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How to get into airsoft


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Old March 29th, 2009, 03:24   #1
Join Date: Oct 2008
How to get into airsoft

Hey everyone,

I'm gonna start off with an introduction, I'm 16 going on 17 and I've been playing tactical scenario paintball games for nearly 5 years, I currently play purely mag fed/limited ammo(max on a gun is 30rds), and work at CQB paintball in Toronto. I really prefer the tactical style of play, rather than most paintball games where its a sea of bright colours, big hoppers, and ridiculous ROF's. This is the reason why airsoft is seeming more and more appealing to me. It seems to be a more tactical wargame, and thats what I like.
Now, I completely understand that many of the members here feel that you should be at least 18 before entering the world of airsoft, and I agree, the level of realism on those things is ridiculous, and I've seen shittier paintball replicas taken by the police because of some stupid punk waving it around. I understand you guys dont want that kind of a bad rep for airsoft and i will abide by it and not buy airsoft until 18.

Now, my questions are, where could I start off to try airsoft once 18 and AV'd to make sure that I will enjoy what I'm so anxious to get into, how much money should i save to get a decent kit, and how often are airsoft games played, I see outlaw paintball played alot, and I'm wondering is airsoft the same, but more secret (Ex:abandoned facilities) or are there only a few big games a year.

Thanks alot,
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Old March 29th, 2009, 03:37   #2
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It really depends on where you are located but mostly games are only held at legal fields, not abandoned facilities or anything. In any given year there is probably a big game every month if you are willing to drive a few hours. Border Wars 3 is coming up in the Barrie area I believe, the Quick Pass series in Rawdon Quebec north of Montreal, there is a huge 400+ player game at Fort Drum in New York state in two months, and several others. You can generally play a game every weekend within a 1-2 hour drive of Toronto; some will be very small and others will be average sized games (20-40 people.) You can also sometimes play when under 18 but usually need a parent present. Its not a matter of insurance like with paintball, because there is no such thing as airsoft insurance, but its a matter of legal liability of the property owner.

The fact that you play tactical paintball is a big plug, means you are leaps and bounds ahead of most airsoft newbies. To start in airsoft its probably cheapest and easiest to rent first. Many fields offer rental guns and even those that don't often have players attending that will rent guns to new people. If you are looking to buy there are many options to choose from depending on what type of gun you are after. Being tactically inclined would make me think you would go for an M4/16 or MP5 variant, the two most common types. There are many cheap Chinese brands such as Jing Gong, Echo1, KART, AGM, and many more that have guns that run ~$400 new in Canada but they are known to have a high failure rate. A good solid reliable gun will run you closer to $600-800 plus mags, batteries, BB's, BDU's (which you probably already have), and other accessories. A solid starting budget for outdoor games is around $1000-1500 but can be had for around $600 if you get a Chinese clone gun (but might need a gun doc to work on it sooner than another more expensive gun.) If you plan on playing indoor games to start Toronto has TTAC run by Brian McsomethingthatIcan'tspell and he offers rentals at a low price as well with just a pistol you can play competitively, maybe $250-400 starting budget.

Another thing is it is not important to join a team. Lots of new people think you need to be part of a team to play but you can sign up for any game without being part of a team. When new its actually sometimes negative to join a team right away as you are always lumped with the same people. Being independent and new means you can run with anyone and learn from a much larger experience base.
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Old March 29th, 2009, 03:47   #3
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Thanks for the info, sorry I didn't post my location im in Toronto, so driving too far isnt much of an issue. I'll begin saving now, the gun i really want is the SCAR light, but I've been hearing that magpul's making a masada, so maybe that'll be out when I'm 18, I've already got a Multicam plate carrier, with 6 double m4/ak pouches, dumbags, utility bags, etc, along with MC BDU's so All I really need is a gun.

Also, I dont know if it would be too ghetto for airsoft but my family has a place in the orangeville area, lot's of tall grasses, mixed forest, marshes, and I'm setting up some buildings soon. I play outlaw paintball there a lot, so maybe I could try to get an AS game there
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Old March 29th, 2009, 04:06   #4
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Generally as long as its in the middle of no where and there is zero chance of being seen, people will play games anywhere. Since airsoft is kinda fringe most games are just held on private property anyway. If there are any neighbors even close or any kind of trails or walking paths, I would say don't do it. Backyard games are very often frowned upon but really any game that isn't held at a paintball field is someones backyard.
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Old March 29th, 2009, 04:13   #5
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Understood, there are neighbours there, ok with paintball, but I dont know about airsoft so better safe than sorry.

Bit confused about the under 18 playing though, does my Dad have to play? or consent to my playing? or could I get a release form written up, signed and notarized by a parent, or is it just too difficult/risky to do so.
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Old March 29th, 2009, 04:14   #6
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If it's secluded, private property, then it's usually cool. The main thing is just to keep it out of the public eye where a passerby could mistake what he sees and call the police. If you have neighbours that use their land, it's probably best to warn them you're going to have a game so they know what's going on and don't call the cops. And if the land does border public land, then it's also a good idea to warn the local police department ahead of time of what will be going on so if they DO get calls, they don't send SWAT to join in the fun.

