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Old February 17th, 2015, 13:31   #1
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Angry Gun - Gold Bolt

Looks like it's finally released... the douch.e..- errr.. gold bolt from Angry Gun!

$122 shipped, not bad. #GucciM4#racegun
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Old February 17th, 2015, 14:06   #2
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Old February 17th, 2015, 14:07   #3
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Originally Posted by cav. View Post
buy nao, stress later.
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Old February 17th, 2015, 14:24   #4
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Originally Posted by BioRage View Post
buy nao, stress later.
I buy when I go to hk lah


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Old February 17th, 2015, 15:14   #5
ASC's navel of the year!
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Buy all da bling bling douche bolts!
Just your friendly neighborhood narcissist gearwhore.
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Old February 18th, 2015, 17:45   #6
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I've had three WE M16/M4s, and not one of them has had even the slightest problem with the stock WE bolt. The most I've ever felt inclined to do is polish the forward portion, so people could see it cycling better (that was for a film). If you switch to a steel bolt, you'll need to replace other internal components with steel parts to prevent them from being damaged.
* * * * * * * * *
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Old February 19th, 2015, 09:57   #7
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Originally Posted by Basic-Wedge View Post
I've had three WE M16/M4s, and not one of them has had even the slightest problem with the stock WE bolt. The most I've ever felt inclined to do is polish the forward portion, so people could see it cycling better (that was for a film). If you switch to a steel bolt, you'll need to replace other internal components with steel parts to prevent them from being damaged.
I'm inclined to agree. WE rifles work best using WE parts with minimal upgrading; NPAS, better inner barrel, better hop rubber, and that's about it. Non-WE parts are never 100% spec'd to WE so fitment and alignment issues translate into performance issues.

That said, these gold bolts look pretty as fuck.
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Old February 19th, 2015, 10:39   #8
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Old news. G&P was the first to have this.

I wanted this so bad for my ViperTech but it wont fit.

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Old February 19th, 2015, 12:37   #9
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The difference is G&P/WA gas rifles haven't improved for awhile while WE and other aftermarket brands have. That's why there was no hype over it.
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Old February 19th, 2015, 13:20   #10
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Originally Posted by Zack The Ripper View Post
The difference is G&P/WA gas rifles haven't improved for awhile while WE and other aftermarket brands have. That's why there was no hype over it.
GP/WA rifles are already good. Its WE that needs improving hence all the aftermarket stuff to fix a lemon.

Last edited by Sequential; February 19th, 2015 at 13:24..
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Old February 19th, 2015, 15:23   #11
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Originally Posted by Sequential View Post
GP/WA rifles are already good. Its WE that needs improving hence all the aftermarket stuff to fix a lemon.
unfortuneately for G&P/WA and everything built on the platform, the design is old, archaic and overly complicated with several serious missteps in crucial design features that WE easily overshadows by simply being designed better, even if the pot metal WE uses is still crap, id take an upgraded steel WE over ANY of the ridiculously expensive super custom WA pattern M4s

as an example of what im talking about, the flat face to face mag to nozzle interface that rakes across and tears itself apart slowly with each shot, or the valve locking system being in the mag so every mag with different tolerances has a different valve dwell time

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The apartment I am in right now costs $100 a month.
My average spending on food per day is less than $4.
My airsoft spending in the last month and a half has totaled over $1400.
They're called priorities. Get yourself some.

Last edited by Thenooblord; February 19th, 2015 at 15:29..
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Old February 19th, 2015, 16:14   #12
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Originally Posted by Sequential View Post
GP/WA rifles are already good. Its WE that needs improving hence all the aftermarket stuff to fix a lemon.
Aftermarket parts are actually usually what cause many of the performance issues in WE rifles aside from hop issues. That's the fault of the manufacturers of said aftermarket parts, not the fault of WE. Most classic example is people putting RA Tech trigger assemblies in WE trigger boxes, or even full RA Tech trigger boxes, and having nothing but problems. Or, using RA Tech carriers and/or nozzles and having cycling issues (been there myself). Funny how switching back to the stock bolt group made it function flawlessly. Again, this goes back to Non-WE parts not being 100% spec'd to WE. Fitment and alignment issues lead to performance issues.

