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battery melted or something


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Old July 7th, 2006, 19:50   #1
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Norway
battery melted or something

well this evening i was charging my battery, maybe for like 6 hours or so ( battery is ak type i think)...when i touched it now, it was dang hot and the plastic around it has been broken kinda, or it has a huge rift so when i hold one end of the battery, the entire thing kidna bends:S is this dangerous for my battery, if so, what have i done/not done to make it happen?

thanks on forehand
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Old July 7th, 2006, 19:58   #2
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This is bad. I'm guessing you didn't use a smart charger. Basically, using it won't destroy your gun, but don't count on it helping you out. Buy a new battery. It's a lot cheaper than getting new internal replacements. And get a good charger. Don't skimp on that.
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Old July 7th, 2006, 20:12   #3
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Location: Norway
well the charger is the one that followed when i bought a tm gun whit battery and charger...and it isnt melted, but the plastic around the batteries is kinda broken:S should i get new? and what kinda charger should i get?
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Old July 7th, 2006, 20:19   #4
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I have a 'PIRANHA DIGITAL PEAK CHARGER' $65US. It does everything well, but doesn't have a discharger built in. You can usually get one for around $15US if you look around. It's important to remember that your batteries worst enemy is heat. Your battery will heat up as you charge it. The higher the current you send to the battery, the hotter it gets. Conversely, the lower the current you send, the cooler, but slower it charges. Also, a smart charger can automatically regulate this and you can alter the sensitivity to allow it to get to maximum charge more accurately, but also slower.

Basically it all comes down to time. The slower you charge your battery, the better life you get out of it. If you cannot set things like current, sensitivity, and capacity on a charger, I wouldn't get it. Good chargers will stop sending a current when full charge is achieve, and/or will only send a very slight current (trickle).
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Old July 7th, 2006, 20:20   #5
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Well, This should help, it was in the FAQ
Originally Posted by Greylocks
You dont have to follow this advice but...

Batteries are NOT cheap. Badly charged or discharged batteries will fail on you at the worst possible moment (usually in the middle of the woods someplace). Bravo, you now have a fancy looking club.

Brand? Forget brands. Look at features instead.

What you want is dummy-proof, guess-proof battery charging and maintenance. For that your choices are limited. You want a computerized type of charger that will slow charge, fast charge, discharge and have a clear display to tell you the voltage and amperage. Such a charger is expensive, but if it keeps a pair of $80 to $100 batteries working for over 3 years it pays for itself.
They cost between $150 to $200. No need for the funky Marui one that is more expensive. Avoid the cheap crappy $20 chargers.

After that, just read the instruction manual and go play with no worries. Have fun.


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Old July 7th, 2006, 20:20   #6
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Location: Norway
its a lot of options on it but i dont understand any of them lol...

*edit* im not willing to spend over half the price on my gun to get a charger btw
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Old July 7th, 2006, 20:38   #7
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took some pics of my charger, if anyone got any tips on how to adjust it right:



hope they work
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Old July 7th, 2006, 20:43   #8
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What kind of battery do you have? Voltage? Capacity (mAh)? Picture if you don't know might help us help you.
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Old July 7th, 2006, 20:49   #9
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ill try to take a picture, but ill write down what it says on each battery first:

KR-600AE 1,2V ,600mAH

its seven batteries linked together

a pic that shows how they look atm. Notice at my finger, im holding the plastic down to show how the rift in the plastic is, and u can see some spots of metal cuz the stuff on the batteries got rifts too...this might also be cuz i had a hard time getting the batteries out of the gun, but i doubt it, since i didnt notice anything at that point..

*EDIT* seems to me like the batteries has expanded or something?:S
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Old July 7th, 2006, 20:57   #10
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Yeah you cooked it, from what I can see the charger outputs for 1300 mah-3000mah, your 600 mah battery got over double the charge that it needs, thats why it pretty much melted.
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Old July 7th, 2006, 20:57   #11
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I'm not 100% sure about the usage of your charger, but that 600 mAh is what the dial on the right of the first picture should read. Unfortunately you don't have that as an option, and your lowest option is way too high. What your charger is trying to do is your battery over double what it is rated to. If you didn't catch your battery when you did, you would have probably started a fire. Basically it's like an automatic gas pump trying to fill a 10 L tank to 20 L, but in this case with electricity. Not so good. You are definitely going to need a new battery. If you want to use your current charger, you can (I would not recommend it), but you have to make sure that you get a battery that matches one of the settings on the right. For example, if you get a battery that is 1400 mAh, it will work, but you would always have to use a lower setting, or risk the same thing happening. This would also mean you wouldn't be able to fully charge the battery. It is possible, but again, I don't recommend it. You should probably get a new charger.

Also in the specs you sent, you didn't say what the battery's voltage is. It should match one of the settings on the left side of the first picture.
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Old July 7th, 2006, 20:58   #12
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Location: Norway
well isnt that for each battery? i would multiply it whit 7 to get the right amount but hey i dont know :P
*EDIT* if i buy a new battery, im gonna need to buy exactly the same one, but whit a higher mAH thingy or what? could u link me up whit some chargers / batteries that would fit for me? (i think i need batteries most since my batteries is almost fucked)
btw try to find on uncompany since i allready ordered from that site, and i trust it :P
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Old July 7th, 2006, 21:00   #13
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Originally Posted by frankiet

Also in the specs you sent, you didn't say what the battery's voltage is. It should match one of the settings on the left side of the first picture.
well if u multiplie 1,2 whit 7 u get 8,4 so i guess that answers for it? :S
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Old July 7th, 2006, 21:01   #14
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the batteries are 1.2 V each, 7 is 8.4, so if u had it set to 8.4 you had atleast one thing correct, and If ive deducted correctly, that charger is way to powerfull for your battery.
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Old July 7th, 2006, 21:01   #15
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Ok, you are in Norway, and the battery specs you did send said 1,2. That means 1.2 to us. If there are seven 'little batteries' in the pack, that works out to 8.4 volts, which is what the left side should be set to. Either way, you need a new battery. If you do plan on using the same charger, just make sure your capacities match.
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