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TM MK23 NBB - KM Giga Valve problems


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Old December 27th, 2005, 21:17   #1
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TM MK23 NBB - KM Giga Valve problems

Hey guys, just wanted to post this for sake of other people.


Purchased a couple KM-Giga-Valve from UN Company and one was fine however the second valve had the wrong size of o-ring (the smallest size). This is the ouput vavle that is installed in the mag. The problem is the o-ring which was included was a bit too small in diameter and when the mag was presurized it would force the o-ring inside the valve and thus making the main pin inside the valve stick outside the mag too much and woudl not allow the mag to be inserted inside the gun.


I tried to use a stock TM MK23 NBB valve o-ring as well a stock KSC G18c valve o-ring but neither of them fit and worked. When I tried these two o-rings one of two things would happen, A) the o-ring would blow inside the valve causing the valve to fail which later had to be removed foreceable from the valve. B) the o-ring would hold onto the main pin but it would still go inside the valve too far like the o-ring that came with it. I also tried a set of Team Associated Oil Shock replacement o-rings but these were made of silicone and not rubber which made them too soft. These o-rings blew inside teh valve after one shot from the gun. Do not use these.

I then tried to go to several automotive parts stores, mountain bike repair shop and finally a very well stocked hobby store. The final verdict is I finally was able to find the correct size (although still a bit too thick from the correct size). I will list the parts and manufacures of the o-rings I have found to work as replacements.

Team Associated
Part No. 25322
$5.99 @ OM Hobby Craft here in Calgary, AB
- these o-rings were the cheapest as for $6 you get 2 that work (the other 3 included in the package are of no use). These fit and work great however they are a bit thicker then the correct size but so far after 100+ bb's the valve still works great.

DU-BRO Products INC.
Cat. No. 720
Rebuild Kit For No. 610 Lg. Scale Fueling Valve-Glo-Fuel
$5.35 @ OM Hobby Craft here in Calgary, AB
- This package only contains 1 useable o-ring, however it fits a bit better then the one listed above. This is the closest match out of all the o-rings I have searched for as seperate parts and bundled togheter liek this kit (many nuts, valves, etc).

Bottom line, if you want a cheaper solution get the top valve. Be careful whe you insert the valve into teh mag as it will rub until you screw the valve down. The best solution is the second choice above as it's almost a perfect duplicate of the size you need.

I in no way know for sure if either of these o-rings will work with other KM valves but it stands to reason it's possible as a manufacture is more likly to use the same parts for multiple products.

I hope this helps someone else fix their valve either from a manufacure defect or from wear and tear.

Keywords For Searching:
o-ring, oring, seal, valve, KM, mk23, manufacture defect.
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