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Airsoft Walmart Desert Eagle. Is it worth it?


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Old December 30th, 2010, 11:44   #1
Raeg Quit!1~1
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Airsoft Walmart Desert Eagle. Is it worth it?

Yes yes. I know, Walmart is horrible for airsoft. But I at least need a side arm for when my primary goes dead, or empty so I won't be standing around with my junk in my hands. If you know what I mean.

I'm talking about.. Say if I were sitting in a building waiting for an enemy to pass by. I can just shoot him. And he will know it wont hurt and I hit him. No harm done. Just asking if anyone here has used one. And what you think about them. I'ts the clear walmart Desert Eagle. And don't tell me, oh just get age verified. Because I can't. And I play in real games. People are fine with me playing.

So the bottom line is. What's your input on this gun?
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Old December 30th, 2010, 11:47   #2
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Dude, its simple. Just save that money, work up some more and buy a gas blowback pistol.

If walmart is in any association with an airsoft gun, its not worth it.

Its better to put money down on something worthwhile to begin with, than spend money on a bunch of crap before.
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Old December 30th, 2010, 11:51   #3
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Pretty much what Strelok said...

But he doesn't know how good they shoot when your turn them sideways "Gangster" style.

They get like 150 more FPS

(This is a joke. Strelok answered your question perfectly already.)
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Old December 30th, 2010, 11:57   #4
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If you want something for in case you're below your MED then you might be able to use the Crosman Airmag C11. It runs off CO2 and shoots at a relatively low 360 FPS, and according to the BBBastard Minimum Safe Engagement Distance Calculator you're looking at an MED of about 10 feet.

Apparently the C11 isn't that bad and I believe that some players run them but you'll have to wait until an owner drops by and can confirm this.

However, still ideally you'd be running 350 or less if you're wanting no not hurt the other player and you're engaging at low distances like from around a corner or doing a transition from outdoor to CQB or engaging in a FIBUA site.

Keep in mind that you can always mercy the other player as well (within reason) you don't always need to hit them.
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Old December 30th, 2010, 12:01   #5
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I've run the C11. It's a great pistol. The only problem is, unless you know the sound it makes when its out you have no other indication that you have no more ammo. Mags are cheap, hold about 15 -18 BBs.
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Old December 30th, 2010, 12:02   #6
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i bought a 70$ c02 pistol from walmart, S&W M&P40 replica, it shoot straight and far! no blowback, but with some .20 i have a constant 320 fps.
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Old December 30th, 2010, 12:02   #7
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Save up for what? Like I said. Im not age verified. So buying good deals off this site is a no no. There is NO stores in my area. As in my province for airsoft. And I can't buy shit off the internet because I have no credit card or bank card. And no one is allowed to talk to me about buying these things off each other off here in ASC because I'm not age verified. So walmart is all I got..Actually maybe Canadian tire might have something better. Because I got $70 on me right now.

EDIT: Yeah also does C02 work well in the cold? Can it be stored for a long time?
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Old December 30th, 2010, 12:02   #8
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Yeah, I had the C11 as well, the trigger pull was a bit annoying, but it shot pretty nicely for a NBB gun. Was pretty solid too. I dunno though, i still hold on to buying quality first.

Many many better options out there, too.


Tough luck dude. If you have a bank account (You should, unless you're like 12 or something.) get a bank card. Hook it up to paypal. That gives you an option to buy online. It's what I do. Don't need a credit card.

Keep saving.

Last edited by Strelok; December 30th, 2010 at 12:05..
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Old December 30th, 2010, 12:08   #9
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CO2 works better than green gas in the cold. I never stored mine for longer than a week. Cartridges are cheap. I use to put a new one in each game. Will last about 2 - 3 mags.
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Old December 30th, 2010, 12:09   #10
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I bought the Desert Eagle. That was before I knew there was anything better, and before I even knew there was an entire world of hobby/sport airsoft. It's not bad, not great. If you don't care on it lasting too long, then it ought to last a little while. Just don't be surprised if it fails catastrophically one day.
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Old December 30th, 2010, 12:15   #11
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I think Im going to go for the metal C02 pistol instead. Thanks guys.

EDIT: And Im not 12 man I'm 16!
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Old December 30th, 2010, 12:26   #12
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i used for the longest time (till it fell out of my holster on an airstrip in the middle of a firefight) one of the Taurus co2 pistols, no blowback, nice and accurate, no hopup to worry about it

my only complaint with it was that the trigger had a very long pull its like 100$ for the pistol and one mag, if ur gonna go with something cheaper get that, at least it wont break on you if you sneeze on it
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Old December 30th, 2010, 12:37   #13
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You seem like a fairly responsible kid and all (ie. didn't ask where 2 get a sn1per rifel dat sh00ts at 500+ FPS), plus the culture in NL is totally different from the "ban everything soccer mom" culture in larger metropolitan areas (ie. Toronto, or Vancouver) but still we can't help any further until 18.

I will say this though, save up and buy quality. However I know it's a "long time to wait" for 2 years at 16 (but even at 20 the past year just flew by for me but maybe it was because I was immersed in a lot of work and stuff).

Also, make sure you're responsible when using it. This probably doesn't need to be said for "country kids" who generally have more common sense than "city kids" but obviously all the safety rules apply. Out of sight, (ideally) being supervised by a parent or guardian, wear safety goggles at all times, use in responsible manner, etc.
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Old December 30th, 2010, 13:57   #14
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Originally Posted by Grrxmaster View Post
I bought the Desert Eagle. That was before I knew there was anything better, and before I even knew there was an entire world of hobby/sport airsoft. It's not bad, not great. If you don't care on it lasting too long, then it ought to last a little while. Just don't be surprised if it fails catastrophically one day.
Eh... It's pretty bad. From my experience with just plinking and getting rid of crows from pooping on my deck it curves up after 9 feet and flys upwards after. Either you save up your money and wait or you can buy some POS crapmart pistol and watch it blow up when you drop it.
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Old December 31st, 2010, 07:02   #15
a.k.a. Phoneguy
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The Crossman C11 CO2 pistol will come on sale at CT eventually. It retails for $99.99 but it's goes for half price allot. It's not worth paying the $99 but I bought it for $49 and it's worth that much. Still going strong. Use it outdoors in the cold allot.

Also, be sure to get the soft-air one and not the bb one cause there are 2 versions of it. Don't buy the wrong one.

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