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Old February 4th, 2009, 16:44   #91
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paraphrasing is repating with different words.
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idk if im allowed to do this on this forum or w.e so if admins wanna whack me go for it

but in response to ghosts post on the paintball vs airsoft thread comment:
i just figured id post this cuz i think that experience you had reeeally sucks.

i played paintball for about 2 years going recreationally, then did a year of tourney, hated it and went pump for a year, went back to semi for a bit and now im back playing pump. Im from edmonton, and the paintball scene out here is preeetty big.

so is pump. i think maybe that field you attended may not have been the best. the field i frequent sells paint for $80 regular, $60 on team nights and if you know the right people you can get it for as low as $40 for xball silver. I can totally identify with your feelings of the 'teen punks.' i guess im still a teen punk being only 18, but here we get your scenario with 13 and 14 year olds.
these teenie boppers are even brazen enough to confront the older and experienced players as if they want to fight... kinda pathetic. but that crap aside, i think the field you play at makes a huggggeeee difference.

I went out to some place (i wont name the field cuz i caused a rather large ruccus on when i brought it up) in the boons with a buddy and our pumps. There was a 'team' decked out to the 9's in brand new shiny semigear. we joined their group, and they also threw in a birthday party of 14 year old renters. so this 'team' tells us they want to play them stick all of us.
my buddy and i laughed having both played rookie as PUMPS and novice as semi taking podium in both divisions. so anyways we figure why not.

This 'team' immidiately starts tearing through the renters on this bushball field, overshooting and reffing at the same time.
After seeing a few kiddies come off near tears for being lit up so hard on their first ever outing, my bud and i get a bit annoyed. so we go off and take down 3 of their guys.

1 of the remaining two figures it would be a good tactic to just start yelling and screaming at us that he had shot us, when he hadnt even fired his marker in our direction all game. eventually the 2 just turn on the ol ramping modes on their guns and lane me and my bud. which is fine, we didnt care they were newbs anyways.

but after the game, 1 of the players walks over getting all in my buddies face and screaming at him for not calling out when he was 'shot.' some heated words were exchanged, and both us and the birthday party left. i talked to their field owner about it after, who SUPPORTED this 'team' for shitstorming the renters and absolutely dominating stating that it was 'good practice' for the 'team.' we pointed out that ganging up on a bunch of kids is not practice and would in fact lessen his business as these kids probably wont return.

the owner then hops on this other forum in which i posted my experience, and begins flaming my buddy and i for our 'conduct' having found out our personal tourny experience, giving US shit for coming to a field and trying to ruin his 'best paying customers.' (these guys hadnt even played a tourny btw). so as you can tell i am not going to be attending that field ever again.
my case in point:

