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Tackleberry Hop-up Mod for PTW


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Old May 12th, 2009, 19:02   #1
mcguyver's Avatar
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Tackleberry Hop-up Mod for PTW

I can now offer the Tackleberry hop-up mod for PTW. Tack has given me permission to make this mod available for Canadian users, and it is a simple mod with minimal alteration to your inner barrel as well as adjuster cage. I have enough material to cover every PTW in Canada and then some.

If you are interested in having this mod done, PM me.

It has undergone some testing in Canada already, with very good results.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old May 12th, 2009, 19:05   #2
Scotty aka harleyb
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Can you give a link to some description of this mod? I've been searching the PTW forums and I've found lots of people talking about the mod but nobody actually describing it.
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Old May 12th, 2009, 19:06   #3
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I guess this is the end of my monopoly? Well it was fun for me while it lasted
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Old May 12th, 2009, 19:07   #4
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I highly recommend this mod. I had it done and got a direct hit on someone at 85-90yards with zero lobbing, just a straight up point and shoot. This was while using the M130 cylinder and a .30 bb
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Old May 12th, 2009, 19:15   #5
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Originally Posted by Mantelope View Post
Can you give a link to some description of this mod? I've been searching the PTW forums and I've found lots of people talking about the mod but nobody actually describing it.
Well, Tack is a bit of a secretive genius. He spends alot of time tinkering, and comes up with things like the 490 motor repair, as well as moisture proofing and the hop-up mod. He won't share his info with everyone, he does run a business selling and modifying PTWs in the U.K.

The only way I'm able to offer this service is with his approval (and a fee), as reverse-engineering it to copy it is not honourable in my opinion.

As he has not shown pics of it, I won't either, But I can tell you it involves the addition of a new roller to his specs in size and material, as well as some minor milling of the barrel to allow more adjustement range and replacement of the stock cushions to allow for colder weather play (not necessary for summertime users).
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old May 12th, 2009, 19:24   #6
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This mod was done on my PTW and I'm very pleased with the results. Accuracy, distance and consistancy is 100% better, even when using the old gen.1 6.10 barrel.
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Old May 12th, 2009, 19:29   #7
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Originally Posted by jameskersten View Post
I highly recommend this mod. I had it done and got a direct hit on someone at 85-90yards with zero lobbing, just a straight up point and shoot. This was while using the M130 cylinder and a .30 bb
I seen this happen with my own 2 eyes!

I will say this hopup mod should be looked into by every PTW user. Much tighter groupings, and the BB's fly straighter and farther than any airsoft gun ive ever seen
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Old May 24th, 2009, 21:59   #8
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I was hoping to be able to do some hard numbers testing on this mod today, but it was too windy to give me any usable results. I do have some data on my old hop-ups with 0.25g Metal Tech BBs:

M150 #1 455 fps (2.41J)
M150 #2 485 fps (2.73J)
M130 both 375 fps (1.63J)
M110 both 330 fps (1.27J)
M90 both 300 fps (1.05J)

Now my chrono results with the new hop-up and 0.30g Madbull IPSC BBs:

M150 #1 420 fps (2.46J)
M150 #2 450 fps (2.82J)
M130 both 345 fps (1.66J)
M110 both 315 fps (1.38J)
M90 both 285 fps (1.13J)

I was hoping to have some more concrete accuracy results with the new hop-up, but it was just too windy at 100 feet test distance to get any decent results. I could test at 25 feet in my garage, but I would like something a bit longer in distance.

What I did find is that with the amount of resistance the new hop-up will create by it's friction with the BB, misfeeding did occur when using the M110 and M90 cylinders and the 12V battery in full-auto. The mags simply don't have the spring strength to be able to feed 0.30g BBs that quickly, and any backed-up BB leads to a misfed/chopped BB.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep discussing what's for dinner.

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Last edited by mcguyver; May 24th, 2009 at 22:09..
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Old May 25th, 2009, 01:09   #9
Death March
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Might that be from the type of BB as well(the chopping)? I know I can only use BB Bastard and Airsoft Elite! would you still have to "MOD" a PDI tightbore barrel?
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Old May 31st, 2009, 12:13   #10
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Originally Posted by Death March View Post
Might that be from the type of BB as well(the chopping)? I know I can only use BB Bastard and Airsoft Elite! would you still have to "MOD" a PDI tightbore barrel?
It's more likely from the 0.30g BBs adding more resistance to the mag due to their mass, coupled with a ridiculous ROF using 12V and M110-90. As well, the hop-up will add some resistance as well, as it is supposed to.

All barrels need to be done. So far, I've done stock, PDI and Vanaras barrels.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old September 11th, 2009, 00:20   #11
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As of today, I will no longer be offering this mod. Due to my retirement and sale of virtually all my PTW parts, I will no longer be able to offer this mod.

Those of you that have contacted me already, or have already sent me barrel assemblies are excepted from this.

Basically, no new work will be taken effective immediately.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep discussing what's for dinner.

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