reverse-onus clause upon you that states you must prove your innocence of the charges. And BTW, there is mandatory jail time of 3 years for possessing a prohibited car without a valid licence. This is what firearms owners face everyday, it is no dream.

Even though this fellow may have VPD and been intimately familiar with the law, when it can be unevenly applied or changed, and being completely subjective in nature, there are going to be problems. One might think that a law should not be this way, and they are right. But the reality is that it is this way, and is applied as such everyday.
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