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Abbreviation jargon


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Old December 2nd, 2012, 17:48   #1
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Abbreviation jargon


I'm fairly new to airsoft and I've been reading quite a bit these days on the subject. Unfortunately many times articles are written in such a way that "we" the readers "are all" well versed and experienced on the subject matter.

Now, in order to make an informed decision on the proper purchase, it would really be helpful if someone would list (in alphabetical order) ALL the various abbreviations used when writing on the subject of airsoft guns. This could be in the FAQ section of the forum. If this has already be done, please guide me in the right direction. Thank you.

Last edited by callmemario; December 2nd, 2012 at 21:43..
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Old December 2nd, 2012, 17:56   #2
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there was one, but its missing...
Dictionary/Glossary: Acronyms/Abbreviations: Frequently Asked Questions
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Old December 2nd, 2012, 21:40   #3
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Hmmm...thanks R.I.T.Z for the info. Hopefully someone will fill in the gap.

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Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z View Post
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Old December 2nd, 2012, 21:53   #4
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There use to be one but it was accidentally deleted a while back.

In the meantime you can always check here:

That covers some basic stuff, and if you have questions for anything not listed you can just ask.
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Old December 2nd, 2012, 22:07   #5
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Quick glance at the list, a few terms I see missing:

ACM - All China Made. A blanket term for stuff originating from mainland PRC, often denotes lower quality/QC and/or knockoffs/counterfeit versions of brand name products (Magpull, etc). e.g.: an ACM Magpul stock.
BA - common abbreviation for Bolt Action
CanSoft - a type of airsoft gun with a clear or tinted plastic receiver, which is required for importation in Canada for guns that don't meet the minimum velocity requirements.
Clearsoft - all clear plastic guns, generally low end (like Canadian Tire/Walmart specials) and generally frowned upon for being junk.
Duster - another name for HFC134a (from duster gas, which is/was 134a). Nobody really uses this anymore except on certain specific guns which cant handle high pressure gas.
GBBR - Gas Blow Back Rifle (like GBB, but for Rifles)
Green Gas - pre-packaged (pre-lubed) and differently scented propane
King Arms - a Chinese (HK) manufacturer, usually good quality stuff
KJW - Juan Ju Works, another Taiwanese manufacturer, mostly gas guns as well.
MilSim - Military Simulation, a type of gameplay that places more emphasis on realism.
Propane - same stuff you use for camping, used to power GBBs/GBBRs; you need to get an adapter to fit on the Coleman or whatever tanks.
Real Cap - Magazines which hold the same amount of rounds as their real steel counterpart (usually 30 for rifles)
RWA - Red Wolf Airsoft, a well known HK retailer
Springer - a type of airsoft gun which is powered by spring cocking (you need to "crank" it before each shot, but it requires no gas or batteries to operate). Many bolt action and shotguns are spring powered like this.
VFC - formerly known as GB-Tech, a Taiwanese manufacturer. High quality parts.
WE - Wei-E Tech, a Taiwanese manufacturer of GBBs, GBBRs and AEGs (fairly popular GBBRs)
WGC - Wargame Club, a well known HK retailer

Probably a ton more stuff...

Last edited by Drake; December 2nd, 2012 at 22:18..
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Old December 3rd, 2012, 00:26   #6
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Thanks Drake,

THIS is exactly what I was looking for!!

VERY helpful!!

Merci! :-)


Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Quick glance at the list, a few terms I see missing:

