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Tm 226 big issue


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Old August 12th, 2009, 13:12   #1
A Total Bastard
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Tm 226 big issue

So I ask... after being completely stumped once again... what would cause a 226 from not blowing back completely? IE fire, and it just shoots the projectile, blows back half way, and thats it, doesnt rack the hammer or chamber another round for the next shot...

I have replaced everything I could think of with new, IE all springs, stock hammer spring from 150%(Worked recently on the weekend with a friends stock spring, now it wont with the one I just received) full blowback assembly, new firing pin, ect...

Any thoughts or best yet, a solution would be fantastic as this has me pretty pissed off.

Thanks in advance
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Old August 12th, 2009, 13:18   #2
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Have you tried a different mag?

I had a similar problem crop up on a HiCapa, changed to another mag (both were stock) and the problem disappeared. The original mag was toast, I suspect (though I hadn't looked at it further) that the valve would stick at a certain point, or the ports were dirty.

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Old August 12th, 2009, 13:23   #3
The Saint
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It sounds like it may be a problem with the sears. Normally when the internal hammer strikes the gas valve, it locks down against the magazine valve and stays there until the rearward movement of the slide trips a sear. When the slide trips the sear, internal hammer resets and the gas valve is shut off.

In the event of the internal hammer not locking down (or somehow getting tripped really, really prematurely), it'll still strike the gas valve and release some gas, allowing the BB to be fired. However, the hammer resets before enough gas is released to complete slide cycling.
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Old August 12th, 2009, 13:27   #4
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3 different mags, and the brand new one earlier. Running on propane so lots of power.

Hmm thats an interesting idea saint, im guessing the sears for the 226 is just the hammer bar the spring goes on? The rest of the peices inside the hammer looked to be in good shape otherwise.
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Old August 12th, 2009, 13:29   #5
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On the mag main valve take the feed lips off and make sure that the valve opening is facing up. The port is nearly half the valve...and if not facing straight up it causes problems.

Try swapping the floating valve and spring out (or trying different combos). How hard is that one shot? Normal, weak, too strong? Should have asked...I had a spare one for that too I think...

Feel free to clip that spring I gave you...I was pretty sure it was a stock one, but maybe it wasn't.

Does it vent when it half-racks...or does it cut off the gas properly, just doesn't cock back far enough?

New loading nozzel isn't too tight on piston head?

The little knocker cut off moves freely up and down? If it's sticking it may hang up the slide enough to stop it.

Barrel hasn't gotten all mucked up?

Too bad you're not closer, just bring it by and we'll put in on the bench for a bit.

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Old August 12th, 2009, 13:30   #6
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does the slide racks normally with no obvious hang up? I'd also inspect nozzle and checking it for crack.....they make aftermarket nozzle for P226, so I am assuming it is a part that may have problem in stock form....

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Old August 12th, 2009, 13:36   #7
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Ill keep checking for hang ups, the power is pretty much normal, maybe a bit less... it hasnt worked in quite awhile so im starting to forget just how awesome it did shoot at one point

The whole blowback chamber, including new nozzel, power up bulb, guarder piston head, new spring, and recent enhanced valve blocker up there. So I dont think its the problem, as I did try to swap stock, different springs, ect.

3 different mags, all doing the same thing, but I will check all of them in case all is the proble. However I tried them all in my friends stock 226 and they all worked fine, as well as his in mine and still had the problem

The gun worked perfect on the weekend with his hammer spring, so I dont get how its back to this now, but ill keep at it.

The knocker works perfect, its brand new stock TM, I have a steel one here as well if all fails, new springs inside the hammer assembly, properly lubed and it all cycles fine by hand.

There is no gas loss anymore, that was a problem before untill I discovered the knocker was broken, it cuts off normal and propper now, just too soon it seems!
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Old August 12th, 2009, 13:49   #8
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A overly stiff mainspring will cause the slide to slow since the recoil has to push against that spring to cock the hammer.

You've got a 150% spring already...and the one I sent you. Go ahead and clip a coil or two from the one I sent you. At worst you f*ck up the spring

I've got another...but I can't compare it to anything to tell you if it's stock or not.
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Old August 12th, 2009, 13:53   #9
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Just clipped a coil off, hammer is way looser, but still the same problem.... HMMMMM... Its as if its a valve issue, yet everything seems to be in order. Everything is new... The nozzel seems to stick a bit at the end, so ill work on that, but it should work if the nozzel comes all the way out, it would be if the nozzel was being locked in the back that it wouldnt blow back I think...
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Old August 12th, 2009, 14:02   #10
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Is the button (part that is struck) of the main valve sitting flush with the back of the mag...if it's screwed in too much it may not be getting a full strike from the knocker. Same thing happens if your knocker is a touch too short (but there's nothing you can do about that).

Does holding the mag up into the magwell (i.e. with support hand) help at all? Not related to the depth of the mag valve but it tends to identify if there's a seal issue between the top seal of the mag and the nozzle.

Jeez...takes forever to write all this out when it only takes a couple of minutes in person to check...LOL
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Old August 12th, 2009, 14:19   #11
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LMAO, I hear ya pal... ill try that, maybe unscrewing the valve a bit, made my own tool for that. As well as holding the mag thing, but I have tried shooting it many different ways to see lol.

Just dont get it! It used to work fine as is with all the 150% springs ect
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Old August 12th, 2009, 14:47   #12
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have you tried lubing the shit out of the mag(2-4 drops in adaptor), filling from a new can of propane then firing upside down?

mine used to short cycle and not lock when empty but doing that seemed to have helped. though mine did cycle enough to still engage the hammer. slide just wouldnt lock.
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Old August 12th, 2009, 15:02   #13
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Yeah duck, I tried that after you gave me the tip on the weekend, she totaly is lubed, yet still doing the same thing.
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Old August 12th, 2009, 17:26   #14
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doh...forgot i mentioned it. getting old you know.

ummmm....10lb sledgehammer???
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Old August 12th, 2009, 17:46   #15
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Originally Posted by Duckman View Post
doh...forgot i mentioned it. getting old you know.

ummmm....10lb sledgehammer???
Haha... If it wasnt a $400 Creation Full Metal kit, and my first ever airsoft gun... I would consider it lol. Im thinking of putting everything into the plastic again and seeing what happens.
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