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Seller dispute "Qlong"



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Old August 14th, 2010, 16:28   #1
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Seller dispute "Qlong"

Hey guys and gals of ASC,

I’m in a situation in which I need some advice, back in July, "Qlong" or Qian Lang Jiang sold me an Echo 1 AK47 Tactical. The deal went pretty smoothly, I asked if he still had it available, offered a price, got a quick reply and sent the money the next day when I got his EMT info.

The package was sent July 15th as soon as he got my money. No problems right? The package arrives in Richmond BC on the 19th and all status updates freeze there for 3 weeks. I frantically call Canada Post almost every day for 3 weeks, finally on Aug 5th I get a phone call stating the package has been lost or stolen. Bummer, I go out the next day and purchase a gun from a local store.

Now, I'm sympathetic to both our loses, he's out a gun, I'm out $300, so we negotiate a price in which he'll compensate me for my loss, something fair because we're both out here. I'm told he'll EMT the money on Wednesday Aug 11th, deal. Wednesday rolls around and I get this

Originally Posted by Qlong
Hey Stephan, there appears to be some news of your gun lol, it's now in Montreal, would you mind waiting to see what happens?

Tracking number: 9397016893550009
Weird? Why would my package have traveled from Scarborough, to Richmond, BC, back to Ottawa and now Montreal? By this time, something stinks, I'm not believing what I'm seeing. My first thought is I'm been horn-swoggled. I contact Canada Post only to hear the same dribble I heard before, some problem with there scanners blah blah.

So I send a message to Qlong telling him that Canada Post has a buggy system, to which I get this reply

Originally Posted by Qlong
Hey Stephan, they said they will send a check for shipping, but nothing about $100 unless I missed something. I'll be calling them again to see why it's in the opposite side of the country.

As for the $170, I can't refund that to you if the original deal is still ongoing because what if the package ends up showing at your place?

Believe me, if it ends up really lost, I'll be out of more money than you. I'm just glad that the package still exists.

I'm outraged, all I could think was whether this guy was actually ripping me off! I trusted him more than a month ago with $300 of my hard-earned dollars and now he wants to feed me this BS? Did I not trust him with my money? Now he doesnt trust that we can resort any balances if the gun shows up on either end? So I sent him another message:

Originally Posted by CanadianBeast
Listen Lon, you have to understand I'm at the worse end of this deal, I'm out $300 and I don't have the item I paid for. While you're up MY $300 and only out the rifle.

The item has been lost for more than a month, I've been sympathetic to your loss while I should have outright got all my money back. The very least I should get half back so I'm not on the losing end. I've put a lot of faith on your reputation I read from on here, now you're gonna have to trust me that if the gun shows up some day on my end I will refund that $150.

Everyone at work has told me they would have gone to the authorities by now, I'm far more trusting than they are.

--- Stephan S
(I havent got a reply to this message, its been a day or two)

I've been out of airsoft for almost 6 years now, my last AK-47 got stolen from my house. This deal has also resulted in a stolen AK-47. Needless to say this leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I dont blame Qlong for CPs incompetence, just the BS he's trying to pull right now.

The next step for me is to contact the authorities and try to get my money back that way, what does the ASC community think I should do? I think I've been pretty reasonable and patient for something that's taken a month to resolve.
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Old August 14th, 2010, 17:05   #2
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He as the seller has done his part to send the gun to you. Unfortunately, neither of you guys decided to insure the package for the full amount. I would take the $100 that Canada post would compensate for the lost package and learn from this experience for the next time you buy a gun.
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Old August 14th, 2010, 17:13   #3
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I know qlong in person. Hes not the kind of guy to rip you off.

If your comms have broken down, i can reach him and help you get back in contact.

But it seems to me that he has kept in close contact, and he has no control over the postal system.

I would wait and see where the package ends up before accusing someone of fraud. He has every right as the seller to the same rights as you do, but as the buyer, you neglected to pay for additional insurance to fully cover the cost of the package. That is not the seller's fault.

My suggestion is either wait for the package to arrive, or pony up the extra 2$ for insurance next time.

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Old August 14th, 2010, 17:18   #4
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CanadianBeast, you seem to be a very unreasonable person, suggest you cool off and work w/ qlong to make this work.
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Old August 14th, 2010, 17:19   #5
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Originally Posted by DarkAngel View Post
I know qlong in person. Hes not the kind of guy to rip you off.

If your comms have broken down, i can reach him and help you get back in contact.