ACM - All China Made. A blanket term for stuff originating from mainland PRC, often denotes lower quality/QC and/or knockoffs/counterfeit versions of brand name products (Magpull, etc). e.g.: an ACM Magpul stock.
BA - common abbreviation for Bolt Action
CanSoft - a type of airsoft gun with a clear or tinted plastic receiver, which is required for importation in Canada for guns that don't meet the minimum velocity requirements.
Clearsoft - all clear plastic guns, generally low end (like Canadian Tire/Walmart specials) and generally frowned upon for being junk.
Duster - another name for HFC134a (from duster gas, which is/was 134a). Nobody really uses this anymore except on certain specific guns which cant handle high pressure gas.
GBBR - Gas Blow Back Rifle (like GBB, but for Rifles)
Green Gas - pre-packaged (pre-lubed) and differently scented propane
King Arms - a Chinese (HK) manufacturer, usually good quality stuff
KJW - Juan Ju Works, another Taiwanese manufacturer, mostly gas guns as well.
MilSim - Military Simulation, a type of gameplay that places more emphasis on realism.
Propane - same stuff you use for camping, used to power GBBs/GBBRs; you need to get an adapter to fit on the Coleman or whatever tanks.
Real Cap - Magazines which hold the same amount of rounds as their real steel counterpart (usually 30 for rifles)
RWA - Red Wolf Airsoft, a well known HK retailer
Springer - a type of airsoft gun which is powered by spring cocking (you need to "crank" it before each shot, but it requires no gas or batteries to operate). Many bolt action and shotguns are spring powered like this.
VFC - formerly known as GB-Tech, a Taiwanese manufacturer. High quality parts.
WE - Wei-E Tech, a Taiwanese manufacturer of GBBs, GBBRs and AEGs (fairly popular GBBRs)
WGC - Wargame Club, a well known HK retailer

Probably a ton more stuff...
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Old December 3rd, 2012, 00:57   #7
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Just putting it out there that on that list it says that AR stands for "Automatic Rifle". AR is not "Automatic Rifle".... It's ARmalite, as in "AR15".

ARL is Anti Reversal Latch (but apparently I'm one of the few people who use this one?)
AoE - Angle of Engagement (gear teeth against piston)
LCT - Li Cheng Technique business corporation (manufacturers AK's)
SRC - Star Rainbow Company
FtF - Failure to Fire/Feed
BASR - Bolt Action Sniper Rifle
In battery/out of battery - something has/hasn't returned to regular firing position and you cannot fire (ie. slide is back in a pistol, bolt is back in a rifle, only really used for GBB's and GBBR's)
FIBUA - Fighting In Built Up Areas.
CQB/CQC - Close Quarters Battle/Combat
ಠ_ಠLess QQ more Pew Pew
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Old December 3rd, 2012, 10:32   #8
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FIBUA has been replaced with FISH
Fighting In Someones House

ASG Air Soft Gun

GBB Gas Blow Back (Pistol only)

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Old December 3rd, 2012, 13:21   #9
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GREAT! Please keep posting whatever abbreviations you can find. It's helpful to all of us. :-)
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Old December 3rd, 2012, 21:01   #10
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Would it be possible to have all the acronyms we come up with edited in to the original post and have it stickied?
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Old December 4th, 2012, 01:42   #11
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we did that once already the abbreviation of acronyms looks like this
... -- .. -.- ..- -.. --. ...- --..
That is all.
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Old December 4th, 2012, 08:53   #12
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Hot Gun/Weapon - Above the set or hardcap FPS limit
Hardcap - The maximum ammount allowed
Softcap - Most efficient amount, but can be exceeded usually with a penalty

Some I learned recently.
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Old December 4th, 2012, 09:53   #13
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Originally Posted by Armyissue View Post
we did that once already the abbreviation of acronyms looks like this
... -- .. -.- ..- -.. --. ...- --..
That is all.
--- .-.. -.. / ... -.- --- --- .-..

Don't recall hearing hardcap/softcap before...

Not really ackronyms...but terminology

Real Cap = usually refers to a magazine that will only take the relative number of BBs that would be found in a real steel magazine (i.e. typically 20 or 30). May refer to "short-loading" a low/mid cap magazine to real steel capacity

Low Cap = Refers to magazines that typically have a capacity limit of 60-90BBs (depends on make/model of the gun and mag).

Mid Cap = Refers to magazines that have a capacity higher than a low cap...but is not a high cap. Typically somewhere in the 120BB range

High Cap = Refers to manual/automatic winding magazines that feed 200+ BBs from a resevoir

Short-Loading a mag = loading a low/mid cap magazine to it's real steel equivalents capacity (due to the way they operate high caps cannot be effectively short loaded)

FPS Limit/Max FPS = set with each game, may not be used universally between games/fields/hosts. Denotes the Maximum muzzle velocity in Feet Per Secon that your weapons are permitted to shoot a 0.20g BB.
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Old December 4th, 2012, 10:39   #14
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-- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / .. ... / .-.. . . - / -.-- ---
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Old December 4th, 2012, 13:54   #15
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