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Battery leads issue resolved


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Old September 22nd, 2005, 15:36   #1
The Saint
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Battery leads issue resolved

The questions might sound newbitastic to some, viewer's descretion is advised. (Yes, I did try read similar threads, but I wanted to be 100% sure.)

Hey folks, I just got 2 new 8.4v mini NiMH batteries along with BB Bastard's NPT charger, and I'm a bit confused.

First of all, the charger's instruction says "Your (charger and battery's) square lead should be red (positive) and your round lead should be black (negative)."

Well, I don't know how likely this is, but it seems that *both* of my mini batteries have the black cable running into the square socket and the red cable running into the round socket. Did I read something wrong, or do I need to swap both of my battery's leads? I think the leads are wrong, not me, but I've never handled these sorts of batteries before and the last thing I want is to screw something up the first time I try to power up my AEG. Even if I don't swap the leads and charge them properly (+ to +, - to -), would an AEG accept a powers source with reversed polarity?

Second, the charger's mini adaptor is just a set of alligator clamps. For each socket, do I just shove one jaw down the hole (making sure I get firm contact with the lead) and have its opposing jaw clamped to the outside of the leads' casing, or should I remove the leads from their shared plastic condo and clamp the jaws on to them that way?

Thanks in advance folks. I guess this counts towards my 1 allowable silly question here. :|
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Old September 22nd, 2005, 15:51   #2
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I took a look at my battery and it is Red=square, Black=round.

My mini plug however is in fact a mini plug that connects directly between the battery and the larger end on the charger. Mine doesn't have alligator plugs.
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Old September 22nd, 2005, 19:39   #3
The Saint
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Ok, the situation has gone from confusing to crazy.

First of all, the battery charged for only 1/2 the average time given before the charger indicated that it was full. I don't know if this is normal for a NiMH or not.

Then when I tried to connect it to my gun, I found that the AEG's black lead is running into the square socket, and the red lead is running into the round socket. Further more, the instructions that came with the gun states that the battery should have a configuration of red/+ to round, black/- to square (which was how the batteries were originally), exactly the opposite of what the NPT charger stated. Which one is telling the truth? What is going on? Help?
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Old September 22nd, 2005, 19:45   #4
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change your alligator clips to large battery connector. you can get these at any hobby shop that sells rc parts. then you have freedom to charge large batteries if you want. then get a large-to-small battery adapter. they are available from airsoft retailers or build one from parts at the hobby shop. or just get a charger meant for charging rc batteries. best one i've found is mrc 959 and 989 dual.

always go by the gun as the guide. the motor needs to see the correct polarity or it will try to spin backwards and blow your fuse (if you have one). make sure the batteries charge with the corect polarity and discharge in the gun with the correct polarity. change whatever ends you have to and you should have no problems.
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Old September 22nd, 2005, 19:55   #5
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wow thats fucked up i think BB bastard needs better instructions and set ups.
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Old September 22nd, 2005, 19:59   #6
The Saint
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So should I be concerned that I charged the battery with the wrong polarity or not? :|
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Old September 22nd, 2005, 20:04   #7
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yes it will kill your battery (ie. stone dead forever) and possibly your charger if doesn't have good reverse polarity protection (usually diodes or microprocessor in the fancy ones).
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Old September 22nd, 2005, 20:09   #8
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Well, I'm quite sure there's a charge inside the battery, considering that I just fucking electricuted myself switching the leads around a second time. I don't know if I want to risk putting this battery inside my gun, but I won't know if it's ok unless I do...
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Old September 22nd, 2005, 20:31   #9
A Total Bastard
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First let me advise the gentleman on my products please folks. You don't know the answers to these questions because if you did you would have pointed out to him that the charger has an auto polarity checker, so it does not MATTER which connector is which, the charger automagically adjusts.

Secondly the alligator clips are for people who have odd connector set ups for racing RC cars. Its not for use with airsoft. Use the connectors I have supplied you with in the package.

