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Grenade Launchers - Good, Bad or Stupid ?


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Old January 22nd, 2009, 17:10   #1
Old School Punk
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Grenade Launchers - Good, Bad or Stupid ?

Hi guys Gordo here again. Hey I don't know if I am posting this in the right section or not, please move it if I got it wrong. :wink:

Anyway I see a lot of Websites selling Airsoft Grenade Launchers and Gas BB Grenades and I am curious to find out a bit more about them.

I have never played a game of airsoft yet, I am just a basement plinker right now, but I am wondering how many guys that play Airsoft actualy use these things?

Secondly, how do you use them in a game? Do you shoot them right towards a target like a normal riffle shot, or do you shoot them into the air and then let them rain down on the enemy? :???:

Lastly from what I gather, the colorful aluminum "shell" looking thing stays in your launcher and just the BBs fly out, am I right so far? So then how come I sometimes see these launchers advertized in conjunction with little NERF footballs with tail fins? Are there 2 different types of launchers or are they used in conjunction with each other? Whats the real story?

Basically I could use a quick lesson in Grenade Launchers and their use in the field.

Thanks in advance for reading my post

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Old January 22nd, 2009, 17:25   #2
The Saint
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Airsoft 40mm grenades are essentially shotguns. They're not very common in Canada, mostly due to limited utility and cost. They're usually used in direct fire at medium to close ranges, since indirect fire is for longer ranges, a lot more difficult and a lot less effective/efficient.

Since the shell simply discharges gas, it's possible to omit the BBs and stick a Nerf ball down the launcher's barrel instead. Provided proper windage between the projectile and barrel, the shell provides the necessary impulse to propel it down the range.
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Old January 22nd, 2009, 18:14   #3
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Saint's got it all down.

Just one or two bits to add.

In close CQB that has no min-engagement's HIGHLY encouraged to shoot the grenade into the floor where it'll richochet all over the place instead of lighting someone up directly. The BBs might not be coming out as fast as a 350-400fps AEG...but the combined mass of all the shots stings pretty good close in.

In addition to nerf balls there's styro foam (the same stuff as coleman coolers...pretty hard actually) that you can use...Madbull makes them, has them in packs of 3. I have no idea how these fly...but I suspect that close up they'll hurt like hell (not cool).

Some places/games dictate that if you're in the proximity of a grenade (say 10-15')'re dead, regardless if a bb hit you or not. Same with a Tornado type grenade...if you're in a small room when it goes're dead.

They're fun...get one. But they're very limited in effective range and use.
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Old January 22nd, 2009, 18:50   #4
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What they said, yeah their all right they very nice looking item to add to your kit. But as for use wise they cost more to maintain then their worth really, but that dosnt stop me form wantting one too lol!
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Old January 22nd, 2009, 19:02   #5
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You'll get your money's worth.

If you kit up with cheap grenades, you get cheap results.

If you are willing to drop the cash for serious gear, you might be surprised.

I run a trio of Madbull XM204HPs and have been geeting good results.

G&P M203 short 350
XM204HP x3 270
CO2 charger 75
M203 grip 85
Leaf sight 45

I'm thinking of expaning and going for three more. 100 feet saturation is possible.

CO2 powerlets cost me about 60 cents bulk, so about 20 cents per shot plus BBs, which are usually 0.2s so about a dollar and twenty cents more.

Each shot costs then about a dollar forty five.

Hope this explains the costs!
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Old January 22nd, 2009, 19:09   #6
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One Con that noone mentioned yet: Makes your gun front heavy.
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I'm no expert on the law, but the only victims of rape in this story are the 40 men.
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Old January 22nd, 2009, 19:19   #7
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i agree, the difference in weight is large as a launcher and shell added to a full metal AEG makes for on heavy rig. as well its takes some getting used to aiming the offbalance guns.
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Old January 22nd, 2009, 19:29   #8
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But bad's so worth the carpal tunnel syndrome...(at least until the drive home when you can't unclench your fist...).
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Old January 22nd, 2009, 19:39   #9
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The front heavy bit is true, and something to consider. IMO you really want a gun with battery in the stock. I once ran an M4 with a battery AN/PEQ-2 and a metal M203 and it was stupidly unbalanced. Moving the battery to the stock helps balance things a bit.
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Old January 22nd, 2009, 19:54   #10
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thats my problem, full metal m4 tac with crane stock. Lipo and launcher is up front with the heavy front rail system. Thinking of moving the launcher onto the hk 416. I find as long as the crane isnt fully extended I can handle it. with the crane all the way out, it feels like holding a small child up with my left hand. Oh well funnest way to work out i can think of.
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Old January 22nd, 2009, 19:57   #11
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Try putting some weight in the Crane stock. It's heavier overall but it balances a bit more.
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Old January 22nd, 2009, 20:02   #12
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Look's cool but usefull in only a limited spectrum of use...

Basicaly 95% of the time they are LCF
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Old January 22nd, 2009, 20:08   #13
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If you dont mind spending the extra dough madbull is the way to go. They're easier to maintain, built better and stronger, and can use propane which I find easier and cheaper to obtain than green gas, co2, or any other gases that are available for airsoft. You can fire them at a high angle to cover a larger area and to get a bit more distance as well to fire them over walls etc. sort of like the real thing. I have the styrofoam rocket launcher which is not meant to be fired at people instead to be fired as a kind of an anti-tank or anti-bunker rocket launcher. I havent used it in a game yet because the styrofoam is to light and doesnt fly far enough for my liking and the little rockets aren't cheap. I'm currently thinking of making a mold for them and making my own, so I can mass produce them and not have to worry about trying to find them back. I may also add fishing weights to the front of the little rocket to give it enough mass to reach its intended target. I find grenade launchers to be quite fun and effective.
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Old January 22nd, 2009, 20:47   #14
aka coachster
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Heavy? Sometimes, but you get use to it quick when you can pop off 40mm rounds in the 600-900psi range.

Mine is mounted most time but you'll find it holstered at times when my primary feels heavy near the end of the day.

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Old January 22nd, 2009, 23:12   #15
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I can attest that a battery in a full stock helps balance it. Also a m203 has more of it's weight to the center then that madbull coachster has (though of course an m203 can't be used as a standalone pistol). I find it quite useful in battle, especially in both the defence and attack side of base assults. I know my fellow teammates find it intimidating and are leary of charging any position I might be in. And thats only with a couple of 18rd'ers. I can't wait till my six 120rd'ers arrive. I have one of the solid slug grenades. They fire a rubber head rather then a shower a bbs. they don't hit that hard, one of my teammates volinteered to test it for me. I shot him in the back from about 15 feet and he said it didn't hurt very bad at all, bruised some. But really, those solid slugs are pretty useless. They have very little range, 20 or 25 feet tops, and if you miss good luck finding the rubber head again. Of course you can get the heads 3 for $20 so that's that too bad but still, go with showers over slugs.

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