Hey all.
I love marksman rifles, and I always take a peek at the classifieds to see if there's anything interesting I could snatch up for cheap to either start a new project or mod onto my existing KC02.
So I was bored and saw several M14 EBRs in the classifieds and a thought popped into my head. I'd seen pics of the Redline Airstocks, but never really thought much of it because it didn't look great to me and I honestly feel like I could fabricate one myself for much much cheaper if I ever wanted to do something like that.
The Sage stocks on M14 EBRs look like a 13cu tank could fit on/under the rails (depends on how you want to mount it) when fully extended, and it looks like there's plenty of space for a regulator to be mounted as well (the opposite side of where the tank is mounted). Add either a P* or Wolverine engine (or a Daytona gun engine if/when they come out with one), get an R-Hopped Edgi/PDI barrel, and that might make a cool and scary rifle.
Has anybody tried this? Does anybody have a Sage stock and a 13cu HPA tank to see if the sizing works? I might pop into my local store sometime soon to see if the sizing might make this (very very far-in-the-future) project feasible.
Just some ideation right now, although if someone wants to actually try this project, please do and let me know
Thanks all.