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Old April 9th, 2009, 15:16   #16
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I'm sure older generations said/thought the same of us.

Another great example for the Young Offender's Act to be ripped apart.
"Hey I'm the first one to say its a great country but its a straaaaange culture. This is a place where gun store owners are given a list of stolen credit cards but not a list of CRIMINALS and MANIACS. And now they're thinking of banning toy guns...AND THEY'RE GONNA KEEP THE F**KING REAL ONES!"
-George Carlin 1937 - 2008 (RIP buddy)
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Old April 9th, 2009, 15:39   #17
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True enough, sometimes I just wonder what some people are thinking. Like, did the kid actually pull out that shotgun and think to himself "Yes. This is a good idea. Nothing bad will possibly come of this" or is he just a total moron. My vote is on the latter.
- Speirs101
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Old April 9th, 2009, 15:54   #18
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I would also vote on the latter.

Even with myself only being 19 and I live in the City Limits once I got my MP5 (no clear parts) I figured wll I am going to want to shoot it out in the garage so I should probably let my neighbors know that I have a replica weapon that could be mistaken for the real thing. Sure enough I told them and both my neighbors came over to see what it looked like (one out of curiousity, the other becuase he has a kid and wanted to know for safety reasons). So again I did a little educating. You get the point. But to pull one out of your coat in public. Now on top of that I wonder if he saw the cop car and said, "Watch this, I wonder how they will react?" ; and then to point it at another person, possibly unknowing, with the intent to harm or not..

I wonder what people are thinking at times?
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Old April 9th, 2009, 15:55   #19
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Originally Posted by Speirs101 View Post
True enough, sometimes I just wonder what some people are thinking. Like, did the kid actually pull out that shotgun and think to himself "Yes. This is a good idea. Nothing bad will possibly come of this" or is he just a total moron. My vote is on the latter.
Knowing kids around here he probably thought he was being a badass rebel trying to scare people. I have no doubt though that he dropped the attitude and soiled himself when the cops came.
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Old April 9th, 2009, 16:18   #20
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the problem is parenting today. alot of parents psend zero time with their kids and then blame tv, video games and music for their problems. instead of saying hey that toy gun was to easy to get, why didn't the parent of this kid who was already on probation notice their son spray painting a clear gun and beat the dumb shit over the head with it.
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Old April 9th, 2009, 17:29   #21
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I find all these threads amazing, how stupid kids are these days. And its not just with guns, they seem lack the respect of authority. I remember the social pecking order of high school that kpet idoits at the bottom, when I was a senior the whole respect thing had gone. And today I just picked up the latest Macleans magazine, and there's a whole bunch of articles talking about how todays teenagers are real great and respect authority. I have no idea how they did this study but it seems wrong.
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Old April 9th, 2009, 17:38   #22
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Originally Posted by L.S.J.S View Post
The boy is charged with carrying a concealed weapon, possession of a weapon dangerous to the public and two breach of probation offences.
Nuff said...
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Old April 9th, 2009, 19:26   #23
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Originally Posted by conrad13 View Post
I find all these threads amazing, how stupid kids are these days. And its not just with guns, they seem lack the respect of authority. I remember the social pecking order of high school that kpet idoits at the bottom, when I was a senior the whole respect thing had gone. And today I just picked up the latest Macleans magazine, and there's a whole bunch of articles talking about how todays teenagers are real great and respect authority. I have no idea how they did this study but it seems wrong.
You're absolutely right Conrad! I saw that article in Macleans today! I was just as shocked as you! It said teenagers today drink less, smoke less and have sex less. I was like huh? lol. I wasn't exactly sure how they drew that conclusion either!
- Speirs101
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Old April 9th, 2009, 19:57   #24
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Originally Posted by conrad13 View Post
I find all these threads amazing, how stupid kids are these days. And its not just with guns, they seem lack the respect of authority. I remember the social pecking order of high school that kpet idoits at the bottom, when I was a senior the whole respect thing had gone. And today I just picked up the latest Macleans magazine, and there's a whole bunch of articles talking about how todays teenagers are real great and respect authority. I have no idea how they did this study but it seems wrong.
Actually, to be honest, that is for the most part true. Most teenagers these days are nice, respectful, and generally good people.

