KSC G18C vs G23F part # 253 - same or different?
I'm in the middle of trying to repair a KSC G23F that I acquired not too long ago and in comparison with my older 18C noticed that the shape of part 253 seems to be different and is thus potentially causing the fire-select issues that I'm experiencing (fires fine in semi, not at all in full and acts finicky on safe as well as switching between fire modes). Can anybody post pics of thier 23f slide internals "ventral side" up with the selector in the three different positions (safe/semi/full) so that I can do a quick visual check to see if there's anything else that might be amiss?
I can provide more details if any body wants. Thanks.
EDIT: Mod please delete. The answer is that they're identical and I've got a damaged part on my 23F.