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Old February 25th, 2009, 00:21   #46
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Old February 25th, 2009, 01:33   #47
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Well seeing that my family LIVED IN GERMANY DURING WW2 at the time!!!!!!!! I'm pretty sure I know what I'm fucking talking about and not throwing around facts I heard from a friend. But whatever. As for bayonets has KAR98k bayonets, trench knife, hiltler youth knifes and so on.
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Old February 25th, 2009, 01:49   #48
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I resent that.

Dont come at me, and I wont shot you =D

Originally Posted by theshaneler View Post
you better not team kill me with a bayonet! you already do with BBs there is no excuse for team kill mercy!
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Old February 25th, 2009, 02:30   #49
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Originally Posted by bootyourface View Post
they were volunteers, and not "raised nazi's" like Hitlerjugend. quote]

You might want to read a few more history text. What you think the Hitlerjugend was and what it actually was might be quite different.
Sorry. But was the not called "hitler jugend"? Was it not a panzer division? Were they not mostly volunteers from the hitler youth programs? I dunno. I've done my fair share of reading. Please, if you're going to say I'm miss-informed, back it up with something so I can be taught right. It MIGHT work a little better when I re-read some books.

As for the swastika and eagle, Double Tapper...I believe BEVO is just a type of stitch used to make the insignia. I just looked over a few books for the last half hour and finally found it. Engel, please confirm that the german is correct. "wehrmachtsadler" taken from the book "Cross Of Iron - The Rise and Fall of the German War Machine 1918 -1945.

So, for the love of god. Correct me if I'm wrong. It angers me that I've spent a few years "wasting" money on books that are ill-informed. Ugh
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Old February 25th, 2009, 02:34   #50
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The_Decider, do you play with the MAA? I haven't seen you out at games. OR I might have, but then you weren't in your german kit. I'm not as hardcore into the replicating it 100%. It seems yours would outshine mine on its worst day. haha
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Old February 25th, 2009, 14:14   #51
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Old February 25th, 2009, 14:28   #52
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Originally Posted by Pockets View Post
I resent that.

Dont come at me, and I wont shot you =D
hahahahaha me and kev where sitting in the bush not moving waiting for the enemy to flank around then you team killed both of us!
we knew it was you cuz your damn kar is silent as all hell !!!
Originally Posted by White_knight View Post
Wildcard his gun is better than all of yours, he has magpul stuff on it, all the magpuls you can dream of. He has all of them. On his gun. I wish I had magpuls
Originally Posted by Curo View Post
Look at all the fucks no one gives Miles, look at them. There is a lot of fucks not being given.
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Old February 25th, 2009, 15:22   #53
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Originally Posted by FNG View Post

Sorry. But was the not called "hitler jugend"? Was it not a panzer division? Were they not mostly volunteers from the hitler youth programs? I dunno. I've done my fair share of reading. Please, if you're going to say I'm miss-informed, back it up with something so I can be taught right. It MIGHT work a little better when I re-read some books.

As for the swastika and eagle, Double Tapper...I believe BEVO is just a type of stitch used to make the insignia. I just looked over a few books for the last half hour and finally found it. Engel, please confirm that the german is correct. "wehrmachtsadler" taken from the book "Cross Of Iron - The Rise and Fall of the German War Machine 1918 -1945.

So, for the love of god. Correct me if I'm wrong. It angers me that I've spent a few years "wasting" money on books that are ill-informed. Ugh
One of the big problems historically is that the SS used the word "Volunteer" (Freiwillig) but in fact used conscription. The term was used to present a false adherence to the Geneva convention which prohibited conscription in foreign territory. For example, I am planning my kit to be 15th Division, the Latvian Legion, which was a "Freiwillig" Legion but made up of 80% conscripts. In German territory, conscription was perfectly fine of course. So were volunteer divisions.

The more I get into history, the more confusing it seems. I completed my MA last summer and from interviews with former SS soldiers, with reading diaries published and unpublished, most if not all soldiers did not fight for ideological reasons - they fought for their comerades and the foreign Legions fought to keep the communists out (because, especially in the East, the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact had resulted in a year of terror under communist rule).

If someone was going to do an Einsatzgruppen representation or something like that I could see how it would be offensive!
у нас в рязани грибы с глазами их едят они глядят
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Old February 25th, 2009, 17:52   #54
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Originally Posted by FNG View Post

Sorry. But was the not called "hitler jugend"? Was it not a panzer division? Were they not mostly volunteers from the hitler youth programs? I dunno. I've done my fair share of reading. Please, if you're going to say I'm miss-informed, back it up with something so I can be taught right. It MIGHT work a little better when I re-read some books.

