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Looking for HFC/KWA mac11 owners


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Old May 19th, 2010, 23:24   #1
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Looking for HFC/KWA mac11 owners

Hey guys I picked up two of these things in a trade and they have been some head ach. I have tried everything from putting heavier springs into them to sanding the outside of the feed lips.

Basicly wat was happening is the bolt would come forward, fire but the BB would stay in the hop up, than it would come forward again take a second BB and jam because it would not let the hammer strike the valve.

The only solution after much swearing and punchin things I have found is to oil the hop up once every 2-3 mags. This doesn't seem right to me at all... the hop up is all the way off as well! its like is swollen or too small from the factory, but its the exact same on both guns.

Has anyone else had this same issue? Is this standard practice for these guns to just oil the piss out of them. I am using the HFC spray oil so its pretty light and these are not supposed to be sniper rifles I know... but it would be nice to have some accuracy.

Any ideas?

edit: just to clarify the reason I sanded the outside of the feed lips and tried the springs is because I was thinking the bolt was not coming forward hard enough or was getting caught on the mag and creating resistance.

Last edited by Dart; May 19th, 2010 at 23:28..
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Old May 20th, 2010, 01:34   #2
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Firing issue

Hey Bud, I've got a KSC and one thing I found out is that these things are real particular about the type of BB's they want to spit out.
I have no problem whatsoever with the metaltech black .20's but throw Excels in there and it's double feeding and kicking bb's out fro
the receiver.
Hope this helps!
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Old May 20th, 2010, 04:00   #3
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woops I ment ksc not kwa... Yah right now I am using matrix .25 gram bbs. Maybe a higher polished and lighter bb might work better. Hmm.
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Old May 20th, 2010, 04:14   #4
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Its the hop up bucking. make sure you use nice shiny bb's not matte one's from walmart. It's not that its bad dont keep it in cold places, they seem to get hard fast when the fire rate of the UZI is hella damn fast. When they get hard then your in trouble. If you can try to find a better hop up bucking If there is one. I know some people has problems with their KWA mac 11.
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Old May 20th, 2010, 22:27   #5
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so I picked up some .20gram black BB's and they still do the same thing. how ever they do require less oil to fire but are more of a pita to tell if they are jammed or not. Maybe its time for a new hopup. is this thing even replaceable?
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Old May 20th, 2010, 22:39   #6
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Originally Posted by Dart View Post
so I picked up some .20gram black BB's and they still do the same thing. how ever they do require less oil to fire but are more of a pita to tell if they are jammed or not. Maybe its time for a new hopup. is this thing even replaceable?


depending on your model.

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Old May 20th, 2010, 22:43   #7
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new hop up

Hi, you may have trouble finding hop up parts for it . I know the KSC 93R uses a rolling type hop up with a tiny ball bearing. The M11's could be and probably are similar but maybe not the same dimensions. If you know how do a full detailed field stip of your gun noting any excessively worn parts. Take the barrel apart IN A BAG! if you lose the hop up ball bearing your gonna cry!

Check it ALL out carefully and post whatever looks not quite right. I'll try to help as will others in the know.

If you are a dedicated M11 guy then you may want to pick up an entire spare gun. As far as I know KSC and KWA are spec'd the same. KSC is Japanese, KWA is Taiwanese but Identical guns. Something to do with importation "blah-blah-blah"

Another tip to save you some early bolt detonation grief is to look up "Cobray Mac 11 .380 parts. You will find images of a rubber buffer pad that stops the bolt from hammering against the rear of the upper receiver.

Take an old rubber or foam shoe insole ie: high density foam. Cut yourself out a buffer pad no thicker than 1/8 of an inch. Put a hole in it for the spring guide rod and a slot cut out so the bolt will cycle and guess what???

No need to hunt around for a magnesium bolt! Your rate of fire will go up a bit and it will add to the silenced effect!

Now get out there! and dish out some plastic death!
Can´t sleep. Clowns will eat me!

Last edited by Ratters; May 20th, 2010 at 22:48.. Reason: Spelling mskates curektid
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Old May 20th, 2010, 23:03   #8
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Originally Posted by Ratters View Post
Hi, you may have trouble finding hop up parts for it . I know the KSC 93R uses a rolling type hop up with a tiny ball bearing. The M11's could be and probably are similar but maybe not the same dimensions. If you know how do a full detailed field stip of your gun noting any excessively worn parts. Take the barrel apart IN A BAG! if you lose the hop up ball bearing your gonna cry!

Check it ALL out carefully and post whatever looks not quite right. I'll try to help as will others in the know.

If you are a dedicated M11 guy then you may want to pick up an entire spare gun. As far as I know KSC and KWA are spec'd the same. KSC is Japanese, KWA is Taiwanese but Identical guns. Something to do with importation "blah-blah-blah"

Another tip to save you some early bolt detonation grief is to look up "Cobray Mac 11 .380 parts. You will find images of a rubber buffer pad that stops the bolt from hammering against the rear of the upper receiver.

Take an old rubber or foam shoe insole ie: high density foam. Cut yourself out a buffer pad no thicker than 1/8 of an inch. Put a hole in it for the spring guide rod and a slot cut out so the bolt will cycle and guess what???

No need to hunt around for a magnesium bolt! Your rate of fire will go up a bit and it will add to the silenced effect!

Now get out there! and dish out some plastic death!
yah I have looked at that mod. I want to get the firing problem figured out first. I have another mac11 that is even pickier than this one. I may try swapping out the entire barrel assembly to this one.

The hop up is not the normal KWC one, its a allen key that you adjust when the bolt is in the closed position via a hole in the slide behind the cocking handle. basicly it lines up to the hop up unit. Now whats under that allen key I am not sure of.

I have taken this one apart and it looks almost brand new. I am pretty sure the guy that traded it to me just wanted to get rid of the head ach.

Only reason I wanted them is I ride a motorcycle in the summer time and my AK47 is a bit big for my backpack lol.
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Old May 20th, 2010, 23:25   #9
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Okay, good luck with it. It sounds like a unique type of hop setup on that one.
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