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LIPO for Unmodified VFC Scar L?


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Old April 5th, 2010, 04:04   #1
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LIPO for Unmodified VFC Scar L?

Just wondering if any VFC SCAR L owners have been using LIPO's and if so what brand and "layout" fits into the stock (without modification). Ive been doing my homework and read a crap load of reviews but no specifics are given on the actual configuration of the LIPO or even a brand name being used with success (again without modification).

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Old April 5th, 2010, 07:31   #2
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Yes, I'm using Rihno 7.4 V 1750 mah without any problem. I used to have 2 VFC SCAR-L, each of them went through at least 10 000 rounds each. Internal still hold it well.


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Old April 5th, 2010, 11:29   #3
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I've been using Zippy LiPo for over a year with great success in a 350fps M4.

Cold weather performance is amazing.

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Old April 5th, 2010, 11:44   #4
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I highly recommend against it without a protection circuit board. If you over-discharge the battery, it'll go up in flames when you charge it.
A 7.4v 20C LiPo will give you close to the same ROF as a 9.6v NiMH mini battery
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Old April 5th, 2010, 11:50   #5
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For ALL LITHIUM BATTERIES, you should be using a PCM (Protection Circuit Module). You do not want to overcharge/overdischarge/overcurrent ANY Lithium battery. Dropping the voltage too low will collapse the entire graphite anode structure, making the battery lose all capability to hold charge. Overcharging will cause Lithium metal to form on the surface of the anode. If you know your chemistry, you know how dangerous and reactive Lithium metal is. Any of these will cause bulging (the formation of hydrogen gas) within the cell, which is extremely flammable. Explosions can also happen. Lithium batteries are VERY dangerous if you don't know the proper precautions.

Just a warning. Be sure you know what you're doing.

By the way, I just got a VFC SCAR-L too! It just got delivered to my house. I can't wait to go home and shoot it! It's my first gun. :X

Originally Posted by Chayce View Post
I wish I could upload a few gameplay videos of me on Alliance of Valiant Arms for you guys to compare to.

I am not familiar with airsoft.

What my question is, does the element of surprise work on a typical airsoft match?
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Old April 5th, 2010, 12:10   #6
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
I highly recommend against it without a protection circuit board. If you over-discharge the battery, it'll go up in flames when you charge it.
A 7.4v 20C LiPo will give you close to the same ROF as a 9.6v NiMH mini battery
It's not likely it will turn to flame suddenly when you over discharge. The best way to notice is the ROF, If it's slow then swap a new battery right away. Lipo cell diagnostic meter is a good investment to consider as well.

Circuit board is good to have but not really necessary. Get a good pack of Lipo, it won't be flame and explode easily because it's build with quality parts also a good charger as well. The worst parts is probably damage the battery.

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Old April 5th, 2010, 13:38   #7
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What I said was, if you over discharge a LiPo, it will go up in flames WHEN YOU CHARGE IT
You shouldn't EVER use a damaged LiPo. Most often, people burn LiPo's while charging them, that's why there's a fire resistant charging sack, and they highly recommend you never leave a LiPo charging unattended. Infact the only 2 common ways you can get a LiPo to burst into flames outside of charging a damaged battery are by puncturing the pack and by over current draw.

I'm not saying you NEED a protection board, but it's a really freaking good idea.
And with the money you save buying LiPo batteries over NiMH, you can definitely afford a PCB.
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Old April 5th, 2010, 13:52   #8
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That's reason you need a decent charge with balancer. Get something from reputable company and probably the one with a monitor that let you know the voltage of each cells.

By the way, always check your Lipo cell either with Lipo cell diagnostics meter or Multimeter before you charge them. The point is you don't want to charge an damage cells ( damages cell mean it drop below 3 V almost reach 2 or 2.5 V )

I paid almost 200 $ alone for just my Lipo charger.

also is a good place to look for. They are pretty decent.

Last edited by KND; April 5th, 2010 at 14:02..
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Old April 5th, 2010, 14:04   #9
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Thanks for the advice. Im aware of the issues with LiPo batteries in terms of care and maintenance. And I was not really concerned with that aspect of the battery as I am very fastidious about proper care of my stuff. I was just curious if anyone has been using a specific brand and configuration with success and I got my answers.

I will probably just get a few NIMH 9.6 mini's as they fit in the stock gun just fine and frankly Im familiar with them in terms of avaliability. And frankly after reading more into it Ive not really come across anyone that has seen a mark able performance increase (in terms of longevity) when using LIPO in the stock VFC SCAR.

Now I just gotta decide who to order from.

Thanks again for the advice.
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Old April 5th, 2010, 14:27   #10
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I'm thinking of one of these for mine, I find that it's just not that happy with minis, even the +1 cell ones.
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Old April 5th, 2010, 14:51   #11
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
I'm thinking of one of these for mine, I find that it's just not that happy with minis, even the +1 cell ones.
Ive read good things about them, but Im unsure if they will fit in the stock without modification. If you pick one up let me know if it did.

Again thanks.
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Old April 5th, 2010, 15:00   #12
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In terms of longevity (capacity?) there IS a marked difference between the 9.6 minis and a 7.4 lipo. First the 9.6 mini will behave ..well like a mini. Whereas the 7.4 ipo wiull behave like a large as far as trigger response and rof is concerned. Secondlythe capacity of the minni sub-c cell is about 1600ish mah. For the same price you can get a pair of 7.4 lipos with 2800 mah each. Both are the same size (in fact the lipo is a tad smaller) and this will make the difference between possibly having enough juice toplay all day and definately having enough.
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Old April 5th, 2010, 15:09   #13
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Originally Posted by chaosnemesis View Post
In terms of longevity (capacity?) there IS a marked difference between the 9.6 minis and a 7.4 lipo. First the 9.6 mini will behave ..well like a mini. Whereas the 7.4 ipo wiull behave like a large as far as trigger response and rof is concerned. Secondlythe capacity of the minni sub-c cell is about 1600ish mah. For the same price you can get a pair of 7.4 lipos with 2800 mah each. Both are the same size (in fact the lipo is a tad smaller) and this will make the difference between possibly having enough juice toplay all day and definately having enough.
I see, well that does change things then. From the information given (in terms of this specific aeg) no one has stated comparison tests. I have read the info on LIPO's but having never physically held one Im at a lost for their general size and shape. And personally I have never liked butchering my AEG's to shoe horn in batteries.

Is there a specific brand you use or recommend? Ive heard that Rhino and Madbull are both good brands. And Ive gotten mixed reviews with Hot power and G&P brands.

Gives me more to think about I guess. The battery technology sure has changed from when I last played.
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Old April 5th, 2010, 15:16   #14
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
I'm thinking of one of these for mine, I find that it's just not that happy with minis, even the +1 cell ones.
LFPs are theoretically much more abuse tolerant than LiPos while having comparable/better life cycle, charge/discharge rates, etc.

I'm not too familiar with airsoft LiPos. I do know about LiPos though. Since it is a polymer, they are kept in bags as opposed to Lithium Ion which are stored in metal shells. This way, LiPos can be manufactured thinner than Lithium Ions. Just be careful not to puncture the bags though. That would be very very bad.

Originally Posted by Chayce View Post
I wish I could upload a few gameplay videos of me on Alliance of Valiant Arms for you guys to compare to.

I am not familiar with airsoft.

What my question is, does the element of surprise work on a typical airsoft match?
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Old April 5th, 2010, 15:25   #15
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ROF test with the Lifepo battery: 12.8v

YouTube- Airsoft GI - Madbull Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery
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