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Review - KJ P226 Quickoverview



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Old March 2nd, 2006, 03:28   #1
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Review - KJ P226 Quickoverview

Well this is only a quick reivew of the KJ P226 at Specarms. I didn't buy it because I already have a TM P226.

First off the when picking up the KJ P226 you will notice its very heavy alot heavier then a TM P226 witha PGC FMU kit installed. Im not sure why but its heavy the weight tends to lean towards the front. Second thing you'll notice is there are zero trades sucks but deal with it. The only noticeable trade is on the grips "P226" on the left and "KJ Works" on the right.

The magazine well its almost a 1:1 copy of the TM one but its alot shinyer. There are rumors going around that TM mags don't work with the KJ and vis versa. Unfortuneatly I was unable to give it a try.

First thing I tried was taking off the slide and give a look inside. Its all TM a copy so I looks all fimiler even the Hopup is the same I only took a look so I didn't rip it apart.

Gasing up with "Duster" and firing off a few shots I notices its extremely weak the slide won't even lock back. So I degased regas up with Propane and it fired fine. Accuracy well I can say I can easily hit the bulleye at 2 meters I had very limited space to work with. Recoil seemed weak but I didn't have my P226 to compare it to.

Upgrading the KJ shouldn't be a problem parts from Nine ball and Guarder should fit unless it doesn't then well you sell it to someone that can use it :razz:

So if your lookin for a FMU P226 and your not picky on trades or have your own "CNC Laser Machine" The KJ P226 its a good option. YOU BUY NOW!!!
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Old March 10th, 2006, 02:59   #2
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For those of you who want more info on the KJ works p226 FMV with trades there is a really good one over at arnies writtin by [VT]Mofo2000. Here is the link:
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Old March 10th, 2006, 03:45   #3
Delierious Designer of Dastardly Detonations
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I have to admit that I'm getting annoyed by KJW regularly taking their calipers to TM's work. It's quite alot of effort getting all those parts to move in unison and fire a pellet reliably only to have your hard work getting ripped off.

Recent TM GBBs are on the pricey side for a plastic GBB, but you can really tell that some people really sweated over the design. Good material selections and parts which really fit together well indicate a degree of lifecycle testing and possibly second or third generation tooling. Usually, your first try at making injection moulds on a new product aren't quite perfect. You get poor fits here and there which can sometimes be fixed with a bit of mould rework. Sometimes you have to adjust your tool design and start all over again. To get really good part fits, you often have to do a few cycles of rework and possibly more than one generation of tooling. Crappy fitted parts indicates little rework and sometimes only a first stab at tooling.

My experience with KJW has not been especially positive. Far too many guns malfunctioning out of the box. Some glaring design errors like mistakes in spring design (in the KJW Para Ord) which are consitently repeated in every gun. It blows my mind that KJW still uses single port fill valves in their mags.

Take apart your KJW mag sometime and compare it against it's TM twin. You'll note a stubby tube about 1.5"-2" long in the TM mag base and a brass tube attached to the valve which goes inside the tube in the mag base. Conversely, your KJW won't have this difficult to justify collection of bits.

What most airsofters don't know is that the TM mag has a feature which ensures consistent magazine filling regardless of magazine or propellant tank temperature. TM mags sound leaky because they're double port valves. Depressing the fill stem opens two passages in the valve. Liquid propellant flows down the centre of the stem and gas is allowed to escape around the sides of the stem which gives TM, KSC, WA and many other Japanese mags a charactaristic leak and the liquid backspurt when the mag is full. This is not a defect. What the second port does is allow gas to leak out of the mag to prevent the pressure inside the mag from equalizing with the fill tank pressure. At some point the liquid level in the inverted mag reaches the tip of the stub tube in the mag base and flows up the tube instead of totally filling the mag with liquid. The liquid backspurts out the secondary port which indicates that the mag is full.

The bypass port assures that a measured quantity of liquid is transferred into the mag even if the mag is warmer than the fill tank (warmer = higher pressure). If you're doubtful, try this: warm up an empty mag with warm water (put it in a ziplock bag and dunk it in a sink of warm water). Toss your can of gas into the fridge. Allow 10 minutes to warm the mag and chill the tank and fill the mag. You'll find that you can get a decent fill of gas into the mag even though the tank is cold (low pressure) and the mag is warm (higher pressure).

Allow the mag to return to room temp for 1/2 hr and count off how many bbs you can shoot. Repeat the trial with the KJW mag. Ever wonder why a Japanese mag can often shoot off twice it's capacity in bbs while a KJW can sometimes barely fire off a full load of pellets?

The other thing that the stub tube does is assure that a minimum quantity of gas is allowed in the mag. GBBs do not operate well on unevaporated liquid propellant. If you fill a mag completely with liquid and allow no gas space, you end up with very poor performance which blasts liquid propellant mist. It's difficult to cause this with a TM GBB, but you can do this with a KJW mag. Throw the mag in the freezer for 15min and fill it with a room temp tank (do not intentionally warm propellant tanks). Hold the filling probe down for at least 10 seconds. Let the mag warm up to room temp for 1/2 hr and see how well your KJW gbb works. It is possible to overfill KJW mags if the mag is cold from alot of shooting and the tank is warm (say you left it in the sun).

