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do fps restrictions make sniper pointless?


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Old March 28th, 2009, 14:24   #16
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Sorry, my bad Kalnaren,
I can't use it at the indoor field because it is already over the .8J (I bought an S-System to use at the indoor field). The M14 would be for outdoor games, but I was thinking it would be fun to play as a sniper...but the OP was born rom wondering if I should just add a scope to the M14 or get a sniper rifle even though there will be little difference in fps.
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Old March 28th, 2009, 14:32   #17
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Originally Posted by dstole View Post
Sorry, my bad Kalnaren,
I can't use it at the indoor field because it is already over the .8J (I bought an S-System to use at the indoor field). The M14 would be for outdoor games, but I was thinking it would be fun to play as a sniper...but the OP was born rom wondering if I should just add a scope to the M14 or get a sniper rifle even though there will be little difference in fps.
At that point, I would just scope the M14 and use it as a DMR. A sniper rifle is only useful if you really want to play the part. Otherwise it's just cumbersome and annoying.

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Old March 28th, 2009, 14:46   #18
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Wow.... 90 m/s limits for indoor... That only equates to about 295 FPS, those are pretty strict limits, here it's 330 FPS I believe.

Well anyways, your M14 IS an AEG so I would just put a scope on it and just fire with single shot, that way you're not really an "assaulter" but not really a "sniper" you would be valuable as a point man for scouting enemies and providing accurate cover fire.
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Old March 28th, 2009, 14:47   #19
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at their FPS limit a scope on a M14 would be useless.. Well a decent 1.5-X scope could prove to be useful for spotting people and such... but irons with an M14 would be much better.
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Old March 28th, 2009, 14:56   #20
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
If you do plan on going the "Marksman" route.. I'd recommend upgrading things for air seal and consistency. If you can't have a higher FPS than other people, you'll want a higher amount of consistency.
a Large part of accuracy in with an projectile weapon is consistancy you want to have no more then 5 FPS differance really and no more then three if possible 5 is what allot of guys who shoot long range (aka further then you'll ever even consider in airsoft) a differance in velosity can affect both your evivation and windage as the BB will be affected by wind more so on at the lesser velosity assuming air soft.

if you can Tune the M14 to just legal velocity with very good consitant FPS and with a quality barrel up grade a decent scope your pretty well set just make sure your scope holds zero and it sufficient to acquire targets at expected distance's and you should be fine for a designated marksman role.
When you make an account at like 17... think... will you wanna live with it at like 26?

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Old March 28th, 2009, 15:22   #21
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Originally Posted by BloodDrinker View Post
a Large part of accuracy in with an projectile weapon is consistancy you want to have no more then 5 FPS differance really and no more then three if possible 5 is what allot of guys who shoot long range (aka further then you'll ever even consider in airsoft) a differance in velosity can affect both your evivation and windage as the BB will be affected by wind more so on at the lesser velosity assuming air soft.

if you can Tune the M14 to just legal velocity with very good consitant FPS and with a quality barrel up grade a decent scope your pretty well set just make sure your scope holds zero and it sufficient to acquire targets at expected distance's and you should be fine for a designated marksman role.
If the gun is able to put a BB in the exact same place over and over, the shooter should be able to correct for any mistakes made

(When freshly lubed My VSR has a +/- of 0.2 FPS!)
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Old March 28th, 2009, 18:19   #22
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
If the gun is able to put a BB in the exact same place over and over, the shooter should be able to correct for any mistakes made

(When freshly lubed My VSR has a +/- of 0.2 FPS!)
pretty good how many shots does that constancy hold up for? though
When you make an account at like 17... think... will you wanna live with it at like 26?

