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Old March 28th, 2009, 02:14   #91
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I've only sold ONE TM AEG.

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Old March 28th, 2009, 03:44   #92
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TM was great for it's time, expensive but the QA was there at least.

Then the clones came in and eventually caught up in terms of QA.

TM didn't really give much of a damn though. IIRC the patent laws in Japan prevent the cheap clones from being imported to Japan, so TM enjoys a massive domestic market (even in the height of TM's power in the Americas, probably for even one international TM airsoft gun sold, probably 10 or more sold in the Japanese domestic market).
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Old April 3rd, 2009, 19:33   #93
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
Haven't handled a TM but it's still the holy grail for me as far as standard guns go. PTW is still holds the title of "Skyline GT-R" as far as airsoft goes (everyone wants one and they're hella expensive).

I don't care much for 400 FPS, 999999 RPS, guns. What I want is something reliable. Whereas most kiddies only care about high FPS and RPS.

I guess you could say it's the difference between a Civic and some American built super leet 500HP car. Civic is pretty standard and has a shitload of replacment and aftermarket parts available for it, AND it's generally pretty reliable. I'd rather take something that I know will be reliable and has a modest amount of power.
Uh, know this is a bit late but they're more like the Ferrari, good for looks. Skylines aren't expensive, it's just the laws restrict their imporation, but you can get one pretty cheap stock.
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Old April 5th, 2009, 07:37   #94
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TM Fan here. At first, I don't understand what the fuss is all about these plastic aeg's. But when I got a chance to own two TM gbb's and an AK47 TM Aeg, I finally understood why TM's became popular despite the low out of the box fps rating. Solid, wobble free externals, excellent gearbox to hop alignment (well as far as version 3 goes), great out of the box shimmings. My fully upgraded AK shoots at 440 plus fps, and I'm pretty sure that my baby won't fail me both on weekend skirmishes as well as big airsoft events.
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Old April 5th, 2009, 08:58   #95
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Been playing almost 10 years. All my guns are Japanese (TM, Maruzen, or Tanaka). Never had a stock one fail on me in the field for any reason other than a low battery. The only guns I've ever had issues with are non-Japanese guns (Classic Army, ICS, Kraken, Dboys). Although, when I had my STAR L85A1, it ran like a dream.
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That was a very bad move on your behalf. Sort of like cutting off your foot for money, but not getting the money first and then letting the person with the money run away.
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Old April 5th, 2009, 18:18   #96
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Heh, it's kinda' funny to think that even 2 years ago, clones were frowned upon and TM was generally very recommended,
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Old April 6th, 2009, 04:05   #97
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Old April 6th, 2009, 04:22   #98
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^ sige?
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Old April 6th, 2009, 11:26   #99
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Originally Posted by Arthraxis View Post
Heh, it's kinda' funny to think that even 2 years ago, clones were frowned upon and TM was generally very recommended,
I still recommend TMs (or CAs) to beginners over clones.

I don't care what anyone says, I haven't seen a clone I'd put on the same level as the equivalent TM. The JG guns are good... but not as good IMO. For the price they're great... but I'd still rather pay the additional $$$ for a TM/CA gun.

Although, having said that, go back two years and look at what clones were available. 90% of them were complete crap and weren't worth the money. Nowadays we have clones that are actually worth buying. So I think for the most part it simply becomes a trade off of how much money one wants to spend vs. how much work they want to do. We still get the occaisional new guy who is like "I want a good, BS free gun" and who will gladly take the recommendation of a TM or CA over an ACM clone.

The one thing that seems very hard to make newer people understand now though with regards to clones is that "brand name" airsoft guns hold their value much better, and if they decide to sell it later they'll probably lose less money on it than they would a clone.

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Last edited by kalnaren; April 6th, 2009 at 11:37..
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Old April 6th, 2009, 11:36   #100
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
I still recommend TMs (or CAs) to beginners over clones. ...

...Nowadays we have clones that are actually worth buying. So I think for the most part it simply becomes a trade off of how much money one wants to spend vs. how much work they want to do.
I second that, at least for CA. A noob won't have the skillset required to break into their gun and repair it if something goes wrong. For the FIRST gun, a noob who's serious about getting into airsoft really should look at a CA or something comparable to make sure it's a trouble-free experience.

