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Hello from Madrid Spain


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Old June 2nd, 2010, 11:17   #1
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Montreal
Hello from Madrid Spain

Well ladies and gentleman, my name is Santiago I have started with this awesome sport like 1 year ago... Here in Sapin we have a lot of players, teams, variety of replicas BUT airsoft is not legal, also is not unlegal, there is no laws about airsoft replicas, but we have a lot of problems beacuase of that.

How about Canada?? Is airsoft legal there??

Im moving to Montreal or Quebec city cain of soon (like 6 in months) and i want to continue playng, but first i have 2 know about legality of this sport there.

Well my favorite replica is the M4 Ris and i have some ICS replicas with SYSTEMA upgrades, and EDGI barrel. Also i have to say i love milsim, some times I play CQB but we have a lot of great places for milsim here.

Sorry about my english buddies see you soon!!!
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Old June 2nd, 2010, 12:04   #2
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It's better here than in Portugal but maybe not as good as in Spain. Still you can see a lot of Montreal folks on here so you can get the word in from the local crew.
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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Old June 2nd, 2010, 12:04   #3
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You should read the FAQ that'll answer any airsoft questions you have. As I just learned though, if you have any airsoft guns, I advise you sell them before you move, luckily for me I actually won't have to sell my gun when I move back to Canada from the UK, as I started a club here, and it'll just be permanently added to the club stock. Also, if you have any problems reading English, I advise you use google translator:
But other than that I hope you enjoy living in Canada, and enjoy playing airsoft in Canada, as yes, it is legal there, but there are afew legal bits that you should look up first.
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Old June 2nd, 2010, 12:08   #4
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Let me know when you will be in Montreal, there is a CQB interior field that we play at every 2 weeks during winter time.

But you will have to get yourself another Airsoft gun here, you will not be able to bring your guns in country unfortunately...
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Old June 2nd, 2010, 12:11   #5
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Bring everything what you need except leaving your lower body there. Get Age Verified, access to classified and get one from there.

Unfortunately, for ICS lower body. It's a bit hard to your hand on one. I suggest you looking for other brand.

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Old June 2nd, 2010, 12:23   #6
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Originally Posted by KND View Post
Bring everything what you need except leaving your lower body there. Get Age Verified, access to classified and get one from there.

Unfortunately, for ICS lower body. It's a bit hard to your hand on one. I suggest you looking for other brand.
Or just sell it and use the money to buy new stuff once he gets here.

It will be winter when he says he will get here, so this will give him the chance to shop around and find some off season deals.
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Old June 2nd, 2010, 16:41   #7
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Originally Posted by Rugger_can View Post
Or just sell it and use the money to buy new stuff once he gets here.

It will be winter when he says he will get here, so this will give him the chance to shop around and find some off season deals.
It's not a smart idea to sell stuff there and buy new thing here, due to import tax and whatever shit it is, Most of the related airsoft stuff is turn to more expensive than other place even it's not restricted, I'm not even talking about shipping yet.

Again, try to get as much as thing possible from where ever you from and get whatever missing later on once you step your feet on the land of Canada.

Just a piece of idea, if you happen to have ICS M4A1 from Spain. I suggest not to sell it, bring them except lower body then you could sell them as part here to get another gun or try your luck to find a lower body here. That would make more money than you sell in Spain. The point is just only upper body alone, you can make almost 80 $ so far depend on condition.

That's just my two cents.

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Old June 2nd, 2010, 17:16   #8
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Hola y bienvenido a Airsoft Canada.

As many have already pointed out, the laws regarding airsoft in Canada are a bit complicated: while airsoft is legal to own, it's generally illegal for individuals to import (there are specific rules etc which make it very difficult and often also very costly). Therefor it's very strongly recommended to buy guns from Canadian retailers.

Accessories, parts (except receivers and certain other restricted items), magazines (as long as they do not have fake bullets, like certain SIG55x or G36 mags), optics, etc, as well as gear (vests, BDUs, etc) are all legal to bring in, so you can bring those items without worry.

If you have a specific custom setup you'd like to "keep", I'd suggest you bring only the parts necessary to customize a Canadian gun. Otherwise sell guns before leaving.

There's quite a large player base here in Montreal (as well as elsewhere in Quebec) with frequent games throughout the year (as Jagdalex pointed out, there are games every two weeks at an indoor paintball field). We occasionally also organize evenings out for food and drinks, so it's a good opportunity to meet and talk to the local players.

Originally Posted by KND View Post
It's not a smart idea to sell stuff there and buy new thing here, due to import tax and whatever shit it is, Most of the related airsoft stuff is turn to more expensive than other place even it's not restricted, I'm not even talking about shipping yet.
I have to disagree since it's often more difficult finding only a receiver than finding complete guns. Specially with the Safesoft guns distributing ICS, they can import a complete gun but cannot import only the receiver.

Bringing only the good upgrade parts and accessories its much easier to just get a new complete gun and re-modify it.
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Old June 2nd, 2010, 19:58   #9
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
I have to disagree since it's often more difficult finding only a receiver than finding complete guns. Specially with the Safesoft guns distributing ICS, they can import a complete gun but cannot import only the receiver.

Bringing only the good upgrade parts and accessories its much easier to just get a new complete gun and re-modify it.

Ding Ding Ding, At least someone else was using their noggen.

Soon as I heard him say ICS I knew he would be set as there are a few retailers selling ICS for completely fair and reasonable prices, so like I said, sell then buy new.

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Old June 2nd, 2010, 22:53   #10
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Montreal
Thanks for the informations guys... now i have to think about my replica. Is possible to send my lower reciever by certified mail or DHL?? I have family in Montreal, and maybe i an send the loewr reciver part by part. I dont know... is just an a idea. Also i want to keep the m4 body. I have to read very well the "politics" about taking stuff to there.

See you soon!! I will be around asking some questions. Thanks again!
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Old June 3rd, 2010, 02:09   #11
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Originally Posted by FULLMETAL View Post
Thanks for the informations guys... now i have to think about my replica. Is possible to send my lower reciever by certified mail or DHL?? I have family in Montreal, and maybe i an send the loewr reciver part by part. I dont know... is just an a idea. Also i want to keep the m4 body. I have to read very well the "politics" about taking stuff to there.

No, as we explained above, receivers are the part which is prohibited from import. You can bring barrels, rails/handguards, stocks, flash hiders and internals; however receivers (upper or lower depending on the model -- in your case, an M4, it's the lower) and silencers cannot be imported (unless its clear plastic).

Hence the advice to bring only upgrades and modifications and buy the gun in Canada and re-modify it.

If you attempt to import it there's a very strong chance it will be seized.

Last edited by Drake; June 3rd, 2010 at 02:12..
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Old July 13th, 2010, 14:49   #12
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PM me i can have you meet some of the spanish communityy here in montreal im catalan and i know many spanish people here bud!
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Old July 13th, 2010, 18:46   #13
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Viva Espana! bienvenido
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