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Modified Jeep TJ worth it in GTA airsoft games?



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Old June 10th, 2005, 10:48   #1
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Modified Jeep TJ worth it in GTA airsoft games?

If I were to take my Jeep TJ and modify it for airsoft, would it be utilized at games in the GTA community?

The plan:

-stripping paint, repainting dark matt green.

-Removing back seats (for games) and machining a upright gunner's harness that faces out the rear of the vehicle. (this of course would not be higher then the roll bar for safety)

-mounting an M60 to the gunner's position so it can have 180 degree arc.

-removing doors and front windshield for games. Allowing the occupants to be shot easily. This makes it less a tank and more a vulnerable scout vehicle.

-Extending the wheel base to cut the rollover chances down to almost none (considering I wouldn't be blasting through fields with it. 30 km/h will be the max it should ever go, anything more leaves too little room for error)

As for usage, I wouldn't restrict it's use to Section Nine team members only, and would gladly allow other players to use it during games.
However I would be the only one driving it, and I think that's a given.

Let me know your thoughts, as I would love to implement this in games here in the GTA airsoft community.

All comments welcome. Think this is a really bad idea? Feel free to express that. Just looking for constructive input, both for and against.

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Old June 10th, 2005, 10:54   #2
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The PQAC has a freakin fleet of vehicles it seems, 2 Argo's, etc - vehicles in Airsoft is becoming the new trend for sure. Let me know if you need a passenger! I'm game!
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Old June 10th, 2005, 10:56   #3
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Originally Posted by lt_poncho
The PQAC has a freakin fleet of vehicles it seems, 2 Argo's, etc - vehicles in Airsoft is becoming the new trend for sure. Let me know if you need a passenger! I'm game!
Hey, hey!
Poncho, been awhile. This baby get's done, your more then welcome aboard. :tup:

"...and if I fall, to taste the ground, and you hear that firebell sound. Don't fear, it's just the bullets, bouncing off my helmet..." -Hawksley Workman

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Old June 10th, 2005, 10:58   #4
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I love it! But the only thing that worries me is buggering up the field in the long term with the deep wheel treads.... Especially during or after rainfall. With continued use, it would pretty much turn grass fields into mud fields (That is assuming you won't limit yourself to driving it on established paths.

In the short term however, *Drooooool* :mrgreen:
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Old June 10th, 2005, 11:04   #5
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Originally Posted by Lex
Originally Posted by lt_poncho
The PQAC has a freakin fleet of vehicles it seems, 2 Argo's, etc - vehicles in Airsoft is becoming the new trend for sure. Let me know if you need a passenger! I'm game!
Hey, hey!
Poncho, been awhile. This baby get's done, your more then welcome aboard. :tup:
Leeme see if I remember...
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Old June 10th, 2005, 11:09   #6
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if I ever actually show up to games, you can strap my hog on there any day.
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Old June 10th, 2005, 11:48   #7
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You shouldn't create ruts if you don't drive too fast. I would imagine that you wouldn't be able to exceed 10kph in the fields for safety reasons. Players in your path would need ample time to get out of the way incase you don't notice them. A sniper in a ghillie could be lying in your path and you wouldn't know it. If you need parts, contact me.
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Old June 10th, 2005, 11:49   #8
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I think it would look smoking but have some concerns about running over players, hitting snipers and bad road condition roll-overs.

If you could make strict rules for the vehicle it may work out.


-Have a visible track (road) that the Jeep must drive on and cannot be driven anywhere else.
-No people are allowed to be on the road/track except to cross and only when the Jeep is visibly far away.
-Jeep gun should be allowed to shoot over 400fps since it cannot move away from track/road.
- put a throttle limiter on the Jeep to set acceleration to a slow speed and limit speed to max 25-30km/hr.

Beyond that great idea and go for it.

P.S. Oh yeah, Jeep TJ's are pricey machines, I'd suggest you get a beater Suzuki sidekick or something that won't be considered a classic or appreciate in value.
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Old June 10th, 2005, 11:54   #9
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Lex i want to do that with my TJ too but I need it for other things.

Go for it I say, it would be fun. Only concern might be running a sniper over hiding in a ghillie on the field.
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Old June 10th, 2005, 11:55   #10
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in regard to vehicles on the field, I don't think it is a bad idea, but I think there should be rules set out, like no driving through the field at random, sticking to certain areas, and keeping out of others, as well as what was mentioned before, 10km/h speed limit.

Regarding what SKI said, I don't think a Sniper in a ghille will be lying in the middle of a track, or field, will little cover, as there needs to be something for a ghille to blend in with, or it sticks out like a sore thumb.

I would enjoy playing with it, it would be good for senarios. But I would not play a skirmish game if it was on the field, too random.

Just my $0.02
Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
Give your head a shake, man. You don't jump out of a shaky car so you can ride in one that's on fire.
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I also noticed for the first time that Bod sounds a lot like Jango Fett.
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I like the part where he got banned.
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Old June 10th, 2005, 12:13   #11
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What I meant about the sniper is when he is moving across a field (with taller vegitation)to get to his FFP. It's unavoidable at times.

If the vehicle was limited to where it could go, Then that would be no problem. I like the idea of the vehicle being able to cross fields but perhaps as Torn said, not at random. Have only specific field crossing points.
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Old June 10th, 2005, 12:15   #12
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My thoughts so far:

-10 km/h speed limit sounds right.

-Keeping to a designated track or road makes sense, less chance of driving over someone. But to be fair, the jeep is not exactly a quiet vehicle nor will it be moving fast, which means hitting someone with this thing should be very unlikely. But safety first, so whatever works.

-The M60 being cranked to 400 fps makes sense, considering it's stuck on the jeep which will be stuck on "rails" (the designated roads/paths)

-As for rollover, there's no worry if I'm going a max of 10 km/h.

-As for a limiter, I'll be throwing the jeep into 4 wheel drive low when playing. This will limit first and second gear to that speed, second gear redlines at 10 km/h at this setting. Not speedy, but safe.

-This is defiantly a scenario vehicle, not really fair skirmish wise, nor is it really to useful. (circling the field slowly, hmm, doesn't sound too fun)

"...and if I fall, to taste the ground, and you hear that firebell sound. Don't fear, it's just the bullets, bouncing off my helmet..." -Hawksley Workman

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"It is that same freedom to choose that many organized faiths refuse to accept. And for that, I refuse to accept them."-MadMorbius
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Old June 10th, 2005, 12:21   #13
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Originally Posted by Lex
-This is defiantly a scenario vehicle, not really fair skirmish wise, nor is it really to useful. (circling the field slowly, hmm, doesn't sound too fun)
We've used vehicles in a number of games (scenario and skirmish - with every player's consent of course), sometimes just for shits and giggles - I'm thinking Frank's volvo here, who remembers dropping the smoke grenade down the sunroof, or bb's up the tail pipe? - you don't even need to drive around much, just having a mobile base turns into a defacto objective, besides the fact that everyone wants to shoot the shit out of anything with 4 wheels on the field. Be prepared to draw alot of fire.

Maybe some penetrable armour plate? Cardboard walls here and there, frangible, but that can stop rounds for awhile?

As far as safety goes, sticking to open tracks and decent speed is still fun, and very easy to stay out of trouble.
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Old June 10th, 2005, 12:26   #14
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Miles, Do the bbs leave alot of dents in the body work? I've thought about using my truck for some games. I don't mind all the scratches as it's seen alot of off road use already. It's the little dings from the bbs that I don't like.
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Old June 10th, 2005, 12:35   #15
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Kate has a wiley's m38a1 that we restore in better days. I think it even has a pintle mount.
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