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Old March 29th, 2009, 00:06   #23
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Well a TM vsr-10 G-spec would be pretty damn silent with the airbrake.
FPS aside, you can still get pretty amazing range and accuracy out of it, more than an AEG of the same FPS.
Only downside is it's going to take a while for the BB to get to someone at that range!
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Old March 29th, 2009, 00:32   #24
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Originally Posted by BloodDrinker View Post
pretty good how many shots does that constancy hold up for? though
I actually haven't tried extensive testing after lubing it... I just know when it makes that awful "SPOING" spring sound it's time to re-lube it!

I'll do a consistency test within the next couple days.
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Old March 29th, 2009, 17:42   #25
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I've used a stock G-spec in 30-40 km/h winds out to 180 feet. Not 1 shot 1 kill but the targets had no idea what was going on and after some orientation shots, paired with the G-specs consistency, got me alot of stealthy kills. I'd recommend a G-spec hands down for any sniping role requiring a low signature. Plus it's light and easy to maneuver, ecspecially with the silencer off.

G-Spec and your S-System would be a good outdoor pair. and medium sized rifle bag with shoulder straps would be enough to carry the M4 and/or G-spec.

Last edited by JoeyJackhammer; March 29th, 2009 at 17:53..
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Old April 3rd, 2009, 10:10   #26
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I ended up getting the VSR-10 Sniper Pro with a 3-9x40 scope. The VSR had a barrel upgrade in it, and the clerk recommended it over the G-Spec because of the longer barrel length and tight bore. The scope is over kill, but when I asked him about the point of a scope at such low fps and distances he laughed and said "a scope is!" he showed me a few scopes and I picked up a mid priced one.

I got it home, got it all put together, and he was right. Fun.
There is something about hitting a 5 yen coin (about 5 cent coin with hole in the middle) on dental floss hanging from the ceiling 4/5 times from 10 Meters (longest distance in the house). I am going to have fun with this outside.

I am into audio recording so am thinking about doing some field recording comparing the volume of the M14, S-System, VSR-10, MEU GBB, and UPS electric pistol.

Thanks for all the suggestions.

Oh, and as an aside...
The M4 SOPMOD has been sold out here in Japan since it came out, and as I was leaving the store with my new VSR-10 and scope I looked up on the wall and saw a used one sitting there. i asked about it and they said it didn't have a box or instruction manual, but was otherwise fine. I mentioned it to my buddy the next day and he immediately went and picked it up! Oh well, I am still going to 1 shot 1 kill his ass next game while he trying to find me in the bush :-)
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Old April 3rd, 2009, 10:14   #27
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Originally Posted by dstole View Post
I ended up getting the VSR-10 Sniper Pro with a 3-9x40 scope. The VSR had a barrel upgrade in it, and the clerk recommended it over the G-Spec because of the longer barrel length and tight bore. The scope is over kill, but when I asked him about the point of a scope at such low fps and distances he laughed and said "a scope is!" he showed me a few scopes and I picked up a mid priced one.

I got it home, got it all put together, and he was right. Fun.
There is something about hitting a 5 yen coin (about 5 cent coin with hole in the middle) on dental floss hanging from the ceiling 4/5 times from 10 Meters (longest distance in the house). I am going to have fun with this outside.

I am into audio recording so am thinking about doing some field recording comparing the volume of the M14, S-System, VSR-10, MEU GBB, and UPS electric pistol.

Thanks for all the suggestions.

Oh, and as an aside...
The M4 SOPMOD has been sold out here in Japan since it came out, and as I was leaving the store with my new VSR-10 and scope I looked up on the wall and saw a used one sitting there. i asked about it and they said it didn't have a box or instruction manual, but was otherwise fine. I mentioned it to my buddy the next day and he immediately went and picked it up! Oh well, I am still going to 1 shot 1 kill his ass next game while he trying to find me in the bush :-)
If you can look into Bushnell Trophy grade optics, I've got one of their 1.5 - 9 scopes and it's actually useful for airsoft (I use it on 1.5-3 more than the other settings)

It's crystal clear, allows for perfect eye-relief and it actually improves my shooting (instead of hampering it like most high power cheap scopes will do)
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