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New To airsoft.. and Firearms as well.


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Old July 7th, 2010, 22:51   #1
Join Date: Jul 2010
New To airsoft.. and Firearms as well.

Hey everyone.

I'm new to Airsoft.. and generally Firearms as well. I've always liked precision shooting, and i am interested in buying a sniper rifle.

I am 15, and i dont really have much money to spend..

The max i can spend is about 60-70 dollars for primary.

Im wondering several thing:

Do you even, or should you even ENTER the airsoft market at that price?

Do Sniper rifles come at that price?

Where is it legal to use Airsoft rifles in Canada?

I know that you cant just walk around with a gun on your back, fake or not, so where could i actually use it? im new to firearms so i havent had much experiance when it comes to the legality of them or where they can be used.

Any help is appreciated.
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Old July 7th, 2010, 22:58   #2
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Read the FAQ regarding legality issues.

You won't get to play with the ASC ers usually until you're 18

As for any airsoft gun in your price range..... ummm... nope nothing

A clone sniper will run you at least $300, read the FAQ re sniper rifles and why it's NOT a good first gun.

Do NOT run out to the park with your friends to play.

Fill out your Location,
pretty much if you live in the middle of nowhere and have a lot of private property you can go to town and do as you please. If you live in town and do as you please you can go to jail

Last edited by jamuke; July 7th, 2010 at 23:00..
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Old July 7th, 2010, 22:59   #3
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You are likely looking at a minimum of $500 to get started (gun, gear, and mags).

And Sniping in Airsoft is not really that effective.
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Old July 7th, 2010, 23:01   #4
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I suggest you read the FAQ


Vérificateur d'age Mauricie
Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
So you're saying we cannot engage in a hobby once we are older?

Children these days.

Last edited by Deadpool; July 7th, 2010 at 23:05..
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Old July 7th, 2010, 23:10   #5
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regarding precision sniping you might find you will have more fun with a pellet air gun. not for shooting people

pellet guns can be had for a lot less than airsoft, less legal hassle but you still need to be of an age and you still can't go out to your local park and shoot it up
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Old July 7th, 2010, 23:11   #6
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Thanks, going over all the FAQ's now.
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Old July 7th, 2010, 23:14   #7
Join Date: Jul 2010
Well i read everything, and i am dissappointed about the legality..
I wont be able to do anything at this age.

One question though. Im only talking about spring-loaded rifles. What would the price range for those be?
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Old July 7th, 2010, 23:18   #8
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You can't have read everything in the FAQ section in 3 minutes, much less one of the threads...

Go and ACTUALLY read the FAQ, or at least some threads in that section, THEN come back and ask questions.

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Old July 7th, 2010, 23:19   #9
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spring snipers are just as expensive as gas ones , and upgrading a clone or even non-clone platforms can easily run you $500-$1000

and after all that $$ the precision you seek will be less than what you find in a pellet gun in the $200 range

if it's just for fun plinking Airsoft sniper is NOT what you're looking for
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Old July 7th, 2010, 23:25   #10
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Originally Posted by Quinton595 View Post
Well i read everything, and i am dissappointed about the legality..
I wont be able to do anything at this age.

One question though. Im only talking about spring-loaded rifles. What would the price range for those be?
You can if you have a group that will allow it where you live.

Some maybe 18+ only, other 16+ and even others "theoretically" no age limit. Each place will have their own rules however for the most part 18+ is the way it is.

Also, expect $500 minimum to starting out, and that's for slightly less than mediocre gear, not bad mind you but not the greatest either. Ie. you "could" buy a shitty rust bucket that you don't know if it will break down mid way between point a to point b for $500, or you could buy an old and used but decently well cared for sedan like a civic for like $2500 that will get you from a to b but with maybe some slightly higher than regular maintenance required.
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Old July 7th, 2010, 23:30   #11
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no guns for kids, 60-70? really you might get some mags for that price
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Old July 8th, 2010, 00:01   #12
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I'd suggest you save up for a few years and decide what you want. You should probably wait on the sniping until you're used to how airsoft is played, so an M4 might be a better idea until you've figured things out. I'm just starting out myself, and believe me unless you want a wal-mart special that's going to break(I've been there), you're going to end up paying out the ass for a decent gun, and you'll also need extra magazines, vest, and possibly a pistol(which means you'll need a holster as well).

