Originally Posted by Dusti69
oh yea hey i feel stupid. i bet they have green gas shotguns.
i got this tsd springer with those mauri shells that they say alone cost more than the gun itself.
would this gearbox work in a g36/sl-8 type?
....oh yea i guess it does say itll work with g36 types. it just needs a dif trigger.....dunno why though
i got this battery pack and i plugged the charger into the wall and it sounds like an electric toothbrush and it vibrates so is it ok to charge an 8.4v battery with a 9.6v charger?
You're starting to ask some questions that with a bit of patient research you could find. And I would be leary about putting the mechbox in an SL8 because it's missing the piece at the top. I don't know if the SL8 needs it but I assume it does since it's a G36. Also that mechbox has no selector plate, so you'd need one of those.
Seriously, for twice the cost of that mechbox you could get yourself a JG G36. If you want something of decent quality, you have to pay the money. Considering in the US you can get a decent gamable AEG for arounf $100.... I can't see why you're so reluctant to do that yet you want a good mechbox??? Sorry man it just doesn't make sense to me.