As far as charge time goes, let the charger deal with that as well. Those charge times are average times for batteries of average age. Charge times will vary as much as 1/2 hour one way or the other depending on a LOT of conditions. Trust the charger to do its job. The only time you should become concerned is if the battery becomes excessively warm during charging, or does not take a charge at all (ie: when you put it under load it does not drive the gun, or ANY gun for that matter). This would indicate a cell failure or a short and it should be returned to me for replacement if that happens. So far out of 200 batteries and 130 chargers sold this summer, none have come back.

The only complaint I did have was a pack getting excessively hot and when I looked at the pack, I pointed out to the gentleman that when he cut down the pack he had soldered it back in BACKWARDS. Believe it or not, he charged and used it this way twice and it still worked but got very warm. When he reversed it back, it worked fine and charged properly with no damage to the cells - thats how good NPT is at protecting batteries during a charge, even when you fuck up.

Any other questions?
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Old September 22nd, 2005, 20:36   #10
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Also regarding the instructions. They are meant to be simple and not any kind of extensive discussion on the merits of the technology of the charger - those details are on the website and in the BB Bastard thread. The instructions are designed for the lowest common denominator in stupidy and only tell you exactly what to do to successfully charge your battery. I can guarantee that if you follow them you will get the results your looking for.
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Old September 22nd, 2005, 20:40   #11
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P.P.S. I sent the buyer my home phone number to contact me should he need any additional help plugging the charger into the wall and into his battery or any other question he might have. BB Bastard supports its products and its customers 100% and if he is not satisfied, he can return the products for an unconditional full refund.

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Old September 22nd, 2005, 20:55   #12
The Saint
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Your number's busy, so I thought I'd just continue here instead.

First of all, this thread was never meant as an attack on your products, but the instructions given, even if they were for the lowest common denominator (maybe because of it), gave me serious trouble. Had they simply said "this charger has polarity auto correction", that'd have been fine, but instead it told me that my batteries had the wrong leads configuration and that I had better change them. It wasn't until that I tried to put the batteries in my AEG did I realize that the wires' colours didn't match with the AEG's, and upon reading the AEG's instructions found them to contradict those of the charger's. I'm quite angry right now because I shocked myself changing the leads on a charged battery, but that anger isn't directed towards you, Scarecrow. I just wanted to sort this out ASAP.

Secondly, I have mini batteries. The charger's normal outlet only allows for large, so I had no choice but to use the allegator clamps. If there were mini adaptor in the package, I'd have used them, but there weren't. If the charger didn't come with mini adaptor, then I can only blame myself for not ordering them.

So all in all, follow the AEG's instruction, red/+ to round hole, black/- to square hole, right? That's all I really wanted to know. :|
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Old September 22nd, 2005, 21:04   #13
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Situation resolved, all's good. If anyone ever have a similar problem in the future, remember, trust the AEG's pictogram.
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Old September 22nd, 2005, 21:08   #14
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Sorry, I did not mean to come across angry myself (well, I am the bastard!) Since its a public discussion I just want to make sure everyone knows the answers and that IF you have a concern, I welcome the question and will answer it and stand behind the product 100%.

After talking to you I understand the confusion - for those reading, it appears his charger didn't have a large to mini adapter in it, hence why he resorted to using the alligator clips -I am shipping one out to him express tomorrow along with a bag of bbs by way of apology for the missing connector and his confusion.

Like I said, I want to make sure your 100% happy with anything you buy from me.

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Old September 22nd, 2005, 21:30   #15
The Saint
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Thanks again, Jay! A free bag of 0.25g (*hint hint* ) mini-Bastards and experimental evidence that a battery doesn't carry enough amps to kill me, this must be my lucky day. :lol: Now all I need is for my AEG to not blow up the first time I try it. Knowing my luck with airsoft... Well, if no one hear from me for a couple of days, do avenge my death? :wink:
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