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AIModels- retailer review



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Old December 26th, 2005, 12:35   #1
Bob the Angry Potato
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AIModels- retailer review

I ordered my FA-MAS F1 from Peter Lukas a while ago, and not only did I get a fast reply, the price was a good hundred dollars less then I expected. Immediately, I started scrounging up all disposable income I had, and putting it into another minor Airsoft fund. During which, my incredible impatience and obvious talkative-ness (Not really a word, but I didn't think Talkativity was either) was tolerated by him with amazing patience, with many idiotic inquiries made and answered quite quickly.
At first, I was quite skeptical about this retailer, as there were almost no resources about him, but I quickly began to trust him more and more, due to character evidence (By the sound of him, he's not only a great person, but a family man and a good guy to deal with), a few extremely-old threads dealing with him, and the fact Aquamarine was pretty good friends with him.
Despite the long wait time (Airsoft isn't his specialty, but the service and the prices definately make up for the long wait time. Besides, it's winter. What the hell are we going to be doing with the guns, besides plinking?), the friendliness of his answers and the amazing pricing makes up for that, and the fact that he mass-orders to WGC.
After a while, the order was in and WGC managed to process it. From then on, it was impatience, swearing at Canada Post and other various things for taking so long (I perhaps shouldn't have, as their service was quite good too. Kudos, Canada Post!) the item arrived in perfect condition, wrapped properly and completely intact.
My rating- Amazing retailer. His orders are months apart, but this doesn't make much difference due to the fact it not only is in winter, the prices are much lower then usual, and the selection is anything in-stock on WGC. However, the FA-MAS didn't get in time for the firearms documentary we were making, so we had to do with describing cardboard cut-outs.
Age verifier- Halifax region
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