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G&g gr16a3 Iron Sights


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Old May 9th, 2009, 01:11   #1
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G&g gr16a3 Iron Sights

I have a question about the iron sights and adjusting it. Before I took the gun outdoors and used it I tested my gun indoor and had a target set and adjusted my sights. No matter what I could not get the shot to always go into the same hole. I used .20 BB blackball. I was about 5 Meters from the target.

Most of the shots were shot about 1-2cm apart and some closer. Others randomly shot 4-5cms away. What I would like to know is do all airsoft guns shoot BB's at different areas and never in the same spot? Will shots ever be in the same area. I tried to adjust it outdoors but the BB's are coming out to fast and I could not see if they were going up to high or too low. Whats the best way to adjust the Iron sights so I can get a steady shot when aiming? Which comes to my next question. How do I adjust the Hop-up. I know which way to turn it but do I need a tool to do so? Its tight in spot. Is there a way to turn the gear on the hop-up without a tool?

Airsoft Gun: G&G GR16 A3
BB's Used: .20g BB Blackball (White and Black)
Weather: No wind at all indoor or outdoor.
Ranges Tested: 5 meters. 50+ meters. I could hear the shots hitting trees but couldn't tell if it was the one I was aiming at.

Any ideas will be appreciated. If not is there anyone in the areas that can help adjust the gun?
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Old May 9th, 2009, 01:29   #2
Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw
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Unless HEAVILY upgraded, AEGs are not meant to be precision tools. A grouping of about 1-2cm is pretty good for about 5 meters. Use your iron sights to acquire your target but only for rough placement of the muzzle.

As for the hopup, AFAIK you just have to open the dust cover by pulling back the charging handle, and your should see a gear type wheel. Play with that until you get your desired setting. Get used to re-adjusting your hopup regularly.

Also Im not familiar at all with the BBs your using. Always try to get high quality BBs, such as BB Bastard. Thats all Ive ever used, and it would take ALOT to get me to change. Maybe if you use higher weights such as .25 or .28 you will get better accuracy.
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This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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Old May 9th, 2009, 01:39   #3
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Yeah sorry I meant Bastard BB's. Not sure where I got blackball lol. Yeah they are .20 BB's. How do I turn the gear on the Hop-Up I see it but it doesn't move? Do I need to push back on it hard? I don't want to break it.
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Old May 9th, 2009, 01:51   #4
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Playing with the hop up just means turning it up and down. In the pic below the blue "dial" thing is what you should see and what you should be turning up and down.

Just a note, this doesn't really increase accuracy, what it does is give the BB backspin so that it can travel in a relatively flat path until it loses enough velocity and drops. What it means is you will increase effective range with the hop up. It's all detailed somewhere in the FAQ's I'm sure.
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Old May 9th, 2009, 19:11   #5
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awesome thanks i'll try and adjust next time I play.
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