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Review - G&G SR-16 M5/M4 Metal Body



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Old April 4th, 2006, 19:16   #1
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Review - G&G SR-16 M5/M4 Metal Body

First review so bare with me.

This review is about the G&G SR-16 M5 (M4 style I think is the same except the markings) Lightweight version. I purchased this from M1 airsoft for about 340 shipped. I originally wanted the M4 version, since that was what I was putting it on, but they were out of stock so oh well. I got it the following monday.

First Impressions
Once I unrapped the box from the two packagings (seems like airsoft products are always over rapped :???: ) I got to the actual product and the very first thing I thought was this 'thing is light'. I expected some weight to it, especially since their website didn't label it as the lightweight version. Personally it helped me, since my M4 is pretty beefy.

Opened the box, which was well insilated, and finally got to it. I looked over it a bit and noticed a chip on the body right near the forward assist. It looked like a deep paint chip, although it couldn't be see well. Didn't mind much. The colour was a nice matte black, which I now see goes well with my G&P Aimpoint sitting above it. The markings were 'dim' around the outer most edges, which I also didn't mind. For those that do there are a lot of people here that do thing to bring them out like crayon or something, I forget exactly what, so its not hard to fix. I started to try to seperate the upper and lower with some problems, stupid me. This body instead of using rear tabs uses a lip which fits under the lower receiver at the rear as to get rid of the tabs problem. Got it open easily after that.

Also during the installation I compared the weight of both and they were about the same, although the plastic one was front heavy because of the metal hunk at the front while the alluminum was nicely balanced.

Goodies Included
  • Body (upper/lower)
  • Ejection port cover with eveything needed for it
  • metal hop-up
  • forward assist with spring
  • Body pins
  • Misc pins
  • selector plate
  • charging handle spring
  • selector disc (the one that goes on the opposite side of the selector)

I'm a fairly unexperienced gunsmith. I've installed (on my gun) only a suppressor, extended inner barrel, PDI 140, and reinforced gearbox. And as far as difficulty goes, this has to be fairly simple considering (since its my only) the problems I've heard with other bodies such as the G&P new generations (madmax's thread). As far as modifications go, there weren't many, that had to be done to my TM M4 RIS. As for the ones that did, they were fairly simple and could be done with your ussual tools.

Now I didn't have my camera with me during my installation but I do remember the problems.

  • Rear tabs problem solved/improved (early to say still)
  • Gearbox fit with ease
  • No dremeling/modification needed on the actual body
  • Some modifications needed to fit
  • Design left the selector switch stiff (with modification)
  • Undersized hole for the gearbox pin
  • Non working ejection port

Problems Installing
  1. The selector was stiff even after modifications which causes minor problems
  2. The gearbox pin is undersized
  3. The plastic peice which holds the inner barrel on the hop-up was not sized corretly and needed dremeling/sanding to fit into the outer barrel properly
  4. The metal hop-up design was flawed a second time when the part which contacts the gearbox wasn't sized well and causes it to fit right without dremeling
  5. The stock tube has a 'different' design which causes you (if you have a solid stock) to have to modify your stock to fit it. Any users with slither stocks will either need to do some modifications or buy adapters
  6. Spring holders, such as the one on the hop-up and selector plate were oversized and needed to be shrunk to fit the spring over
  7. Getting the upper and lower together/apart requires a fair bit of force, compared to the plastic bodies.

In the end I spent about 5-6 hours installing the body which could be shortened with more experience or better tools.

The camera shows the body to be brighter than it actually is. The colour is very similar to that of the SR-16 solid stock, just a bit brighter. I really like it.

Sorry about the blurry pics.

This is it on my TM M4 RIS with a solid stock, TM knights pro silencer, G&P Aimpoint, and Surefire 6P.


All and all this is a very good body; there are very little problems with it; its a nice light weight; the colour and physical look are excelent; its stable; and its a little lower than average in price. With mediocre experience I installed it fairly easily and quickly.

All and all I'd rate this as a;

Hope this helped. Happy hunting.

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Old April 5th, 2006, 10:16   #2
good review....but did you have a stroke when you took the 2nd image?
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Old April 5th, 2006, 17:23   #3
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Minor one. I think I'll be okay.

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