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The worst Airsofter Ive ever Met



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Old May 20th, 2009, 02:56   #46
cumpulsive masturbator
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Theres another airsoft arena (With poor Laser Tag lightning ofcourse) in Calgary. Its near Marlbrough mall. If your walking, you would have to go up the hill and it comes after the old rail tracks and warehouses. As for Larry, perhaps a boycott? If no airsofter is gonna come there (Few go there anyways), less money for him. But someone has to talk to him first. Maybe pretend to be new so he can feed you bullshit and then catch him in the act? Though the spineless and shameless creature that he is, he probably wont give a damn.
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Old May 20th, 2009, 03:18   #47
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Originally Posted by TCSF-Bowers View Post
indeed you'd be surprised how easy it is to buy a kids happiness
it's impossible actually, your just handing out a sense of power to the kid. Ever seen that quebec govn't cartoon, it portrays quebec as a kid wanting his own room, then the government says that none of his brothers or sisters have their own rooms, the kid then begins to yell, the adult gives in to shut him up, then the kid resumes asking for an apartment.

Originally Posted by burningashes View Post
Theres another airsoft arena (With poor Laser Tag lightning ofcourse) in Calgary. Its near Marlbrough mall. If your walking, you would have to go up the hill and it comes after the old rail tracks and warehouses. As for Larry, perhaps a boycott? If no airsofter is gonna come there (Few go there anyways), less money for him. But someone has to talk to him first. Maybe pretend to be new so he can feed you bullshit and then catch him in the act? Though the spineless and shameless creature that he is, he probably wont give a damn.
hidden camera+youtube?
Originally Posted by Deftonius View Post
I'll bet Ronan was the one who sent that email.
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The chinese steal everything. Haven't seen an original idea come out of that country yet.
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Old May 20th, 2009, 03:31   #48
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Hey sounds like a complete "Cocksucker"
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Old May 20th, 2009, 09:57   #49
Capt. T/O
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Originally Posted by burningashes View Post
Theres another airsoft arena (With poor Laser Tag lightning ofcourse) in Calgary. Its near Marlbrough mall. If your walking, you would have to go up the hill and it comes after the old rail tracks and warehouses. As for Larry, perhaps a boycott? If no airsofter is gonna come there (Few go there anyways), less money for him. But someone has to talk to him first. Maybe pretend to be new so he can feed you bullshit and then catch him in the act? Though the spineless and shameless creature that he is, he probably wont give a damn.
That other place you talk about is an indoor paintball field.. made for speedball.
But be my guest, and play there if you wish.
Note that JOC doesnt go there for a reason.

Although I myself only frequent LT once a year, I cant really blame larry.
Like someone mentioned earlier, he is just running a business... and is in it for the money (what little it brings in). Remeber his main focus is laser tag, and not airsoft.
You should actually thank the guy for even letting us use the facility. If it wasn't for LT, there wouldn't be an indoor facility to play in at all.
Sure his prices may be high and he may overcharge for some of his goods.. but then again, he is in a business to make money.

Its quite simple... if you dont like his business practises, or his prices, then dont go.

As for the boycott movement... a boycott might be more effective if the local community (ie JOC) is involved. Its pretty useless if someone in Edmonton, Toronto, Vancouver, etc boycotts a facility in Calgary.
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Old May 20th, 2009, 10:02   #50
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Being a business doesn't justify lies and bullshit. There's a difference between promoting your products and bullshitting everything...

Bernard Madoff ran a business. To get money. Does that justify him stealing bilions of dollars? Hell not!
Sure, the scale is not the same. But the act of bulshitting and lying stays the same.
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Old May 20th, 2009, 10:32   #51
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Speaking from a new person to this sports point of view.

If I would have walked into a place like that, seen a Fat guy behind the counter *honestly... there is really no reason to be that big, put down the fork, go out side... don't feed me a line about theoyroids. YOUR FAT AND LAZY! end of story.*

neways if I woulda seen that cow behind the counter, and the pricing of the guns... and the snobby *this sport is dieing* attitude towards it... I would have never even bothered getting into it.

I was even cringing when I was looking at a clear G&G for 450ish+tax with battery.

Thank god I stumbled on AK and than found ASC... this website alone has saved me HUNDREDS of $ *even though I could have hundreds more if I didn't play... but lets not think about that*. Also this site has given me some very valuable info.

I can personaly imagine what is going through alot of the newbies heads when they hear *800 for a gun? what its dieing?... well ... maybe paintball will be around longer.... lets go play that instead.