Believe me I'm not trying to discourage you, as I was the same way at fifteen.
Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
Did he not pay his ASC bill this month?
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Old July 8th, 2010, 10:14   #13
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Originally Posted by Quinton595 View Post
Hey everyone.

I'm new to Airsoft.. and generally Firearms as well. I've always liked precision shooting, and i am interested in buying a sniper rifle.

I am 15, and i dont really have much money to spend..

The max i can spend is about 60-70 dollars for primary.

Im wondering several thing:

Do you even, or should you even ENTER the airsoft market at that price?

Do Sniper rifles come at that price?

Where is it legal to use Airsoft rifles in Canada?

I know that you cant just walk around with a gun on your back, fake or not, so where could i actually use it? im new to firearms so i havent had much experiance when it comes to the legality of them or where they can be used.

Any help is appreciated.
Welcome Quinton

I'm sorry to say that I don't really have much good news for you in regards to your inquiry.

As it stands for your budget and due to the fact of your age, airsoft is not really in an achievable position for you at this time. As it stands even the lowest quality bolt action rifles are already five to six times out of your price range. Also due to the fact that you reside in Ontario, provincial law states that you require to be a minimum age of of 18 before you can even purchase an airsoft, pellet or BB gun.

As for safe venues of play when it comes to airsoft. The majority of players enjoy game play at local paintball fields in their respective areas. There are certain instances where members have created their own private facilities and playing fields that are safe and far from that of public view.

If you are interested in precision shooting I suggest that you speak to your parents about the topic. Perhaps they or a relative would be able start looking into this hobby with you together. As it stands shoot real steal rifles is thousands of times funner and have exceedingly more accuracy and range than an airsoft rifle could ever hope to achieve.

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Old July 8th, 2010, 11:07   #14
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Please indicate your location in your profile.

Its really frustrating when people don't indicate their geographical location as its useful in advising people of local resources and players when they make inquiries like this.

ASC moderators/configuring gurus - why don't you make location a mandatory field on signup?
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Old July 8th, 2010, 19:24   #15
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Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
Welcome Quinton

I'm sorry to say that I don't really have much good news for you in regards to your inquiry.

As it stands for your budget and due to the fact of your age, airsoft is not really in an achievable position for you at this time. As it stands even the lowest quality bolt action rifles are already five to six times out of your price range. Also due to the fact that you reside in Ontario, provincial law states that you require to be a minimum age of of 18 before you can even purchase an airsoft, pellet or BB gun.

As for safe venues of play when it comes to airsoft. The majority of players enjoy game play at local paintball fields in their respective areas. There are certain instances where members have created their own private facilities and playing fields that are safe and far from that of public view.

If you are interested in precision shooting I suggest that you speak to your parents about the topic. Perhaps they or a relative would be able start looking into this hobby with you together. As it stands shoot real steal rifles is thousands of times funner and have exceedingly more accuracy and range than an airsoft rifle could ever hope to achieve.
Thank you, TokyoSeven, for taking the time to write an in-depth response such as this.

I should have stated this before, but i am just looking for a gun to do some plinking with.

The reason i wondered about legality, is because if im plinking, with a Rifle, then the 30ft in my basement is too short of a distance, but i guess in public is also out of the question.

I dont mind having a different, cheaper gun, as long as i can buy a cheap sniper scope for it, so that i can still practice accuracy shooting.

The gun can be cheaper than a battle-ready one, because i wont be rushing to take shots, or quickly reloading. I can check it after every shot in my basement, etc.

Thanks again for your response.
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