Steyr AUG receiver question
There is a question to all AUG owners: is the JG AUG upper receiver compatible with real steel upper receiver? from internet pics, seems so, but nothing like hearing (reading) from those who owns or owned one.
I have just purchased a JG AUG A2, already done shimming, bushing and spring guide change (to steel made ones), AOE corrected, teflon taped the hop up unit. Increased fps by some (passed the 400 mark) and dramatically increased consistency and range.
now to the externals, the rails are so fraggin ugly, have anyone tried making a reproduction of the real steel A3/VLTOR A3 rail? my goal was to paint a AOR1 camo into the body and install a low profile upper and siderail as seen in MoH:W. (people here go crazy when you show them videogame guns converted into airsoft*)
*a guy who played with me in a major game offered me the equivalent to US$1500 for my old King Arms M16A4 customized just like BF3's M16A3. he got it, and there were people asking me how much i wanted for doing the same to their M4A1s...