But it seems to me that he has kept in close contact, and he has no control over the postal system.

I would wait and see where the package ends up before accusing someone of fraud. He has every right as the seller to the same rights as you do, but as the buyer, you neglected to pay for additional insurance to fully cover the cost of the package. That is not the seller's fault.

My suggestion is either wait for the package to arrive, or pony up the extra 2$ for insurance next time.

Agreed, Qlong is a stand up guy, Canada Post on the other hand is a batch of idiots who do shit like send packages to the wrong end of the country far too often :P

In his place I'd do the same thing and wait to see what goes down involving the package
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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Old August 14th, 2010, 17:49   #6
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For all intensive purposes he has been good, and his reputation has been good. I just feel like this has been dragging on to long and now he's giving me the cold shoulder. I hope it can resolved.

As far as his commitment after being done when he ships it until there's a transfer of goods, the responsibility still dwells in the seller, (I know he didn't) but what if the person ships a box of rocks to some bogus address?

The original deal was $300 shipped, so no insurance was discussed unfortunately.
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Old August 14th, 2010, 17:51   #7
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Shouldn't this be in the "I hate Canada Post" thread?
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Old August 14th, 2010, 17:54   #8
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
Shouldn't this be in the "I hate Canada Post" thread?
it already he posted not too long ago, saying that CP lost his ak... :S

BTW: how much does it cost to ensure a package with CP? (for something around 500$)
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Old August 14th, 2010, 17:55   #9
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Its usually cost about a buck for every $100 of insurance.
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Old August 14th, 2010, 19:15   #10
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Originally Posted by CanadianBeast View Post
The original deal was $300 shipped, so no insurance was discussed unfortunately.
So therefore you left the shipping options up to him. If it actually is lost/stolen, you should get the basic $100 insurance but he doesn't owe you anything else.

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Old August 14th, 2010, 19:26   #11
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Wait for it to play out... I've had multiple issues like this with CP... fortunately each time (even after several months), the package has turned up at it's recipient.

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Old August 14th, 2010, 19:31   #12
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Originally Posted by CanadianBeast View Post
For all intensive purposes he has been good, and his reputation has been good. I just feel like this has been dragging on to long and now he's giving me the cold shoulder. I hope it can resolved.

As far as his commitment after being done when he ships it until there's a transfer of goods, the responsibility still dwells in the seller, (I know he didn't) but what if the person ships a box of rocks to some bogus address?

The original deal was $300 shipped, so no insurance was discussed unfortunately.
Sorry but to me it seems the transaction finished, you bought the item and he shipped it. You did not send him anything to confirm you wanted special shipping needs. He is not delivering it to you, it was put in the hands of another company and therefore the transaction finished on his end. It would be different if he was delivering it himself but his service was to sell and send you a gun, hes done that. CP was supposed to do their job and deliver it. For what ever reason it fell short there and you did not purchase insurance so your asking q to take responsibility for another company? You have to think about this realistically. + hes still talking to you, i've seen much worse cases in fact this doesn't even apply as 1 as far as the seller goes.
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Old August 14th, 2010, 19:35   #13
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its a shitty situation, but unfortunatly once it leaves his possession at the post office its your baby. i agree it sucks but if you didnt stipulate on insurace your reasponsibility. lots can happen between payment and delivery and the seller isnt reasponsible between then, ive had guns/ equipment break enroute before and whos to blame? not the seller and not you, but the courier. however as stated by bruce, if you dont insure it thats the risk you take the seller isnt reasponisble to pay for the extra insurance to ensure he gets to keep his payment, you pay for the shipping and insurance.

plus dont fret the package will turn up. ive had packages get lost, wind up provinces away, sit on counters under blankets, left in the vehicle, slide under seats, stacked behind other parcel - all sorts of wierd stuff and ive gotten them all in the end
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Last edited by swatt13; August 14th, 2010 at 19:37..
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Old August 14th, 2010, 19:37   #14
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WOW.. sorry have to ask for insurance. It is not the shippers responsibility unless it clearly states that in his sales post or in a pm with you directly. Otherwise it's an expensive lesson.
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Old August 14th, 2010, 19:47   #15
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Just to add to the list of people: If you want to ensure your package arrives OR at least get back what you paid, buy the insurance.

QLong is under no legal obligation to refund you anything, and CP is only obligated to pay out the value claimed as the package's worth when shipped, because for all they know, it was a box with a rock in it for which they now have to pay $100 in losses for.

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