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Kraken Noob


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Old July 13th, 2010, 11:51   #1
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Montréal, Qc
Red face Kraken Noob

Hi. I recently bought a Aftermath Kraken. After shooting about 2500 rounds with it, I realized that it's shooting maybe 100 fps slower than it was when it was new, and that the shooting operation is a little louder than before. I cleaned the barrel but it changed nothing.

Maybe when storing it I left the spring compressed and it lost some of its power? The solution would be buying a new spring.

But maybe its something else, and I need your help to find what it is, and what are the solutions to fix it.

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Old July 13th, 2010, 12:00   #2
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Half of the problem is the gun itself, krakens are always a hit and miss and this has been said over and over again on these forums. Cheap guns are never 'good enough' unless you know what you're doing.

Aside from that, It could be a number of things from a weakened spring, which i doubt, since it takes a lot to weaken it to -100 fps. Or loss of air compression, which seems more likely with the change of sound and velocity loss.

Toss the thing over to a gun doc.
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Old July 13th, 2010, 12:04   #3
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Your probably right, you left the spring compressed during a long period of storage, however, the loss of 100 FPS from just that? I dont think so.

Check your compression, the Oring on the piston head may have gone bad or the seal between the hopup unit and the air nozzle could be bad.

Could be those, or just the kraken falling apart, like krackens like to do.
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Old July 13th, 2010, 12:08   #4
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Yeah but knowing its my first AEG, that it costed me 100$ and that I will buy a good one in like 1 year, I would like to try fixing it myself, even if my knowledge is really poor and that there is a risk of making things worst.

I know krakens arent good airsoft guns, but the gun cant just explode by itself, there are parts in it that have to be replaced, or modified (shimming, greasing).

And for the spring thing, I had a 300 fps spring pistol, and I let it cocked for like 1 week, and after that it was shooting like 175 fps...

Loss of air compression looks like the most reasonable answer, it is the piston head, the o-rings or what? Can I fix it ? What parts should I buy? (excuse my noobness)

Thanks again
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Old July 13th, 2010, 12:09   #5
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cobrajr122 I was writing my quick answer when you posted yours.

I will check for compression this evening, when I'l have time.

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Old July 13th, 2010, 12:16   #6
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Well, what you could have done is just not buy it, save that 100 and put it to a gun that doesn't suck.

The more money you put into this kraken, the less you'll have to spend on something worth while, you'll get your new gun and wish you hadn't spent X amount of dollars on that kraken you will not end up using afterwards. It could've gone into accessories and upgrades for the other gun.

I had to deal with this myself when I was getting into the sport, I wish I had just took my time and had been patient.
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Old July 13th, 2010, 12:17   #7
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How do you know it's shooting 100 FPS less?
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Old July 13th, 2010, 12:22   #8
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yeah, what your saying is really logic, but, as somebody that I dont remember the name said in another thread, " A KRAKEN IS LIKE A 3D INSTRUCTION MANUAL WITH SCREWS AND EVERYTHING".

This is the real point of this gun, but I still want it to work well. The upgrades I wanted to do on it after making it work as I want is a new battery (which will be used in my new AEG), new mags (" " " " " " ", knowing its gonna be an ak) and maybe a tightbore or and an SCS.

I just want to learn how to fix a airsoft gun myself.

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Old July 13th, 2010, 12:24   #9
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Amos, 100 fps is an estimation but its not far from reality. You know, cheap man's chrono (pepsi can).

And just the time it takes to reach a target 15 meters away compared to the time it was taking before.
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Old July 13th, 2010, 12:25   #10
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Ah so not a reliable way...

I'd guess that it's more like 20 fps and just from short-term compressed storage... with the popcan method a tiny FPS drop can make it look ALOT worse than it is.
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Old July 13th, 2010, 12:28   #11
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yeah maybe... but on long range targets (150 feet), I can really feel that it takes a lot more time to reach it than before... Also, It had the same fps, and range, as my friends vsr-10 clone, which hasnt fired since, and now, its really weaker that his gun.
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Old July 13th, 2010, 12:29   #12
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Amos is right.
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Old July 13th, 2010, 13:26   #13
Con Murder
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
Ah so not a reliable way...

I'd guess that it's more like 20 fps and just from short-term compressed storage... with the popcan method a tiny FPS drop can make it look ALOT worse than it is.
HAHA! Ya, had a g&g mp5 with airseal leak, fixed it and the guy who owns it was like 'Its upgraded by 100fps'. Got it chronied and it was 15-20fps. Thats it. But wow, anything past 340 and it sounds faster to gain 10 fps!!!
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Old July 13th, 2010, 13:42   #14
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Originally Posted by Con Murder View Post
HAHA! Ya, had a g&g mp5 with airseal leak, fixed it and the guy who owns it was like 'Its upgraded by 100fps'. Got it chronied and it was 15-20fps. Thats it. But wow, anything past 340 and it sounds faster to gain 10 fps!!!
yeah, maybe the biggest problem is in my head... But still, I will chrono it soon and fix it if needed.
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Old July 13th, 2010, 21:48   #15
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My advice, play around with it.

You said it yourself you're going to be getting something better next year so why not take it apart, try to fix it and learn a few things right now?

It could be compression and the spring as well. I have heard the springs they use don't like to keep their stock strength or something and will usually "settle" after a bit of a break in period. Couple that with possibly leaving the spring compressed and an air compression problem and it could add up to something more like 20-30 FPS drop. Sure it may seem like a 100 FPS drop but that's only from observatory judgment on your part. I don't doubt that it probably did drop but not by 100 FPS.

So, get over to the doctors corner and take some of the things said here into consideration and once you feel confident enough open it up and try to keep a log of where everything goes (also good idea to take pictures in a well lit area just in case something springs out or you have extra pieces when you put your gun back together.
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