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Search: Posts Made By: Black_Orchid
Forum: Airsoft Media July 22nd, 2008, 02:04
Replies: 11
Views: 8,971
Posted By Black_Orchid
Forum: General June 24th, 2008, 15:41
Replies: 1,578
Views: 1,296,614
Posted By Black_Orchid
-When a seller neglects to put sold anywhere in...

-When a seller neglects to put sold anywhere in their thread, especially when it's something you really really wanted
-people who think post count matters
-people who say they're all hardcore...
Forum: General November 7th, 2007, 01:48
Replies: 192
Views: 90,412
Posted By Black_Orchid
I didn't know HellRanger, but his death is still...

I didn't know HellRanger, but his death is still tragic and shocking to me. My condolences to his friends, family, and all those who knew him. Rest in Peace.
Forum: Airsoft Media August 2nd, 2007, 21:02
Replies: 13
Views: 15,940
Posted By Black_Orchid
Yay it's about time! Looking good!

Yay it's about time! Looking good!
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion May 11th, 2007, 17:33
Replies: 10
Views: 8,391
Posted By Black_Orchid
I have a claw mount on my MP5 and I love it. ...

I have a claw mount on my MP5 and I love it. It's great because if for whatever reason your red dot dies in a game, you can still use your steel sights underneath it. I've never had any kind of...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion May 2nd, 2007, 01:17
Replies: 34
Views: 26,230
Posted By Black_Orchid

Forum: Airsoft Media April 23rd, 2007, 14:51
Replies: 104
Views: 44,037
Posted By Black_Orchid
Well damn it Max! You've discovered my deep dark...

Well damn it Max! You've discovered my deep dark terrible secret! Now I'm going to keep those dummy rounds to spite you for exposing me! ;)
Forum: Airsoft Media April 23rd, 2007, 02:27
Replies: 104
Views: 44,037
Posted By Black_Orchid
Looks great! Maybe you could try a Multicam...

Looks great! Maybe you could try a Multicam bandana if you like the feel of the rag better?

Ah good to know, that sounds very comfy. I have a love/hate relationship with my kneepads. Love...
Forum: Airsoft Media April 22nd, 2007, 16:33
Replies: 104
Views: 44,037
Posted By Black_Orchid
hah Yes Xenos, I sure did ;) Is it? I...

hah Yes Xenos, I sure did ;)

Is it? I might check it out then. Not sure if I'd get it though. At the moment I like the idea of keeping my scar as my outdoor primary.

If I hadn't spent...
Forum: Airsoft Media April 22nd, 2007, 10:42
Replies: 104
Views: 44,037
Posted By Black_Orchid
Team hats would be sweet, when are you guys...

Team hats would be sweet, when are you guys getting them? I have a MC helmet cover and boonie and I use em both about the same.

Thanks! I still have my MP5 but I just got the scar last week and...
Forum: Airsoft Media April 21st, 2007, 21:19
Replies: 104
Views: 44,037
Posted By Black_Orchid
That is truly wicked! Now go get a Multicam...

That is truly wicked! Now go get a Multicam boonie, hat, and/or helmet cover!
Forum: General December 19th, 2006, 20:47
Replies: 28
Views: 20,387
Posted By Black_Orchid
Wow...That just takes away all the fun of using a...

Wow...That just takes away all the fun of using a pistol...
Forum: Airsoft Media December 18th, 2006, 04:14
Replies: 26
Views: 13,480
Posted By Black_Orchid
Awesome! She should make one for each camo...

Awesome! She should make one for each camo pattern! I'll take a Multicam Teddy! :D Kudos to her!
Forum: Gear Discussion December 14th, 2006, 00:57
Replies: 24
Views: 12,282
Posted By Black_Orchid
I have the same knee pads you do and they killed...

I have the same knee pads you do and they killed the back of my knees aswell. I tried crossing the straps and it helped a lot for me. I don't know if you've already tried that yet, but it's worth a...
Forum: Accessories Discussion November 6th, 2006, 01:28
Replies: 59
Views: 26,157
Posted By Black_Orchid
Sweet, I'd get one! I have more M4 mags than G36...

Sweet, I'd get one! I have more M4 mags than G36 mags at the moment, so I wouldn't mind at all!
Forum: General September 19th, 2006, 22:55
Replies: 118
Views: 39,786
Posted By Black_Orchid
A warning wont do any good for people who are...

A warning wont do any good for people who are bent on believing that everything resembling guns leads to shootings like the one at Dawsons College.

I agree with taking out the chairsofting...
Forum: Airsoft Media September 12th, 2006, 13:56
Replies: 31
Views: 16,667
Posted By Black_Orchid
I don't think it looks all that bad. I do agree...