As for under 18, usually parents have to be there, and often, also be in the game. It really depends on the game host. His game, his land (or borrowed land), his rules. Realy though, unless it's a private game you set up, the likeliness of you playing before 18 is slim.
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Old March 29th, 2009, 04:21   #7
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Yeah, well until 18 I've got my mag fed paintball, the neighbors are usually cool with paintball, but there are some ritzy horse people on the other side that sometimes come to where the two properties meet, so they might get freaked I don;t think its a good idea for airsoft. I'd hate to be the cause of a bunch of you guys loosing your guns.
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Old March 29th, 2009, 10:46   #8
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Awww..... Why don't you want to b teh 1337est sn1per evah and pwn all those noobs with your 1337 snipah skillz?

You're going about this smartly so we'll help you out with almost anything you want. I'm going to assume you've read all the FAQ's since you mentioned AV and all that.

I'm assuming since you play milsim paintball you have SOME equipment. What you should be doing right now is getting together everything you don't need to be AV'ed for. Head over to your local army surplus store or a retailer and pick up some of this stuff. You might have some of this stuff but I'll mention it anyways.

Ballistic glasses or Sealed ballistics - if allowed by field, otherwise, low profile paintball masks are your friend so you can actually use your sights)

BDU's - Whatever pattern you like really, but keep in mind that "arctic camo" won't really work in a treed environment, and CADPAT won't work well if there's a lot of fallen trees around (the brown from the tree trunks) rather than it being full oh healthy trees and bushes.

Chestrig - You may or may not have one of these. Not sure how the milsim paintball ones you use are like but check out either the gear classifieds or a place like Ebaybanned.

Boots - I have a thing for good boots. Keep your feet comfortable and all that. If you're willing to pay a little more for something thats fits better get it. Your feet will thank you. Also if you want pick up some Superfeet insoles I swear by these.

And get whatever other gear you think you'll need, don't be a gearwhore though cause then you'll have no money for a gun when it comes time for that.

NOTE you can order pretty much anything off international retailer sites EXCEPT: Guns, Metal Bodies, and magazines with visible dummy rounds (eg. G36, or Sig mags) so getting a chestrig off redwolf, ebaybanned, ehobby, war4toys, Dentrinity, UNCompany, or wherever will not get seized, it may take some time to ship out though but those stores are legit, there are many other stores I haven't listed but those are the first few that come to mind.

It's very rare we get a newbie who actually reads the FAQ's and even rarer that we get a paintballer that doesn't try to use their 999 years of experience in paintball as a bargaining chip.

Finally, if the field is secluded (eg public has no access/line of sight or whatever) and you talk to all the neighbours in the area AND inform the police department you shouldn't have a problem. Also you might want to not let any random people play at your field because I'm assuming you don't have insurance so if they get hurt you might be in a bit of trouble. That is unless you trust Joe Schmoe airsofter to not sue you. Over here there's an agreement that if you get hurt you don't be an asshole sue the field owner.
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Old March 29th, 2009, 20:20   #9
Join Date: Oct 2008
well, I already have a condar plate carrier, with 6 double ak pouches, along with Id pouches, large utility pouch, dump bag, and a couple frag pouches, not sure if this would be too cumbersome, let me know what you think
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Old March 29th, 2009, 20:27   #10
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Originally Posted by kelebay View Post
well, I already have a condar plate carrier, with 6 double ak pouches, along with Id pouches, large utility pouch, dump bag, and a couple frag pouches, not sure if this would be too cumbersome, let me know what you think
Drop the plate carrier and get a two piece MAV. I had a plate carrier, and the thing is retardedly cumbersome. A MAV/LBV is SO much lighter and allows you to move with way more freedom.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old March 29th, 2009, 21:37   #11
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Ya i was thinking of getting one of those rigs that has the open m4 mag pouches, and molle on the front sides and back. Forgot what they're called though.
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Old March 29th, 2009, 21:41   #12
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Once 18, you can go to TTAC3, which is one block NORTH of CQB paintball (Dupont and Ossington) and they can AV you. You're welcome to come watch a game (before you're 18) at TTAC3 as long as you have a guardian come with you. It's similar to CQB paintball only a smaller venue.

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Old March 29th, 2009, 21:41   #13
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if you work here, then ynot stick around to watch:

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Old March 29th, 2009, 22:00   #14
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Yeah, I was thinking of watching that one, go in with a bright ref jersey and my mask, and see how airsoft differs from paintball, how tactics differ/are employed, and see those awesome guns. We actually have a few tornado grenades at CQB, that hopefully will be for rent.
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