What I find is that the ones who are stupid are getting remarkably more stupid. Ie, the cases of dumb are becoming more and more extreme. These are the ones people remember and constantly hear about -not the good ones who are on track to becoming good, productive members of society.

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Old April 9th, 2009, 20:07   #25
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Originally Posted by Speirs101 View Post
You're absolutely right Conrad! I saw that article in Macleans today! I was just as shocked as you! It said teenagers today drink less, smoke less and have sex less. I was like huh? lol. I wasn't exactly sure how they drew that conclusion either!
im pretty sure they meant kids as in 12 and younger because i know a few teenagers and theyre all about drinking getting high and partying....
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Old April 9th, 2009, 20:26   #26
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
Actually, to be honest, that is for the most part true. Most teenagers these days are nice, respectful, and generally good people.

What I find is that the ones who are stupid are getting remarkably more stupid. Ie, the cases of dumb are becoming more and more extreme. These are the ones people remember and constantly hear about -not the good ones who are on track to becoming good, productive members of society.

I agree with you completely. The only things you hear about teenagers are the bad things that they do. And recently they have gotten a lot worse (the individuals that do the dumbest things), and the media is doing what the media does, showing ONLY the bad things that happen, and blowing the story wildly out of preportion, which then gives belief to the sterotype that all teenagers do drugs, drink, dont listen to authorities, pull replica firearms on people etc.

That being said i am a teenager and I do stupid things sometimes but there is a limit to how stupid I can be. There is no way I could be that deluded/stupid that i think it would be a good idea to pull a replica firearm on someone in the middle of the street. But there are those that are that dumb and seeing it in the news all the time, makes you think that it is the norm.

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Old April 9th, 2009, 20:33   #27
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People aren't borned stupid. We were kids once.
Enough with "stupid" kids. No such thing. It's the way their parents raised them that made them DO stupid actions or how they look up to adults. If kids don't have discipline, they will do stupid shit.
You guys are adults, how many adults do you see being arrested, thrown in jail, adults killing another adult, raping, drugs, etc. Just because someone has done a stupid action, they're considered stupid? You guys will have kids one day, or maybe already have.
Kids being arrested is discipline, they will learn later in life they will be responsible for their actions.

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Old April 9th, 2009, 20:42   #28
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I disagree. As a child, no one ever told me not to take a gun and point it at someone else in public, or hide it on myself. Common sense (unaffiliated with parental advisory) is key, the kid is stupid. By his age, he should have enough common sense to realize there was nothing smart about what he was doing, and if he didn't, he's stupid.
There may be kids who aren't stupid, but this one, is a prime example of stupid. This isn't to say all of them are, I know kids who are very smart.
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Old April 9th, 2009, 20:52   #29
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It seems that these days kids are getting more and more polarized. Either they're fucking retarded or A+ honours students who volunteer for like 40 hours a week.

Plus it doesn't help that the blame game is played to such an extent these days. Sure you have to share some of the blame but you can't defer 100% of it to others, parents and kids need to man up and take some responsibility, I'm not saying that they're 100% at fault but I'd wager 95% of the problem is parenting and the other 5% external forces like the school, community and such.

I was a kid once too (well... I mean I am 18 so that wasn't too long ago) but it still stands. I did some pretty stupid things back then that, "at the time I thought may have been a good idea". This doesn't mean that common sense just flew out the window totally. I still had a good idea if it was fucking retarded or just a something that may or may not be a good idea.
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Old April 13th, 2009, 18:36   #30
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Originally Posted by Speirs101 View Post
teenagers today drink less, smoke less and have sex less. I was like huh? lol.
I can't speak for a lot of the youth today, but when I was <20, I spent a lot of time drinking, smoking and sexing the ladies, and still found time to do some pretty stupid stuff. So for someone to say they are doing it less... well to be honest, I don't think anyone could have done more than me so... less or equal to is the only option. With the advent of the internet and video games, less is more likely.

I also hung around with the dumbest of the dumb who would have probably tried something like this. I didn't blame their parents and I never thought society should be held responsible either, they were just plain and simply stupid as yogurt. Typically Darwinism will take care of most of them as time goes on and the remainder you just try to avoid and hope they don't represent you or your hobby as this idiot did.
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