Lonex Ver.3 Gearbox - Any expirience?
I'm currently running off the Lonex Ver.2 and after getting past some small fitment issues and a few replacement parts - im fairly satisfied and content with the set up.
Moving on, I am now contemplating purchasing the Ver.3 Lonex drop in or even building one up from just the box itself.
Quality isn't the concern and a quick browse of google/youtube for a ver.2 will feed you lots of results - not so much the ver.3 - although I ALWAYS take my reviews/thoughts from outside of ASC with a grain of salt.
My concerns lead to more so fitment issues with certain brands of AKs, taking into consideration TM compatibility and the counterpart VFC - adjustments that need to be done, and even more so the motor cage, going back on an old Maciek post he had a helluva time finding one that fit the Lonex box, until he customised his own. He suggested just sticking with the Lonex brand cage if you could find one.
Any thoughts or hands on experience would be appreciated - Im grabbing another CYMA AK for a future project.