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KJW Hi-capa Trigger Issue-Double Pull to fire


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Old August 17th, 2009, 13:29   #1
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Aurora/Ontario
KJW Hi-capa Trigger Issue-Double Pull to fire

Hey Guys,

I need some help, checked the Faq'a and did not see anything on this.

I have a KJW Hi capa KP05, I recently dragged it through the dirt and had to clean it. I got all the dirt out and lubed it up and now when I try to fire it I have to pull the trigger twice to fire once.

If I manually cock the hammer, it appears to fire fine when I pull the trigger. If I rack the slide to cock it, it goes into squeeze the trigger twice mode in order to get the hammer to release.

When it does it fires fine, but it is almost like I need to wiggle the trigger to get some internal part to move or activate. Is the leaf spring the issue or am I missing something.

Any ideas would be much appreciated,


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Old August 17th, 2009, 13:31   #2
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I'm having this exact same problem with my MEU!

When you shoot, does your gun some-times appear to only have 3/4ths the power that it normally does (Both BB shot and slide blow-back)?

Sadly I'm a 1911 noob as this is my first 1911, so I'm looking to learn
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Old August 17th, 2009, 13:37   #3
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T....did you completely tear it down...or just the basic field strip?

Did you pull the blow back unit/nozzle?

Is the first trigger pull completely dead? no tension/feel to it?

Check the leaf spring, the tip that sits on the sear and the tip that pushes on the disconnect.

I'd also check that the grip is not tweaking things and riding low. Loosen off the screw at the front, then both grip screws. Make sure the grip is as tight up as possible to the mid-frame, then tighten the grips screws. Then snug (not Hulk) up my screw at the front.

Probably not convenient...but bring it by the house if you want and I'll take a look at it.

I've got a bunch or spare parts that will help isolate the problem as well.
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Old August 17th, 2009, 13:44   #4
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Location: Aurora/Ontario
I did a complete strip but not to the nozzle I left that together, I cleaned out the leaf spring area and washed an lubed the hammer assembly area and put it back together.

The trigger does have some tension the first time, it is almost like the first squeeze resets something then it can fire. I did add a spacer to the hammer spring to give it a bit more kick but that was it, I would not think that would affect the trigger.

Maybe I bent the leaf spring a bit and and now the tensions are not correct? Not sure

Cry Havoc, Let slip the Dogs of War!

"Opportunities multiply as they are seized."
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Old August 17th, 2009, 14:33   #5
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The trigger pushes the trigger stirrup. The stirrup pushes against the disconnector, which presses against the sear when the grip safety is depressed.

The left finger of the leaf spring applies pressure so the grip safety works. Too much pressure is almost never an issue...unless it tweaks the other two fingers out of position.

The middle finger is the sear pressure. All it needs is for the tip of the finger to ride (without catching) the ramp of the sear.

The right finger is the disconnect pressure...same as the middle's got to slide nicely. That's why if the grip drops the tips of the fingers might catch on the ramps of the sear and disconnect.

If those are interfacing nicely that's good. Then check that they're getting 1) pushed properly by the trigger bar...2) moving freely

1) the trigger stirup might be bent and not giving a full push (but then it's likely that it wouldn't shoot on the second pull either)

2) for whatever reason it sounds like the disconnect is sticking. The tip of the disconnect sticks up from the lower frame on the right side. Is it gritty/sticky/over greased? Maybe the first pull is freeing it up to get into position and then the next pull is tripping the shot.

Rack the slide. Tap the grip safety a couple of times (i.e. little slaps). Grip normally and pull trigger. If it shoots, your disconnect is probably sticking....why is a different issue.

I'd pull the mid frame apart, clean each piece, lightly oil (silicone) and test again.

A spacer (1 bb?) in the mainspring will put wear and tear on the knocker....not sure how much of an FPS boost you get. The strong force on the hammer makes it harder for the slide to cycle and slows the shot-to-shot time. Shouldn't affect things so far as function goes unless it's retardedly stiff.
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