I don't think it looks all that bad. I do agree with Talraga about the K carry handle; I think it makes it look a bit uneven, but I think putting a G36C carry handle on it would just make it look...
Forum: Gear Discussion September 2nd, 2006, 00:33
Replies: 25
Views: 13,180
Posted By Black_Orchid
Knee pads are handy if you do a lot of crouching....

Knee pads are handy if you do a lot of crouching. Maybe not a must, but good to have if you suddenly need to drop down fast out in the bush.
Forum: Airsoft Media August 28th, 2006, 21:59
Replies: 10
Views: 14,160
Posted By Black_Orchid
Very impressive Lerch. Wanna sell it? Just...

Very impressive Lerch. Wanna sell it? Just kidding, don't ever sell that thing! I think you should have a maple leaf on both sides of your mag.

Forum: General August 24th, 2006, 00:13
Replies: 161
Views: 49,112
Posted By Black_Orchid
Any empty theme park at night. All equipment and...

Any empty theme park at night. All equipment and lights off (except for maybe the merry go round for a creepy factor).
Forum: Gear Discussion August 22nd, 2006, 01:17
Replies: 18
Views: 16,854
Posted By Black_Orchid
Good stuff swatt, I think it will be helpful for...

Good stuff swatt, I think it will be helpful for those who read. Just a few little things to add. Though most of your info can apply to a lot of people, there are a few things that I don't think...
Forum: Airsoft Media August 19th, 2006, 02:40
Replies: 2
Views: 3,173
Posted By Black_Orchid
Who needs to yell "Hit!" when "AAAAAAUGGHHH!!"...

Who needs to yell "Hit!" when "AAAAAAUGGHHH!!" works just as well!

Nice vid though :tup:
Forum: General August 15th, 2006, 23:12
Replies: 16
Views: 9,539
Posted By Black_Orchid
I don't think weather should be a big factor in...

I don't think weather should be a big factor in planning a milsim (unless it's part of the storyline). Though I find a lot of people prefer to play when it's nice out, I say it doesn't matter, it's...
Forum: General August 14th, 2006, 01:49
Replies: 23
Views: 13,342
Posted By Black_Orchid
I personally don't think there is a "better",...

I personally don't think there is a "better", it's all personal preference. I find indoors and outdoors are 2 different playing styles as a lot of the things you need to do and pay attention to are...
Forum: General August 13th, 2006, 21:39
Replies: 23
Views: 13,342
Posted By Black_Orchid
Maybe you need a new boyfriend? Go play without...

Maybe you need a new boyfriend? Go play without him. You live in Calgary? Go play with JOC ( if you haven't already. There are plenty of knowledgeable...
Forum: General August 11th, 2006, 01:27
Replies: 18
Views: 11,520
Posted By Black_Orchid
I'm sure they'll fix it. They always manage to...

I'm sure they'll fix it. They always manage to one way or another.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 10th, 2006, 12:47
Replies: 17
Views: 9,078
Posted By Black_Orchid
I prefer the A4 over the SD. Yes they are both...

I prefer the A4 over the SD. Yes they are both the same internally, but You can always easily add and remove a silencer on the A4. That and I think the SD is ugly, but that's just me.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 9th, 2006, 18:45
Replies: 411
Views: 275,661
Posted By Black_Orchid
Out of all the ugly guns out there, the AUG takes...

Out of all the ugly guns out there, the AUG takes the cake in my book. It reminds me of a paintball gun. That and the way the full and semi auto mechanism annoying.
Forum: Showcase August 9th, 2006, 00:37
Replies: 58
Views: 159,047
Posted By Black_Orchid
I was thinking the exact same thing. That is...

I was thinking the exact same thing.

That is really impressive! I'd take it!
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 8th, 2006, 11:46
Replies: 42
Views: 20,204
Posted By Black_Orchid
I think you should go ahead and make a prototype...

I think you should go ahead and make a prototype anyway and then see how many people would be interested. Show people pictures, tell them a bit about how it works, show firing/fps test results, and...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 6th, 2006, 15:48
Replies: 53
Views: 28,670
Posted By Black_Orchid
If you're serious about getting into airsoft,...

If you're serious about getting into airsoft, you're going to limit yourself in terms of guns. I still stick to my opinion about you getting a P90, but in the future, you're probably going to...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 6th, 2006, 02:09
Replies: 53
Views: 28,670
Posted By Black_Orchid
I think a P90 might be a good choice for you. ...

I think a P90 might be a good choice for you. It's fairly light and has the same barrel length as a G36C so it would be alright for outdoors aswell. It's pretty small and your hands are very close...
Forum: General August 2nd, 2006, 23:45
Replies: 25
Views: 13,634
Posted By Black_Orchid
thephenom -Though I dont think having them...

thephenom -Though I dont think having them participating in an airsoft MILSIM may be the best way to go, somehow I don't think sending them to scouts, or using waterguns will get the point accross. ...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 31st, 2006, 17:29
Replies: 28
Views: 20,947
Posted By Black_Orchid
It kind of reminds me of an old flint pistol by...