It's absurd that KJW hasn't picked up on this simple valve issue. They've manufactured perhaps hundreds of thousands of GBBs and they still use the same crappy fill valve. It drives me to distraction when I think that the GB Tech gas grenade/reservoirs have the same junky single port valve. Neat looking gas reservoir disguised as a distraction device, but the thing has been made useless with the single port valve. I can't get more than 10g of propane into it without freezing the thing. A doublestack WA mag holds 8g of propane so you can see how crippled this product is.
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Old March 10th, 2006, 04:06   #4
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Damn it mad. Now im rethinking my purchase of the KJW p226. Why did you have to go and ruin everything.
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Old March 10th, 2006, 04:14   #5
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thanks max, for the shared knowledge. I'm sure many others like my self will find this knowlege useful. Good work once again! :cheers:

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Old March 10th, 2006, 11:19   #6
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Originally Posted by Eddie
There are rumors going around that TM mags don't work with the KJ and vis versa. Unfortuneatly I was unable to give it a try.
Just a heads up for everyone.
I just got a KJ P226 mag in and can confirm it works with the TM P226.
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Old March 10th, 2006, 16:59   #7
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The arnies review confirms:

- The KJW magazines are slightly slimmer.


- The KJW magazines will work with TM and KJW.
- The TM magazines will ONLY WORK WITH TM - they do not fit inside the KJW pistol.
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Old March 10th, 2006, 17:41   #8
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How come the KJW in the Arnies reveiw had trades but the ones from spec arms don't? I didn't even know KJW made guns with trades...
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Originally Posted by harleyb
Who wants a Chinese pickle?
Yuxi: Yo...count me in. Viet pickles are great too!

Manmaries: Dude a chinese pickle is when you get a blowjob from a girl while she's taking a shit. Yuxi you kinky white supremascist you!
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Old March 10th, 2006, 17:41   #9
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How come the KJW in the Arnies reveiw had trades but the ones from spec arms doesn't? I didn't even know KJW made guns with trades...
(> <) Joinning the cause.....

Originally Posted by harleyb
Who wants a Chinese pickle?
Yuxi: Yo...count me in. Viet pickles are great too!

Manmaries: Dude a chinese pickle is when you get a blowjob from a girl while she's taking a shit. Yuxi you kinky white supremascist you!
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Old March 10th, 2006, 17:43   #10
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KJ-works made another version with trades. Look over on WGC and search for the KJW p226 they will list two versions of the gun 1 with trades and 1 that doesnt have trades. The one with trades is more expensive not by much though a couple of bucks.

Im getting myself one with trades from Rays gun order. :nod: Cant wait.
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Old March 11th, 2006, 00:34   #11
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***There has also been a rumour that the metal kit that KJW uses comes from G&P can anyone confirm this???***
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Old March 11th, 2006, 01:29   #12
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Originally Posted by MadMax
It drives me to distraction when I think that the GB Tech gas grenade/reservoirs have the same junky single port valve. Neat looking gas reservoir disguised as a distraction device, but the thing has been made useless with the single port valve. I can't get more than 10g of propane into it without freezing the thing. A doublestack WA mag holds 8g of propane so you can see how crippled this product is.
Intresting service note. I just took a fubared TM glock mag and swapped the valve in my GB Tech grenade. I filled with propane for ten seconds and it isn't even half full yet! Thanks for the heads up Carl!
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Old March 11th, 2006, 01:43   #13
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Intersting. .I guess i'll have to go do that to mine as well. Thanks for the tip! :tup: So the only thing that's superior with the TM mag is the fill valve?

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Old March 11th, 2006, 01:45   #14
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Can I purchase TM valves and place into the KJW p226 magz?
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Old March 11th, 2006, 13:40   #15
Delierious Designer of Dastardly Detonations
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Originally Posted by Darklen
Originally Posted by MadMax
It drives me to distraction when I think that the GB Tech gas grenade/reservoirs have the same junky single port valve. Neat looking gas reservoir disguised as a distraction device, but the thing has been made useless with the single port valve. I can't get more than 10g of propane into it without freezing the thing. A doublestack WA mag holds 8g of propane so you can see how crippled this product is.
Intresting service note. I just took a fubared TM glock mag and swapped the valve in my GB Tech grenade. I filled with propane for ten seconds and it isn't even half full yet! Thanks for the heads up Carl!

I should have prefaced my valve replacement comment with a stern warning:

WARNING: the GBTech grenade is missing the stub tube feature normally present in Japanese magazine bases. The tube I'm referring to is the largish (~7mm) dia tube which is part of the mag base (not the valve). This is an overflow tube which assures that the mag cannot be filled solid with propane. This is a NECESSARY feature as it's possible to fill a GBTech grenade completely with liquid (no gas space). This risks explosion of the grenade is warmed somewhat as the liquid has no space to expand into and may rupture the sides of your reservoir. If you do replace your fill valve, be sure to leave a generous gas space. You should feel liquid sloshing in the reservoir like it's not more than 1/2 full, preferably less.

I am considering making replacement bases with overflow tubes for the GBTech grenade/reservoir, but I'm not sure I'll be able to meet the quantities to justify a machining run.
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