As for the swastika and eagle, Double Tapper...I believe BEVO is just a type of stitch used to make the insignia. I just looked over a few books for the last half hour and finally found it. Engel, please confirm that the german is correct. "wehrmachtsadler" taken from the book "Cross Of Iron - The Rise and Fall of the German War Machine 1918 -1945.

So, for the love of god. Correct me if I'm wrong. It angers me that I've spent a few years "wasting" money on books that are ill-informed. Ugh
It was what I see listed every time I see it displayed,so I put the two
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Old February 25th, 2009, 22:47   #55
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Originally Posted by bootyourface View Post

One of the big problems historically is that the SS used the word "Volunteer" (Freiwillig) but in fact used conscription. The term was used to present a false adherence to the Geneva convention which prohibited conscription in foreign territory. For example, I am planning my kit to be 15th Division, the Latvian Legion, which was a "Freiwillig" Legion but made up of 80% conscripts. In German territory, conscription was perfectly fine of course. So were volunteer divisions.
The 15th Division for example was renamed 15. Waffen-Grenadier Division der Waffen SS( from 15. SS-Freiwillige Division), as soon as conscription was introduced in 1944. And the "Freiwillige" was dropped from official use then on.
No Waffen SS unit "hid" behind the volunteer title.
All Volunteer Divisions did consist of volunteers.

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Originally Posted by János Hunyadi
To withdraw is impossible, to surrender is unthinkable. Let us fight bravely and honour our arms!- 1444 Battle of Varna
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Old February 26th, 2009, 00:18   #56
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Alright. There is a big difference in Ideology from the and Are you denying this? And then are you saying that the weren't ideologically motivated?

As for the argument saying that the germans didn't have strong ideological feelings, and were merely serving their country, with the utmost honour? Look into the countless massacres committed by EVER branch of the german forces.

They fought with indifference as to the crimes that were being committed. I'm not denying that a lot fought like professional soldiers, with honour and courage. But their willingness to allow so much bad to happen can't be forgotten either.

Blind compliance is a lot like pulling the trigger.

However. This is about the TWO divisions of SS that I listed. One being the 5.SS, the other the 12.SS. Look at NO others, conscript or not, the 12.SS had hitler youth that filled MOST of its ranks. Kids growing up thinking that Aryan was the only true being that was worthy of living. It has nothing to do with the scouts and other programs ran by the Canadians and British in their country's.

Aside from it all. Conscripted or not. I would feel better about myself portraying the 5.SS rather than the 12th.
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Old February 26th, 2009, 00:26   #57
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Originally Posted by The_Decider View Post
I have once or twice, I quite honestly dont do a lot of outdoor, and its usually later on in the season. I was at the last game Davin + Cam put on but I have not been wearing my WW2 set as its missing pants at the moment,lol. I am debating between oak b and Plain old FG.
Ohhh. I got some oak pants actually. I don't wear them anymore in favor of just the plain old HBT trousers. (not a fan of full camo. Just something about it that doesn't sit right with me)

I got the greatcoat at they're Sturm made, so they're not as expensive as those other makes...uhm. Forgot their names. It serves its purpose, and feels great to wear.

I haven't played with Davin and what not yet. Not since the MAA and him had their little drama and falling out thing. However, I tried signing up for OP Cold Front, however wasn't allowed to untill they meet me and see how I play. I didn't really liked being pre-judged as a "drop out player", so I doubt I'll be at any op's they host.

I hope you get some pants soon...and come play a few skrims. Just if you do, let us other germans here know, and we'll all use our German kits that day. Then we can be some sorta.. "Battle group Normandy" since we're all different branches and what not. It would make a little sense it being that way anyhow. haha.
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Old February 26th, 2009, 00:44   #58
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Old February 26th, 2009, 00:56   #59
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I hear THAT. the AGM mp40 is.. kinda lacking. And I heard a bitch to switch parts and what not. K98 is just not my style. I owned 2, but sold one to pockets. I don't like sitting back, I like being in the thick of it. I just use an ak as an stg44. Meh. it works for now. good thing theres that stg44 out. Just gotta see if its actually worth it.

I really like the look of camo pants/solid jacket. I just find the wool stuff too much for me during the summer. I have no idea how those guys did it.
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Old February 26th, 2009, 01:11   #60
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"Wehrmachtsadler" would be correct Bootyourface.

The 12th SS Hitlerjugend was comprised of mainly of 17 and 18 year olds with the NCO and Officer ranks filled by veteran SS troops who already saw action on the east front. The 12th SS were also involved in the shooting of Canadian POWs after the D-Day invasions.

Had the same problem while signing up for OP Cold Front, had to meet them or go to OP Robin Sage their putting on for boot camp before being allowed to play.
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