It kind of reminds me of an old flint pistol by the way it's shaped. It looks like it'd be fun to use!
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 30th, 2006, 09:37
Replies: 29
Views: 15,424
Posted By Black_Orchid
iiiinteresting, that's not what he told us when...

iiiinteresting, that's not what he told us when we asked. Well, as long as a parent has to be present.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 29th, 2006, 21:09
Replies: 29
Views: 15,424
Posted By Black_Orchid
Well then, looks like JOC will have yet one more...

Well then, looks like JOC will have yet one more piece of intersting gossip to talk about.

I said I had to see it to believe it, and now I do. Stopped by the place while on my way to a friends...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 28th, 2006, 02:39
Replies: 29
Views: 15,424
Posted By Black_Orchid
Yes please do. And while you're at it, make...

Yes please do. And while you're at it, make mention of where exactly in Calgary it is aswell...I have to see this before I can believe it.
Forum: General July 25th, 2006, 00:38
Replies: 18
Views: 11,520
Posted By Black_Orchid
Not on my end. I clicked the "Why am I seeing...

Not on my end. I clicked the "Why am I seeing this web site?" link at the bottom and it says "Inquiring about the domain '', with status: Expired". I tried it on Explorer and it comes...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 19th, 2006, 22:34
Replies: 43
Views: 18,782
Posted By Black_Orchid
They're both beautiful, I'd take either of them!

They're both beautiful, I'd take either of them!
Forum: General July 18th, 2006, 13:41
Replies: 37
Views: 16,760
Posted By Black_Orchid
I really like that idea Greylocks!

I really like that idea Greylocks!
Forum: General July 18th, 2006, 13:39
Replies: 7
Views: 7,023
Posted By Black_Orchid
He/she does the same thing here. I'm still...

He/she does the same thing here. I'm still waiting to meet him/her at a game.
Forum: General July 18th, 2006, 00:20
Replies: 37
Views: 16,760
Posted By Black_Orchid
Why are you still here? If airsoft is such a...

Why are you still here? If airsoft is such a pussy sport for people with no skill, then what does that say about you being here hm? If you hate it so much get out. While you're at it, learn to...
Forum: General July 17th, 2006, 20:17
Replies: 137
Views: 50,933
Posted By Black_Orchid
I am so sorry to hear about this. I will keep...

I am so sorry to hear about this. I will keep you and everyone else who was close to her in my prayers. You have plenty of people here to support you through this. Be strong.
Forum: General July 13th, 2006, 21:09
Replies: 13
Views: 8,174
Posted By Black_Orchid
Free issue huh? Looks good, Send one my way! ...

Free issue huh? Looks good, Send one my way! Give John my kudos.
Forum: General July 12th, 2006, 21:08
Replies: 14
Views: 8,923
Posted By Black_Orchid
Indeed, but a few months is ample time for people...

Indeed, but a few months is ample time for people to get their hopes up over items that have already been sold. All because some people can't be bothered to put "SOLD" in their thread or beside the...
Forum: General July 12th, 2006, 15:11
Replies: 14
Views: 8,923
Posted By Black_Orchid
If you've run into it a lot, you can be sure...

If you've run into it a lot, you can be sure other people have too. I have a couple times here and there, it's annoying and frustrating. I remember buying a vest a while back and it was still up...
Forum: Accessories Discussion July 12th, 2006, 15:01
Replies: 11
Views: 7,433
Posted By Black_Orchid
One of the issues I have with bipods is that...

One of the issues I have with bipods is that they're very annoying to use if you're playing on rugged uneven terrain...of cource I suppose it depends on what kind of bipod you have, but still it's...
Forum: General July 9th, 2006, 23:29
Replies: 51
Views: 20,017
Posted By Black_Orchid
To us? Yes. To kids and anyone who's unaware of...

To us? Yes. To kids and anyone who's unaware of the existence of good airsoft, it's the coolest thing EVER.
Forum: Gear Discussion July 7th, 2006, 13:21
Replies: 31
Views: 23,590
Posted By Black_Orchid
Looks kinda cool. I think it'll take some...

Looks kinda cool. I think it'll take some getting used to for me. I'm just so used to the regular tiger stripe.
Forum: General July 6th, 2006, 14:19
Replies: 62
Views: 26,343
Posted By Black_Orchid
Send a running, flailing, hollaring, skipping in...

Send a running, flailing, hollaring, skipping in circles, player in a ghillie out in the open for a momentary distraction. And if it doesn't work on the regulars, at least you'll get the giggling...
Showing results 1 to 50 of 101

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