In closing, you should get some ASC cards or something printed up. Next time you go there talk to people that look like they would be responsible valuable members to the community and hand out the cards. Or just get some dog poop, put it in a bag... light it on fire, ring the door bell... and chuck it right in his face.

sorry of my ramblings make no sence, Nightshift +ASC + not sleeping yet= posts that are ... rambly
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Old May 20th, 2009, 10:33   #52
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Originally Posted by Capt. T/O View Post

Although I myself only frequent LT once a year, I cant really blame larry.
Like someone mentioned earlier, he is just running a business... and is in it for the money (what little it brings in). Remeber his main focus is laser tag, and not airsoft.
You should actually thank the guy for even letting us use the facility. If it wasn't for LT, there wouldn't be an indoor facility to play in at all.
Sure his prices may be high and he may overcharge for some of his goods.. but then again, he is in a business to make money.
When I started playing that was not a bad place to go. Remember, he was getting guaranteed revenue every wednesday night for the entire winter season. A couple of years later, he raised prices by $5 or $10 per night and people stopped going. Three years running and the play field still looked exactly the same with no improvements. A number of people pitched in to do some work on the arena for free, and he raised prices again. It's not surprising to see the drop in airsoft attendance.

When a business fucks with you like he has, you tend to stop supporting them.

(My timeline might be a little out of sorts. been a while since I've thought about that rotten place)
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Old May 20th, 2009, 14:56   #53
Capt. T/O
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i started playing there when it was $10 a night
a few weks later, he raised it to $15 a night
as of last year he raised it to $20 a night
and thats the price now.. $20 a night

so over a three period, he raised his prices from $10 to $20
it was also last year (after the increase to $20, that several people made structural improvements to the place)

lets put this into perspective....
how much does it cost to go watch a movie at a theatre now-a-days?
and a movie lasts.. what two hours?

as im out west, i have no idea what the field fee is for other indoor facilities... anyone care to enlighten me on those? it might provide a little more perspective on this matter.

for now, although i agree it can get expensive... its not that bad, considering....

and like it was said before.. if you dont like it, then dont go.
i dont like, so i dont go... its that simple really

as for guaranteed revenue one night a week.... yup... guarantee of about 20 players (back then... now its more like 10), at $20 a head... only works out to be $400 a night.
now if he made $400 a night.. different story.. but $400 for one night a week....thats about $1600 a month from airsoft alone.... sorry, but i dont think thats a whole lot of revenue.

Last edited by Capt. T/O; May 20th, 2009 at 14:59..
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Old May 20th, 2009, 15:42   #54
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Local CQB field charged $18/45 minutes if you've got all your own gear.
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Old May 20th, 2009, 17:11   #55
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Splatters in TO ranged from 25-30 for about 8-midnight depending on the number of people.
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Old May 20th, 2009, 18:21   #56
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our CQB field is $15 for a 6 hour day (all money goes to rent, building structures, and providing bottled water)
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Old May 20th, 2009, 19:23   #57
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Originally Posted by MillerBRo View Post
our CQB field is $15 for a 6 hour day (all money goes to rent, building structures, and providing bottled water)
Originally Posted by Amos View Post
Local CQB field charged $18/45 minutes if you've got all your own gear.
Originally Posted by conrad13 View Post
Splatters in TO ranged from 25-30 for about 8-midnight depending on the number of people.
Thank god for the atlantic fields being free.... $5 field fee that goes toward paying for our website
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Old May 20th, 2009, 19:26   #58
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Originally Posted by Cobrajr122 View Post
Thank god for the atlantic fields being free.... $5 field fee that goes toward paying for our website
Place I'm talking about is an actual dedicated airsoft buisness that's out to make money... Little different than some guy's paintball field that he'll fill in the slow hours with airsofters.
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Old May 20th, 2009, 19:47   #59
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Originally Posted by burningashes View Post
Theres another airsoft arena (With poor Laser Tag lightning ofcourse) in Calgary. Its near Marlbrough mall. If your walking, you would have to go up the hill and it comes after the old rail tracks and warehouses. As for Larry, perhaps a boycott? If no airsofter is gonna come there (Few go there anyways), less money for him. But someone has to talk to him first. Maybe pretend to be new so he can feed you bullshit and then catch him in the act? Though the spineless and shameless creature that he is, he probably wont give a damn.
If you don't like his prices, don't shop there?
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Old May 20th, 2009, 20:44   #60
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Being a rec ball player and reading this is way cheaper then ball. ill do the math.
10$ field fee, 20$ for paintballs (ur forced to use theres) rentals and all that good stuff.

i spent about 80+$ there and my trigger finger was itching. If i itched that finger it would end up about 100$ for one game.


so comparing those field fee's it isn't that bad. Hell im willing to spend 20$ to go play airsoft for the day that day comming in 2 years XD.

Correct me if iam wrong but if its 20$ and hour i mine as well save up for the basics
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