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Our Zombie Run mini-game


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Old August 1st, 2005, 13:38   #1
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Exclamation Our Zombie Run mini-game

I was working on a few props earlier this week when my wife remarked that she was surprised I hadn't come up with a Zombie game yet. (I like zombie movies)

I realized this was true. So the other day when we played some dusk/night games at our field we tried ZOMBIE RUN.

Here were the basic rules:
People take turns running a gauntlet of "Zombies" to reach the escape point. The human ("Runner") is armed with one sidearm and ONE magazine (or AEG and one locap works too). The runner wears a red glowstick, cause as we all know zombies can sense the living...

Zombies only have to touch the runner to infect/kill them. Shooting a zombie stuns them for 5 seconds. Shooting a zombie in the THIGH kills them instantly (hey, we'd all rather use headshots for realism but I'm sure we want to keep our teeth...)

The Zombies of course are all the other players (unarmed, naturally).

For fun you can mark the furthest point the human gets to as a "high score" and see if anyone can beat it or win.

Here's how it worked out for us:

The human started out in the field about 100-150 meters from the church (the "safe point" to reach). The zombies (everyone else) started near the church.

The Church (this pic was not taken the night we played. I tried to take some pics but the camera saw nothing but blackness due to the lack of light.):
(EDIT: Sorry - lost this pic. It is no longer available.)

Now, here's the thing. Once it was twilight out, our field was layered in THICK mist and fog. It made the game very memorable.

And the church with the green glowstick-lit doorway looked pretty creepy in the mist, frankly.

The zombies could easily home in on the red light the human wore because as we all know zombies can sense the living...

No one made it QUITE all the way to the church but some came really close to making it.

The mist was cool because you couldn't see anyone very well unless you were close but the zombies could see the red indicator clearly and could easily home in on the player.

As zombies we all made excellent moaning/groaning noises, too.

I'd love to try it again, maybe with some small variations if needed (2 runners at once, or one human in the church to provide some backup for those last few dozen critical feet, etc) We had a total of 8 players (1 runner, 7 zombies) and I think that worked pretty well.
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Old August 1st, 2005, 13:43   #2
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that is absoloutley awesome.

That looks eerily like a scene from Night of the living dead... the country and the church and all.
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Old August 1st, 2005, 14:20   #3
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This is bloody brilliant, well done Don!
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Old August 16th, 2005, 19:48   #4
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I wanna play so bad!
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Old August 16th, 2005, 20:39   #5
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Yeah I was there. It was a brillant game and the couldn't of worked out better then that low mist/fog. Pretty rare this time of year in our parts.

Wish it could of been videoed haha It was rush trying to run the gauntlet of the Undead Horde!
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Old August 16th, 2005, 21:16   #6
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Seems an exciting game...

really want to try...
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Old August 16th, 2005, 21:24   #7
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Its been done. Only we used headshots for instant kills.

Memorable may not be the most appropriate word.

edit:does anyone have the vid?
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Old August 16th, 2005, 21:39   #8
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Originally Posted by fantastix
Its been done. Only we used headshots for instant kills.

Memorable may not be the most appropriate word.

edit:does anyone have the vid?

Well we were wimps and it was really dark and we were shooting people from like 4 or 5 feet so we thought it safer to make it so only right thigh shots killed the zombies as to save everybody from having welts all over our handsome faces. :-)

You can have your headshots.
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Old August 16th, 2005, 21:39   #9
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Is there a video? If not just more of a game overview.
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Old August 16th, 2005, 22:03   #10
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Right on! i love Zombie movies also. That would be hell cool to make to make an airsoft day outta it. :kill:

Here's an idea i think the humans that are still alive wear should wear a green glow stick around their neck so it would be easyer for the zombies to spot them. and possibly they could wear face masks, cause i know i'd get to into it and think i'm really in a Zombie Apocolypse

EDIT :: It's gotta be at night! Muhahah

Great idea.

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Old August 16th, 2005, 23:52   #11
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I had a small video camera, but unfortunately there was nowhere near enough ambient light for it to actually pick up anything. It only picked up blackness so I didn't bother.

Here's an idea i think the humans that are still alive wear should wear a green glow stick around their neck so it would be easyer for the zombies to spot them.
Well, if you check the writeup the human wore a red glowstick (some people used red lamps on their gear) so the zombies could "see" them even in the dim light, and make a beeline for them easily.
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Old August 17th, 2005, 08:28   #12
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Don, I forgot to ask, how many zombies were there in relation to the runner? (just curious about the odds)

Also, one pistol...what's the ruling on single versus double stacks? Single stacks to emulate "nightmare" level? Single stackers have got to do some serious dekeing (sp?) around the undead...I love it.
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Old August 17th, 2005, 14:27   #13
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There were ~8 zombies and 1 runner. We weren't too concerned about the ammo - nobody ran out anyway. In the fog we could only see the zombies when they were about 15-20' away, so there wasn't enough time to shoot them all when they all of a sudden appeared out of the fog... it was usually take a few shots and then boot it! :0)

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Old August 17th, 2005, 17:32   #14
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A helmet cam from the runner in a game like this would be awesome!
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Old August 17th, 2005, 22:49   #15
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Like midgetspy says. We didn't get very down and dirty with nitty gritty rules. Some people without sidearms just used their AEGs on semi with a locap (if they had one). It was all in fun. No one ran out anyway, likely due to the very limited visibility.
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