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G19 GBB and Gas Questions


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Old November 15th, 2006, 14:28   #1
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G19 GBB and Gas Questions

I have a glock 18c AEP but I would love to get a GBB version of the glock 19. (im just obsessed with the looks of glocks) Anyways, I'm planning to upgrade the g19 to the metal slide/barrel because I heard the stock plastic breaks easily. I don't plan to get any more upgrades since most of my shooting takes place at home. Correct me if I'm wrong but most upgrades would make the gun more powerful so they can have a faster ROF right? If I'm just going to shoot it at home and use duster gas, should i upgrade anything else? Also, I've read that its hard to find duster gas nowadays, any suggestions? Will duster gas bought from say...the source, london drugs,, even if its less powerful? Do I need to buy an adapter for the canister of gas or can i use an adapter from butane cans? How many mags can i fill with duster? What are the chances of my internals breaking inside because gas is more powerful than say, electric (aep). I just want to preserve my GBB as long as possible as most agree that airsoft costs way too much. I will oil up my gbb mags once I get it so everything should work fine but any precaustions regarding the g19?

Last edited by underground; November 15th, 2006 at 14:44..
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Old November 15th, 2006, 17:31   #2
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If you upgrade to a metal slide you can use Propane in your Gbb. Duster is for guns with plastic slides that can't handle the force of Propane. Buy yourself a Propane adapter from the ASC armoury and get a can of Propane and you'll be all set.


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Old November 15th, 2006, 17:52   #3
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the reason why i wanted to use duster is because its not so powerful, possibly not damaging the gun's internals. I also read though, it might corode some parts internally but I'm not too sure about that. Isn't propane stronger than greengas? The reason why I'm looking into duster is because its much easier to get a hold of, so is propane but propane is stronger and potentially more dangerous, not just explosion-wise but can cause cancer if inhaled frequently.
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Old November 15th, 2006, 18:01   #4
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Propane and green gas are the same thing except green gas has silicone oil already added and doesn't have the smell added propane does. If you ask experienced players what they would use in a Metal slided glock most will tell you they'd use Propane.


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Old November 15th, 2006, 18:09   #5
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Should I still use silicone oil if I use greengas? I guess it would be best to use propane so you can smell it otherwise you wouldn't know if you're inhaling it or not. How many mags can one can of propane fill?
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Old November 15th, 2006, 18:13   #6
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You should always use silicone oil, i even add it before using duster on the odd ocasion.
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
you are going to die..

maybe not from this .. and probably not today... but I assure you, you will die
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Old November 15th, 2006, 19:09   #7
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Wow, too many questions. If you plan to use only duster (best stuff will have the word tetraflouroethane in the warning/first aid warning at the back of the can, avoid the one that says diflouroethane................ tetra (meaning 5) is good, di (meaning 2) isn't as good) then why not stick with the plastic slide/outer barrel? I (and quite a few others) have run full propane in our stock G19s for thousands of rounds, with the only wear being a wearing of the notch the slide catch grabs onto (only affects the slide remaining open after the last shot). Others have reported (remember, only can trust the info from people that actually had it happen to them or were present when it happened/seen the amage), mostly heresay, that the stock KSC G19 will break apart if you use propane. What I've seen personally, none have had adverse damage from using propane. As for the internals, they can handle the propane no problem.

Something you will need is the enhanced recoil spring if you get a metal slide, since the increased mass of the slide will require a stronger spring to return the slide into proper battery. If you choose to buy an enhanced recoil spring, yo ucan even use it with the stock plastic slide. It'll absorb more of the rearward energy the propane will give (reducing risk of breakage) but will make the slide move forward faster. End result is a super fast cycling GBB.

And, AVOID buying a metal slide kit for it made by G&G, they are really bad, cause more problems than anything beneficial. I put a G&G outer barrel (with threaded supressor on the end) and it jammed constantly. Add in the upgrade I did ot Lutnit's KSC G19, it'd jam up constantly, barely able to get a full mag's worth of BBs out of it before it'd seize up.