Now that being said, for someone who knows their way around an AEG, I think TM is a total waste of money. You can get a clone that with a bit of work and money, will outperform and outlast any TM for 1/2 the price. I can't in good conscience now buy a plastic TM with plastic bushings, weak gears, and weak shell that all need to be replaced in order to get high, competitive and trouble-free performance.
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Old April 6th, 2009, 11:42   #101
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
Now that being said, for someone who knows their way around an AEG, I think TM is a total waste of money. You can get a clone that with a bit of work and money, will outperform and outlast any TM for 1/2 the price. I can't in good conscience now buy a plastic TM with plastic bushings, weak gears, and weak shell that all need to be replaced in order to get high, competitive and trouble-free performance.
I'll agree there for guns in which you can easily get aftermarket bodies. I find the plastic body quality of most clones lacking compared to the TM ones (G36 is a good example.. JG < TM < CA). Though there are a few clones for which I've heard good things -like the JG G3-SG1- that I might be tempted to take over a TM one (though in that case G3 bodies aren't exactly rare). I think the clones I'd go for are the ones for which the TM clearly isn't worth the money, like the P90 (gamed my JG at DefCon last nigh.. I love that gun already). Most of the time if I can get a CA equivalent I'd go for that unless I was doing a complete rebuild.

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Old April 6th, 2009, 11:43   #102
Fly 9
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I started out on a TM M16 A2. I have no idea how old it was when I got it but apparently the guy who owns(ed?) Wasaga Paintball owned it before the guy I bought it off of owned it (make sense?).
It lasted reliably for a few years, had a bit of barrel wobble, fell on it and broke the tabs, and then finally the mechbox decided to fall apart. That finalised it. Now the only thing that's original TM on that is the flash hider, the stock, inner barrel and the pistol grip (on its way out too).
I have a TM SIG 552 which is a beast, and a FAMAS which, since being disassembled, has its problems.
Overall though, I'm happy with TM's performance and ability to last.
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Old April 12th, 2009, 11:32   #103
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Originally Posted by LUTNIT View Post
G&P has been coming out with more and more upgrade parts for TM M14's, I wouldn't be surprised if they released an M14 based on TM's instead of G&G's flawed design that CA based theirs off of.
G&P has:

MPEGs are displacing TM AEGs due to monetary considerations, not performance and reliability considerations. People who claim their MPEG is better then a TM are doing so because they read the muzzle velocity specs on AirsoftGI and made a major incorrect assumption about performance. They have never seen a stock TM AEG shoot.

And no, your JG M4 is not just as reliable as the TM, get real.

Other premium AEG companies offer direct performance competition against TM AEGs (like the new G&P M14s). You can now basically get a seriously upgraded G&P M14 (full TM clone) for less money then an original .98j stock TM M14. It's a no brainer.
Same with Armalites. Are you going to buy a TM M4 or a G&G, G&P or KWA M4? That is also a no brainer.

IMHO, TM still makes the best AUG, G36C, FAMAS, P90 and Thompson. Models like the AK47, G3 and MP5 are a toss up. All TM AEGs are extremely reliable and accurate.

Unless Tokyo Marui opens up a factory outside of Japan, you aren't going to see higher stock muzzle velocity AEGs from them. Competing companies will continue to offer better value alternatives to TM AEGs and over time TM will lose North American market share.

That's free enterprise and it's a good thing for us airsofters.
Bob - My TM M14, AK47 and G36KV

Last edited by namloot; April 13th, 2009 at 23:28..
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Old April 16th, 2009, 14:59   #104
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JG was my first gun due to my budget constraints and was a good project gun. But TM's will always be respected due to their quality and craftsmanship not to mention that it is purely made in Japan which is a rarity these days. China made guns today are really good based on my experience and if you downgrade the mechbox then it might as well last as long as a TM. I would rather use a China made gun on the field with upgraded internals and a TM as a display piece, cause i wouldn't want to ruin an expensive gun.

Last edited by Gravewolf; April 16th, 2009 at 15:02.. Reason: bad grammar
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Old April 16th, 2009, 17:24   #105
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Originally Posted by Fly 9 View Post
I started out on a TM M16 A2. I have no idea how old it was when I got it but apparently the guy who owns(ed?) Wasaga Paintball owned it before the guy I bought it off of owned it (make sense?).
It lasted reliably for a few years, had a bit of barrel wobble, fell on it and broke the tabs, and then finally the mechbox decided to fall apart. That finalised it. Now the only thing that's original TM on that is the flash hider, the stock, inner barrel and the pistol grip (on its way out too).
I have a TM SIG 552 which is a beast, and a FAMAS which, since being disassembled, has its problems.
Overall though, I'm happy with TM's performance and ability to last.
That was Larry's AEG, it was bought of my excess M16 inventory (bought a batch and decide that long guns were not my kind of rice) it was a stock M16A2 with a bushing upgrade.
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