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sig 552 hop up: too tight!


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Old May 19th, 2009, 14:09   #1
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sig 552 hop up: too tight!

i bought a rebranded jg sig 552. thought it might be interesting to replace the barrel with a 6.03 tight bore. the disassembly went pretty good despite it being my first aeg.

The problem is when i put the new barrel in, i dont think it lines up properly with the clip that holds the barrel in place when you insert it into the hop up assy.

have any of you had this problem before?

is it just a newb mistake?

I lined up the rubber insert with the grove running down the barrel, and the hop up rubber is in the right place and the gun shoots awesome....just cant adjust the hop up.
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Old May 19th, 2009, 14:31   #2
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Sounds almost like you lost the hopup bucking when you were disassembling it. Done that a few times myself. U ain't gonna be able to get much if any hopup if it's not in place over the hop rubber.

It's the tiny rubber tube that pushes on ur hop rubber/sleeve. It's meant to sit between the rubber and the lever that controls the hopup height. They always fall out LOL.

Last edited by CJay; May 19th, 2009 at 14:34..
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Old May 19th, 2009, 14:58   #3
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You could have your barrel rotated 180deg...but it's easy to have the nub fall out and not notice it.

I'm trying to recall correctly....but I think the Sig hopup unit is very similar to the G3/G36/UMP hopup unit.

There's a big adjusting ring on the front of the hopup unit that you turn to adjust the hopup. The inside of the ring has a slot that is spiraled cut into it. On the hopup body, the hopup arm has a tab that fits into this slot. As you turn the ring one way, the tab gets pushed down (more hopup) and as you turn it the other way the tab rises.

Under the tab is the hopup nub. The nub pushes down onto the hopup rubber/sleeve that goes over your barrel. The nub is always on top of your barrel (same with any AEG/GBB)

The hopup rubber/sleeve has a ridge running the length of it...that fits into the slot along the bottom of your barrel.

You'll notice the barrel (with the hopup rubber/sleeve off) a square notch cut right into/through it. That's the top and it's this window which the bump of the hopup rubber/sleeve gets push down into the bb path.

As you rotate the should see the hopup rubber/sleeve bump protrude down into the barrel.

So, got to get the hopup rubber onto the barrel the right way (ridge goes into slot). Have to insure the nub is in the adjustment arm in the hopup body. Have to make sure the "window" of the barrel is aligned with where the nub will push down into it. Have to make sure that the adjustment ring is moving the tab. Put on the barrel clip to lock the barrel into position....and you're done (almost)!

Best of luck,

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Old May 19th, 2009, 16:51   #4
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well i took her apart and it appears that i lost the rubber somewhere along the way, the tube is still in there.

the first problem still remains, the ring with the spiral grove is a very tight fit around the barrel 'c' clamp. I flipped it around just to see, but that way is much worse (obviously).

i am thinking now that i didnt have the barrel in all the way or in too far. gotta stop by tactics anyway for the rubber and more lube.
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Old May 19th, 2009, 16:59   #5
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Oh...I get you now....(although don't go into just any store asking for rubbers and lube...LOL!)

Ok, best bet is just to buy a new rubber. Most come with a nub.

If you're using a brass ring that slips over the barrel and goes between the hopup unit and barrel....make sure it's not stopping the clip from attaching securely to the barrel.

I think that most hopups like yours use and oring.

Try taking the barrel out of the hopup and test fitting the clip. It should just fit. If it doesn''s not really going to fit any better. Then test fit the clip to the hopup unit (with the barrel out). See if there's any burrs or nicks on it that are catching the retaining clip.

Make sure your hopup rubber is fully seated...if it's not, it'll stick out into the area where the clip snaps on.

Lastly...if the barrel is in, the clip is on nice and secure, the inner barrel doesn't twist/move...then just take a file and sand down the outside surface of the clip (gently/slowly) until the ring slips on nicely/snuggly.

You want some resistance'll stop your hopup from working out of position as your firing. If you can just turn it with a good amount of finger're good.

Good luck
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Old May 19th, 2009, 19:30   #6
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thanks for your replies, ive realized alot today lol. Im going to try filing the barrel clamp down tommorow and that should solve the problem, otherwise everything else is fine!
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Old May 19th, 2009, 21:05   #7
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If you have the cybergun 552, do yourself a huge favour and buy a new hopup rubber and bucking (like Tys said, they usually come together). The stock hopup rubber is shit.
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Old May 20th, 2009, 10:44   #8
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yea that was the plan but i went down to xtreme tactics and they were out, which is strange because they list them as in stock on there web page. they didnt have lube either. maybe they just dont like me haha
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Old May 20th, 2009, 22:29   #9
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Then order from Jugglez ( Great and FAST service; and advice too if you need it.
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Old May 21st, 2009, 13:09   #10
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i have bought all my needs so far from there. decent prices and shipping.

Your right, the sleeve is garbage. The groove ripped out, i put it all back together anyway but there seems to be a air seal issue (wonder why haha). The new sleeve is on the way along with a fore grip. Hopefully it'll all work out because as of now the gun shoots maybe 200 fps :S.

On another note, what lube do you guys use? Buddy there at tactics sent me to canadian tire and i pick up the silicone spray can, but do i need the silicone grease?
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Old May 21st, 2009, 14:28   #11
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White silicone grease in a tube...automotive section.

I bought some of that Super's ok.

Airsoftparts sells StickyG cylinder/gear grease. The gear grease is good, but messy (but once it's in your mechbox and you wipe your hands off...what's the big deal anyways?). The cylinder grease is nice too. Goes a long, long way.
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Old May 25th, 2009, 20:45   #12
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Location: winnipeg im frustrated...

i bought my rubbers from buy airsoft and they are too big... if thats possible. I can not fit them into my hop up assy without them bunching up and blocking the tube. I finally did get it in without the barrel then when the barrel is inserted, the hop up bunches up again. any tips? am i doing this all wrong?

when i try to insert the barrel and the hop up together the barrel goes thru the other end of the hop up rubber or the rubber doesn't go in all the way.

Is it my hop up unit? i dont see how it could be.

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Old May 25th, 2009, 20:55   #13
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Use lots of lube, like silicone oil, on the outside of the hopup rubber.

Then twist as you insert the barrel+rubber.

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Old October 27th, 2010, 17:21   #14
The Shooter
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I used sandpaper to get an even roundness. Plus you can gauge the amount of material you remove per turn. I counted the number of turns as I went and could tell how much it took off so I knew how much more I had to go. Worked like a charm.
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Old October 27th, 2010, 17:28   #15
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Don't even use silicon oil to lubricate hop-up rubbers.

Most of them are silicon based, and the oil will cause them to swell up and degrade their life and performance .

Use a dab of foaming hand soap or good ol' fashion spit.
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