Maruzen APS2-96 piston size.
I have in my hand a nice TM-based VSR build.
But apparently the cylinder is a bore-up with a L96-type piston and guide... using 7mm APS2 springs... That was a kit made by K2...
The thing is that I really like the setup, but I want to upgrade the parts to better ones... the stock piston is one-piece aluminum and the push is gritty even after polishing the piston and liberal amount of grease...
I would like to know if the L96 piston would fit.
Can someone measure one at the widest point (neck at the head or catch at the rear).
The one I have right now is exactly 22.8mm or 0.8975".
Originally Posted by Drake
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.