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Toronto Airsoft - Please Resolve


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Old March 21st, 2012, 19:28   #1
Basic-Wedge's Avatar
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Toronto Airsoft - Please Resolve

On March 15, 2012 I ordered a WE M16A3 Cansoft version from Toronto Airsoft. The rifle arrived on March 20, which is remarkably quick shipping.

Everything about the rifle seemed fine, until I pulled the charging handle back, and discovered this is one of WE's old closed bolt system rifles, which haven't been made new for quite some time, and are now obsolete and not well supported.

Toronto Airsoft's website promoted this rifle as a "generation 3 model, it is already fitted with the latest value system able to take propane/green gas and co2 without modification". I don't exactly know what a generation 3 model is, but I know this rifle certainly doesn't employ the "latest system".

I'm not interested in taking on a rifle that immediately needs a major modification in order to be brought up to current standards, so I've tried contacting Toronto Airsoft through their website...

I was hopeful of having this error resolved quickly and with minimal fuss, but I've received only a couple of tersely worded emails from someone named Barry, who seems not the least bit interested in being helpful.

I'm hoping someone else from Toronto Airsoft will see this, and help to make this right. I'd like to send this rifle back, and have them send out a rifle that meets WE's current production standard, or receive a refund.

I'll report further if this situation gets ammicably resolved.
* * * * * * * * *
Rob Bye

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Old March 21st, 2012, 22:27   #2
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I apologize for the incontinence however without a name or order number it is hard for me to find your transaction.

In this situation it seems as though the listing has some ambiguity that we were not aware of.

At the time of listing creating the generation 3 AWSS system (aka closed bolt system) was the latest, it seems it requires some updating.

Please email us at torontoairsoft at to receive an RMA form, we are more than happy to take back the products and credit you for your purchase because of this mentioned ambiguity.

Also as a quick note, if you are planning on using co2 in an open bolt WE system we would recommend not doing so as the factory has advised us that the valve will not be able to take the higher pressure output.

For further assistance please email us at our customer service account.
__________________ : Free shipping on Orders over $300!

Sorry I can no longer keep up with PMs. Please use the contact form on the website to reach staff.
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Old March 22nd, 2012, 00:35   #3
Basic-Wedge's Avatar
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Thanks for looking at this Karnage.

I've sent an email to you with all the details. The order number was #007451.

Thanks again.
* * * * * * * * *
Rob Bye

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Old March 30th, 2012, 21:18   #4
Basic-Wedge's Avatar
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In the end, I decided to keep the rifle Toronto Airsoft shipped to me.

I still believe they should've been much clearer in communicating that this was an obsolete version (closed bolt) they were trying to get rid of. They're the official WE distributer for Canada, yet they don't stock products that WE has been making for over a year now. That's just... wierd.

As it turned out, this wasn't to be the last problem I'd have with this rifle: On only the third test shot, the plastic receiver cracked - right where the buffer attaches, rendering the entire gun completely unusable.

To be fair, I didn't bother trying to contact Toronto Airsoft about the receiver breaking - that shit happens. It just sucks that this gun was only capable of firing two good shots before becoming little more than an expensive paper weight.

I'll stop short of recommending against dealing with Toronto Airsoft. I have no wish to deal with them again, but you may luck out and have a better experience. I do suggest you take the cautious approach, and ask many questions before you buy.

I never found a phone number on their site, but you might try reaching Toronto Airsoft at 647-342-8566.
* * * * * * * * *
Rob Bye

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