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Question/ issue with Mags


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Old June 23rd, 2015, 12:17   #1
Ecks's Avatar
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Question/ issue with Mags

I recently bought a couple of boxes of King Arms (KA-MAG-03-V) 120 rnd mid caps. Last weekend while I was using them (for the first time). I noticed that at verious times they would stop feeding. Upon removing the mag from my rifle (a G&G GC 16 MOD 0 [a CM 16 Mod 0 with a metal receiver]) a few bbs would fall out and then it once I inserted back in it fired fine and then the problem would happen again. This double feed was annoying at the best. Is there any way I can fix this? I'm assuming it's happening cause the mags are moving out of place just a bit or are not seating in properly..... too loose!

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Old June 23rd, 2015, 12:21   #2
EOD Steve
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Let's diagnose via system exclusion as there are a number of factors possibly at play.
  • Bad mags (BBs not being pushed out of the magazine reliably - this can be tested by simply loading up your mag and pulling back the tab at the lip of your magazine. If all BBs come out, then the magazines are fine. If not, try different BBs.
  • Magazine not seated high enough in the gun for the tab to be pulled back consistently. When firing, manually push upwards on the magazine, do all rounds feed? If yes, then get a new magazine catch or come up with some inventive solution such that your magazine will sit higher than it currently does in a normal resting position
  • If BBs flow freely out of the magazine and you're manually pushing up on the magazine and still experiencing the issues, then maybe there's a misalignment/jam with the hop-up unit and nozzle.

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Old June 23rd, 2015, 14:12   #3
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That's pretty typical of KA M4 mags. And it becomes very noticeable to someone who has moved from Hi Caps to regular mags.

Trimming a bit off the BB retainer catch on the mag fixed every KA mag I've had.

As you insert the mag you push it up to fully seat it. The feed tube of the hopup trips the catch and release the BBs. Then when you take your hand off the mag gravity kicks in and it drops down and the catch engages. You can fire of a few BBs till the chamber is empty; then it dry fires. You take the mag out and the 4-5 BBs in the feed tube drop free. You see the mags still full so you put it back in and keep repeating.

To cure this you just shave a bit of the catch off(hair's width at a time) till it feeds. Don't let the shavings fall into the feedway either.

Maybe if Splashx is still around he can reload those pictures.
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Old June 23rd, 2015, 17:57   #4
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
That's pretty typical of KA M4 mags. And it becomes very noticeable to someone who has moved from Hi Caps to regular mags.

Trimming a bit off the BB retainer catch on the mag fixed every KA mag I've had.

As you insert the mag you push it up to fully seat it. The feed tube of the hopup trips the catch and release the BBs. Then when you take your hand off the mag gravity kicks in and it drops down and the catch engages. You can fire of a few BBs till the chamber is empty; then it dry fires. You take the mag out and the 4-5 BBs in the feed tube drop free. You see the mags still full so you put it back in and keep repeating.

To cure this you just shave a bit of the catch off(hair's width at a time) till it feeds. Don't let the shavings fall into the feedway either.

Maybe if Splashx is still around he can reload those pictures.
By catch I guess you mean that small spring loaded (forgive the excessive laymen terms here) finger that holds/ stops the bbs from flying out? What in your opinion is the best tool to do this with?

This sounds exactly like what is happening though.
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Old June 23rd, 2015, 19:27   #5
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X-acto knife with the regular fine point blade. It's the perfect fit.
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