WE parts are stupidly inexpensive and really, the only thing people really worry about breaking in a WE rifle is a nozzle. Considering I have seen a ton of aluminum nozzles break (including mine personally), I'd rather pay $20-25 for a plastic replacement than $90-100 for an aluminum one. Not to mention the fact that aluminum nozzles tend to have even worse consistency than plastic nozzles in terms of gas efficiency and muzzle velocity.

I will digress not to turn this into a "War Of WE". I'm very interested to see first hand accounts one ASC of how this bolt performs with stock nozzles in stock receivers, as well as with aftermarket nozzles in stock and aftermarket receivers. If it cycles smoothly and doesn't have a ton of added weight to cause a plastic nozzle to shatter, it would be worth grabbing in my eyes. If not, I'll stick to polishing carriers.
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Old February 19th, 2015, 16:53   #13
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I should have mine in two weeks or so >_> Will see how it performs. My RA steel bolt broke lol, so need a replacement. Ya, I find the RA stuff just iffy at times
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Old February 19th, 2015, 19:32   #14
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Originally Posted by Thenooblord View Post
unfortuneately for G&P/WA and everything built on the platform, the design is old, archaic and overly complicated with several serious missteps in crucial design features that WE easily overshadows by simply being designed better, even if the pot metal WE uses is still crap, id take an upgraded steel WE over ANY of the ridiculously expensive super custom WA pattern M4s

as an example of what im talking about, the flat face to face mag to nozzle interface that rakes across and tears itself apart slowly with each shot, or the valve locking system being in the mag so every mag with different tolerances has a different valve dwell time
The WA platform has a proven track record. If the WA system was designed poorly then Vipertech, Innokatsu, G&P, GHK would not be using their system today. WE is not designed any better to be quite honest. Using crap materials and choosing the "cheapest" design method to make a GBB isn't of my interest.

There is a reason why WE copies companies like TM instead of innovating their own designs. Their "own" designs have only resulted in lemons that need constant revisions of parts to get it finally working.

The flat face magazine to nozzle design is a VERY good design. Not only does WA systems utilize it but also VFC. If the nozzle is designed properly with rounded edges it won't cut up the rubber even the rubber is swollen.

Any how, I am not going to debate about this any longer. There are endless threads on multiple forums on which is the "best brand".

The best functioning and affordable M4 right now is the WA-based GHK M4.

Originally Posted by Zack The Ripper View Post
Aftermarket parts are actually usually what cause many of the performance issues in WE rifles aside from hop issues. That's the fault of the manufacturers of said aftermarket parts, not the fault of WE. Most classic example is people putting RA Tech trigger assemblies in WE trigger boxes, or even full RA Tech trigger boxes, and having nothing but problems. Or, using RA Tech carriers and/or nozzles and having cycling issues (been there myself). Funny how switching back to the stock bolt group made it function flawlessly. Again, this goes back to Non-WE parts not being 100% spec'd to WE. Fitment and alignment issues lead to performance issues.

WE parts are stupidly inexpensive and really, the only thing people really worry about breaking in a WE rifle is a nozzle. Considering I have seen a ton of aluminum nozzles break (including mine personally), I'd rather pay $20-25 for a plastic replacement than $90-100 for an aluminum one. Not to mention the fact that aluminum nozzles tend to have even worse consistency than plastic nozzles in terms of gas efficiency and muzzle velocity.
If the gun was designed properly and not a lemon, there would be no problems with the nozzle. The nozzle should last quite a long time if the gun is well maintained and properly handled with the right lubricants. WA parts are not expensive as there are plastic replacements (quite affordable actually), not only aluminium.
I haven't had a nozzle fail on me before, I actually have many nozzles that I switch around for the sake of FPS change. Neither of them have been ever damaged to the point where I needed to replace them. Sure an O-ring might fail due to over lubrication, but that is a very cheap fix.
RA-Tech stuff is just trash, and the only reason why RA-Tech is still alive on the market is because WE guns are made with the lowest grade materials.

