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Old January 11th, 2010, 13:01   #1
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Mac 11 gbb

Dear Airsoft experts.

As a lover of both firearms and airsoft I love the MAC-11. Just to clarify the real MAC-11 is a MUCH smaller MUCH lighter .380 only version of the MAC-10. Many airsoft websites call it an “M11.” The M11 is MUCH smaller MUCH lighter MUCH cheaper and crappier version of the MAC-10 in 9mm only. Unlike the MACs no semi auto open bolt version was ever released.

I’m looking for a really really good gas blow back version of the MAC-11 so I can experience the joy of full auto for under $4000 in my own home. About two years ago I got just that (no idea whom the manufacturer was). It’s scary how real this is. The gun dry fires just fine but after extensive testing I found the problem is that the rounds do not load into the barrel properly. They all jam up. This appears to be a design defect I thoroughly disassembled the gun and found nothing wrong.

Another issue is the magazine. The mags sold at my local store are about 5mm shorter than the mag it came with. Hence the gun will dry fire fine but no rounds will load at all. No jams, the bolt will simply never remove the round from the mag at all.

G&P makes a full metal receiver, upper, barrel, and barrel extension which I would love to stain.

Since there are so many different versions of this airsoft I do not know what version to get. Who makes the best MAC-11? KWA, HJC, KCS, or whom? The Maruzen version seems totally different so it does not interest me.

What airsoft would you recommend for G&Ps all metal conversion?

Best place to buy?

Can my current gun, manufacturer unknown, be fixed?
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Old January 11th, 2010, 13:05   #2
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*edit nvm you're in the usa

Last edited by pusangani; January 11th, 2010 at 13:30..
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Old January 11th, 2010, 13:21   #3
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Aside from the buying part, I think the popular one out there is KSC/KWA version(one the G&P kit was made for). Which had 2 versions. Old one(no longer made), and the new System 7/NS2 one.

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Old January 11th, 2010, 13:44   #4
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Ns2 KWA M11 or System 7 KSC M11 would be what you want. No body kits exist for them yet, the G&P body you're thinking of is for the Pre-system 7/ns2, KSC/KWA M11.

TM is the only company that makes the M10.

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Old January 11th, 2010, 14:13   #5
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I think the G&P lower fits the S7 one, upper and the bolt don't. However, eHobby and UNC both sells G&P kitted S7 I think there is a way for it to work...

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Old January 11th, 2010, 14:14   #6
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Probably liberal application of dremel. I'd love to hear from someone who's done it though, I love Macs and the G&P kit is a beaut.

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Old January 11th, 2010, 14:32   #7
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We'll see in a couple of days....

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Old January 12th, 2010, 12:08   #8
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Thanks for the advice.

Yes, I’m here in the US and was just at the range with my AK47 and Calico 9mm yesterday.

By “where” to buy I was referring to a website.

It seems the bottom line is that there were two versions of this gun, the System 7 and Pre-System 7. (I was told by my local airsoft dealer the System 7 works much much better) and the System 7 clips seem to be the ones being sold now. Remember I mentioned the 5mm difference in magazine feed height.

E Bay sellers don’t seem to differentiate.

Mine is probably a Pre-System 7.

I’d rather have a plastic gun that worked well than a metal one that didn’t.

Now the quandary exists, will the G&P kit work for a System 7, Pre-System 7, or both?

Maybe the custom way is the way to go since there’s a better change the airsoft smith got it to work with whatever system they were using.

Is there any way to correct the feed problem in my system?

I don’t want to spend $100 USD on a new gun and $175 USD on a kit only to find out the two are not compatible. My shooting range still has a real .380 M12 (closed bolt semi version of the MAC-11.) for $440.

As for Tokyo Marui’s MAC-10 AEG. Yes I’ve got one and it’s extremely authentic and fun as hell to shoot. But it’s not open bolt like the MAC-11 GBB which is what open bolt lovers like myself want.
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Old January 12th, 2010, 12:19   #9
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They also sell the S-7 mag right now...while its still in stock...

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Old January 12th, 2010, 12:22   #10
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Buy the metal ksc it's system 7 and full metal with trades


Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
lol why is it that every single fucking underaged kid that comes thru here happens to have some private land to play on when accused of playing in public
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Old January 12th, 2010, 16:10   #11
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Trades are a no-no in the States afaik. They will just get dremeled off by their Customs officials.
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This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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Old January 12th, 2010, 16:11   #12
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Not exactly true....Most shop either cover it with sharpie(removable by acetone), or electrical tape, or sometime some kind of black goo....

Also, the trademark issue(as well as orange tip) applies only to complete gun....if you have it shipped dissembled, most of the time they don't even cover it and I've had no issues...

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Last edited by RacingManiac; January 12th, 2010 at 16:13..
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Old January 12th, 2010, 18:45   #13
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Update: Today I met with another local airsoft dealer. We thoroughly examined and compared the old and new MAC-11 and found some major difference!

The new System 7 or NS2 and he called it, features a metal stripper just below the gas bolt. This stripper picks up the round and loads it into position. The barrel also features metal a feed ramp attached to the barrel for the round to be loaded. These improvements give the new magazine a lower profile under 5mm, more like 2mm.

The Pre-System 7 or Pre-NS2 lacks a round stripper and leaves a nasty gap in between the clip and barrel.

No wonder the new system is far better. It is almost impossible to tell these small differences in magazine hiegt unless you hold the two right next to each other. This makes buying online hard to tell which system it is.

Modifying my Pre-System 7 gun is impossible since the the bolt, barrel, and magazine well are all different.

Big question, is the G&P metal conversion for the old or new system?

It would seem odd that they would make it for an old system. The new mags airsoft dealers are selling are for the new system.

The dealer said he knows little about which system the G&P metal upgrade is for. It may work on both. Or may work only after a fee alterations.

A custom version may be the way to go but they run pretty high in price. It may be better to first buy the System 7 gun, then the kit. That way I can stain the kit just the way I want it. This way even if they are not compatable, at least I still have the plastic System 7.
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Old January 12th, 2010, 19:03   #14
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The lower can be shared, not the upper or the bolt. At least that seems to be the understanding. But as I said, they sell G&P converted System 7 gun. So there are either 2 kits, or the gun are not that different that the parts can be modified to fit....

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Old January 14th, 2010, 23:20   #15
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OK, now that I know what I need, the question is where to get it?

I mistakenly assumed that if I ordered all my airsoft items through one source I could save on shipping. However wants $63 USD for an 8 week delivery!

Redwolf airsoft was slightly more reasonable at $58 -$22 discount = $36. But they do not have the System 7 gun I need.

Can anyone recommend an all round good airsoft website? In the US with reasonable shipping? I will pick up the remaining items on e-bay.
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