Last answer (for now) is that if the temp is over 20C, you should be able to get a full two mags out of one gas fill, that is bone stock mags (no high flow valves). Even though my main G19 is fully upgraded (tightbore, etc.) I can still get a good two mags worth on a hot day per fill up. And no, I don't have high flow valves installed either. My gun shoots 0.20g BBs at 341fps as it is, so I really don't need to pay $25 per mag (six mags @ $25 each) to boost the already high fps more.
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Old November 15th, 2006, 19:14   #8
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That one deserved a metal of some sort.
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
you are going to die..

maybe not from this .. and probably not today... but I assure you, you will die
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Old November 18th, 2006, 21:50   #9
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thanks for your feedback, CDN_Stalker I am more of a collector of airsoft guns and like to shoot a couple rounds in my room every now and then. This being my first GBB gun, I'm just a bit more skeptical of the internals and externals breaking easier than say my 18c aep. If I stick to the stock plastic slide/barrel and use duster gas, will it wear out the slide as easy as it would for say, propane? I was getting price quotes for the already installed metal slide/barrel and the prices are outrageous. Lets say, for a $130USD stock gun, "the retailer" (i won't specify who) would ask for $235 and the $132USD customized gun would be asked for $290. $2 difference but the retailer would sell it for $55 difference. Especially when I'm in university and not working, $55 does seem like a lot for a full time student. So, in your oppinions, would it be necessary for me to buy the metal slide/barrel upgrade if I were to shoot every once in a while with duster? I don't want my slide to wear out because I want the slide-lock function(this is why I'm buying a GBB since my g18c aep has a fixed slide).

Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
Wow, too many questions. If you plan to use only duster (best stuff will have the word tetraflouroethane in the warning/first aid warning at the back of the can, avoid the one that says diflouroethane................ tetra (meaning 5) is good, di (meaning 2) isn't as good) then why not stick with the plastic slide/outer barrel? I (and quite a few others) have run full propane in our stock G19s for thousands of rounds, with the only wear being a wearing of the notch the slide catch grabs onto (only affects the slide remaining open after the last shot). Others have reported (remember, only can trust the info from people that actually had it happen to them or were present when it happened/seen the amage), mostly heresay, that the stock KSC G19 will break apart if you use propane. What I've seen personally, none have had adverse damage from using propane. As for the internals, they can handle the propane no problem.

Something you will need is the enhanced recoil spring if you get a metal slide, since the increased mass of the slide will require a stronger spring to return the slide into proper battery. If you choose to buy an enhanced recoil spring, yo ucan even use it with the stock plastic slide. It'll absorb more of the rearward energy the propane will give (reducing risk of breakage) but will make the slide move forward faster. End result is a super fast cycling GBB.

And, AVOID buying a metal slide kit for it made by G&G, they are really bad, cause more problems than anything beneficial. I put a G&G outer barrel (with threaded supressor on the end) and it jammed constantly. Add in the upgrade I did ot Lutnit's KSC G19, it'd jam up constantly, barely able to get a full mag's worth of BBs out of it before it'd seize up.

Last answer (for now) is that if the temp is over 20C, you should be able to get a full two mags out of one gas fill, that is bone stock mags (no high flow valves). Even though my main G19 is fully upgraded (tightbore, etc.) I can still get a good two mags worth on a hot day per fill up. And no, I don't have high flow valves installed either. My gun shoots 0.20g BBs at 341fps as it is, so I really don't need to pay $25 per mag (six mags @ $25 each) to boost the already high fps more.
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Old November 19th, 2006, 16:51   #10
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Simple answer to your question is, seeing as how you only plan to fire, say what, 100 rounds per month, if that, using only duster your gun should hold up very well for a long time, even if you keep it stock (plastic slide).

BTW, out of all the KSC Glocks, the G19 is the most rugged of them all, as it has more metal parts (recoil spring guide and feed ramp as examples) than the other KSC Glocks.
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Old November 22nd, 2006, 17:18   #11
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i had a KSC G19 with the metal slide and outter barrel and ran propane through it for 2 years, gamed often. The reason i went to propane is cause with the metal you need that extra punch to keep the ROF up. even when plinking you can watch how much slower a slide racks when fired on gas as opposed to propane, just keep the mags oiled and the gun aswell. Now i have a KSC G23F with same metal upgrades and propane still isnt enough, so i have to go with a stronger recoil spring. but i never found it to be a problem with the stock spring on the G19. trust me though as im more of a collector now too, i love the kick a metal slide gives out when its done right and its not very costly at all. 123.00CDN tax in for my metal slide and barrel from ASCarmoury and 15 dollars for a beter recoil spring and guide and 40 bucks for a propane adaptor from Airsoft innovations that fit onto a coleman propane bottle from your local Hardware store for 4.99 and a bottle of silicone lube from a sporting goods shop or even WET brand, sex lube makes a good silicone oil. Not joking you for like 15 bucks and it will last you 6 months or more " its what i use" muahaha Im married guys so dont think im some sicko k thanks lol
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Old November 22nd, 2006, 17:23   #12
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lol thanks for that, my gf won't ever let me go to the love boutique store. I guess I will have to find my lube elsewhere. As for your quick review, I'll take that into consideration, thanks
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