On a last note, I just want to say. I do not "HATE" WE. I respect WE for producing some rare and affordable pistols.
WE has really made it as a budget company, kinda like Honda. Its affordable by the masses and relatively cheap to replace or fix.

Last edited by Sequential; February 19th, 2015 at 20:13..
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Old February 20th, 2015, 01:04   #15
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both WE and WA have their own issues that have been left unresolved, either by them selves with different "updated" releases, or by 3rd party after market manufacturers.

the WE's nozzle's faux bolt head/lugs break far too easily. and it's due to a failure to load BB that causes it. instead of the BB loading into the hop/barrel opening, it bounces up and gets wedged between the nozzle and the fake bolt head, shattering it. a metal bolt wont break there, but now on a failure to load, the BB get mashed into the space between the bolt head and nozzle, and even into the barrel extension (a real pain to clean out by the way).
another issue with the WE is the retention clips/blocks. the stock ones are plastic and positioned at the 12 and 3 o'clock positions (they should be opposing to one another, to keep the forces of impact centered on the axis of travel). these blocks tend to snap after too few a shot, but upgraded steel ones can be far worse. example is the RA-Tech ones. they use mild steel for their blocks, and after less than 10 mags through the gun, the blocks start to deform from repeated impacts. i had one WE i worked on that these blocks got so mashed out of shape, that it locked the bolt into the carrier and were almost impossible to remove.

the WA's main problem has been poor design intent. the flat seals of the mag to bolt isn't really terrible if there is little to no wobble of the mag once inserted. any little wobble and the seal leaks, badly. another issue is the design of the bolt lock. its location of contact and the space it occupies when engaging the side of the carrier, causes it to strike the leading right edge of the gas inlet on the underside of the bolt. both on the plastic and metal bolts, it becomes a fairly silly issue (that frankly, should have been fixed long ago, but still persists in every iteration of the WA platform). once the leading edge of the inlet has become damaged, it becomes jagged and rips into the rubber seal on the mags. again, this attributes to poor gas consumption and even gas dumps.
WA's single point stop block for the bolt is just a bad idea(it should have two, opposite to each other). it's huge, and creates a weak area at the front of the carrier that has been prone to breaking in both OEM and after market replacements. it's even known to snap the rear of the bolt off.

an issue that both platforms share (has been dealt with quite well with the KWA LM4 line WAs) is the steel/brass roller on the end of the hammer to reduce friction against the carrier. this roller tends to wear down the underside of the carrier to the point of leaving a groove. i have personally seen a WA platform where the groove wore down right through and into the expansion chamber of the carrier. the KWA LM4 line replaced this metal roller with a plastic insert. this to me was one of the few and rare improvements to the platform. the plastic insert reduces friction, and is soft enough to not cause wear damage to the carrier. also, once the plastic insert become worn it self, it's a cheap and simple replacement. good job KWA, now, fix the rest of the issues.

one thing that both the WE and WA platforms should include, is the ability to adjust FPS output right out of the box. they both have room for such a mechanism, but for some reason they have not bothered. the RA-Tech NPAS system frankly sucks. it doesn't hold its setting unless thread locked, and thus defeats the purpose of having it in the first place. not to mention that to adjust it, you need to use a ridiculous tool that can scratch your barrel, and often damages the valve it self. i have seen and personally experienced the adjustment pin of the valve break, rendering its ability for adjustment moot.

if i made a list of issues for both platforms, the list wouldn't be very long, but would be very specific of how to fix them. being that i have long since given up on both platforms, i have no stake on their success or failure, so this caffeine induced rant is as far as i go. lol

on a related note, nice bolt.. though i'm sure the steel used for the carrier is fairly soft and will ding and deform from use, at which point the really hard titanium coating will start to flake off and have a party with the insides of the gun.
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Don't look at me, I don't know, lol ¯\(°_o)/¯.
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