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WA SVI's hammers not staying cocked - not sears


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Old July 25th, 2006, 23:38   #1
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Ottawa
WA SVI's hammers not staying cocked - not sears

Yet more troubles from my WA guns. Originally thought it was the sears, finally got new CP custom steel ones and the same problem occurs. The hammers lock back sometimes but only maybe 1/4 or 1/5 of the times its cocked (causes random length bursts when firing). It cant be over lubed as its (as HaZarD_SFD put it...) as dry as anal in the desert (in testing phase so not lubed) but the hammers are fairly worn. Both guns experience the exact same problem and are the following:

WA Magna Blowback SVI Infinity 3.9
WA SCW2 SVI Infinity Expert 5.0

Both have 150% recoil and hammer springs as well as metal slides and of course the new CP custom steel sears.

Anyone have any ideas whats going on? And if anyone tells me to "go see a WA gundoctor" you can screw yourself now, there are none in Ottawa, there are very few in Canada as a whole.

As it stands, I'm 2 for 7 for GBB's that work for those I own/owned, currently thinking of selling off everything I have GBB-wise for SUPER cheap and preordering the new CA AK-47 and never getting a pistol again.
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Old July 26th, 2006, 01:32   #2
Delierious Designer of Dastardly Detonations
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Try this with your slide removed:

1. cock hammer
2. pull trigger and release hammer. Keep trigger depressed
3. push down on part #37 and release it (keep trigger depressed)
4. cock hammer and see if it locks back

Do you have to push #37 very far to get it to allow the hammer to be locked back? Can you just push it flush with the top of the frame or do you have to shove it lower to get the hammer to lock back?
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Old July 26th, 2006, 07:59   #3
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I had the same problem with a WE Hi-cappa. I traced it to what would be Part# 77 on Madmaxs picture. The left hand tang was in the wrong position. It needed to be on the backside of the hammer.
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Old July 26th, 2006, 15:00   #4
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Ottawa
Hammer didnt cock at all, wouldnt lock back at all, sear wasnt moving when I pulled the hammer back so it wouldnt engage, took it apart and found that 3 pronged "spring" plate thing had the middle finger/prong sitting on part 25 instead of the sear (part 24) so it wasnt even pushing the sear into the hammer, was just acting as a second trigger spring.

Hammer works fine now, gun cocks, cant test it till later, will post later if I find a problem once firing (also fully lubed now.)
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Old July 26th, 2006, 15:18   #5
Scotty aka harleyb
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Hah, I was going to say look at your leaf spring, but I figured you had already gone far past that =P
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