my regular field, Paintball Action Indoor, would never allow such conduct and even ban players were they to gang up on a pile of renters like that.
The staff go out of their way to make sure this is enforced, and i always have a good time at that field.
If the field owner allows shit like this to go, 14 year olds to run their mouths and ppl to gang up on lesser players, then bad experiences will be had and it will certainly give the sport a bad name.
If you havnt given up on paintball altogether, may i suggest trying a new field? it makes all the difference in the world.
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Old February 4th, 2009, 16:58   #92
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Originally Posted by kamikaze33 View Post
idk if im allowed to do this on this forum or w.e so if admins wanna whack me go for it
but in response to ghosts post on the paintball vs airsoft thread comment. i just figured id post this cuz i think that experience you had reeeally sucks.
i played paintball for about 2 years going recreationally, then did a year of tourney, hated it and went pump for a year, went back to semi for a bit and now im back playing pump. Im from edmonton, and the paintball scene out here is preeetty big. so is pump. i think maybe that field you attended may not have been the best. the field i frequent sells paint for $80 regular, $60 on team nights and if you know the right people you can get it for as low as $40 for xball silver. I can totally identify with your feelings of the 'teen punks.' i guess im still a teen punk being only 18, but here we get your scenario with 13 and 14 year olds. these teenie boppers are even brazen enough to confront the older and experienced players as if they want to fight... kinda pathetic. but that crap aside, i think the field you play at makes a huggggeeee difference. I went out to some place (i wont name the field cuz i caused a rather large ruccus on when i brought it up) in the boons with a buddy and our pumps. There was a 'team' decked out to the 9's in brand new shiny semigear. we joined their group, and they also threw in a birthday party of 14 year old renters. so this 'team' tells us they want to play them stick all of us. my buddy and i laughed having both played rookie as PUMPS and novice as semi taking podium in both divisions. so anyways we figure why not. this 'team' immidiately starts tearing through the renters on this bushball field, overshooting and reffing at the same time. After seeing a few kiddies come off near tears for being lit up so hard on their first ever outing, my bud and i get a bit annoyed. so we go off and take down 3 of their guys. 1 of the remaining two figures it would be a good tactic to just start yelling and screaming at us that he had shot us, when he hadnt even fired his marker in our direction all game. eventually the 2 just turn on the ol ramping modes on their guns and lane me and my bud. which is fine, we didnt care they were newbs anyways. but after the game, 1 of the players walks over getting all in my buddies face and screaming at him for not calling out when he was 'shot.' some heated words were exchanged, and both us and the birthday party left. i talked to their field owner about it after, who SUPPORTED this 'team' for shitstorming the renters and absolutely dominating stating that it was 'good practice' for the 'team.' we pointed out that ganging up on a bunch of kids is not practice and would in fact lessen his business as these kids probably wont return.
the owner then hops on this other forum in which i posted my experience, and begins flaming my buddy and i for our 'conduct' having found out our personal tourny experience, giving US shit for coming to a field and trying to ruin his 'best paying customers.' (these guys hadnt even played a tourny btw). so as you can tell i am not going to be attending that field ever again.
my case in point. my regular field, Paintball Action Indoor, would never allow such conduct and even ban players were they to gang up on a pile of renters like that. The staff go out of their way to make sure this is enforced, and i always have a good time at that field. If the field owner allows shit like this to go, 14 year olds to run their mouths and ppl to gang up on lesser players, then bad experiences will be had and it will certainly give the sport a bad name. If you havnt given up on paintball altogether, may i suggest trying a new field? it makes all the difference in the world.
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Old February 4th, 2009, 17:03   #93
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Hey I have a copy of Effective Business Writing 4th Edition by Humber College with your name on it.
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Old February 4th, 2009, 17:06   #94
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So begins the flame squad brigade

Let their flames never tire
- Pistolero Steve -

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Old February 4th, 2009, 17:14   #95
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Originally Posted by cbcsteve View Post
So begins the flame squad brigade

Let their flames never tire
uhm, no?

just read Jimski's paragraphed version. if you don't like it - no need to comment.

I am tired of the flaming.
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Old February 4th, 2009, 21:26   #96
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Originally Posted by Cobrajr122 View Post
uhm, no?

just read Jimski's paragraphed version. if you don't like it - no need to comment.

I am tired of the flaming.
Jimski's paragraphed version does little to help bring the post to a level of literate English writing that most of us are accustom to reading. If the OP expects people to respond with meaningful responses then he/she should take to time to compose a proper statement that follows even just the very basic rules of the English language.
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Old February 4th, 2009, 21:33   #97
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Seriously, Jimski, Thanks for the translation.
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Old February 4th, 2009, 21:39   #98
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Originally Posted by SultanOfShwing View Post
Jimski's paragraphed version does little to help bring the post to a level of literate English writing that most of us are accustom to reading. If the OP expects people to respond with meaningful responses then he/she should take to time to compose a proper statement that follows even just the very basic rules of the English language.
Yes that is true how you treat yourself will often implicitly or explicitly reciprocate the same response. Although maybe not all the time.

Originally Posted by Cobrajr122 View Post
uhm, no?

just read Jimski's paragraphed version. if you don't like it - no need to comment.

I am tired of the flaming.
I did not say I did not like it am I merely citing a trend that might occur. Which usually occurs.

I like paintball, I love the take your company to paintball events. Thats when you can lace your ass of a boss. But as for crappy fields people ranting about them is good. Complaining about them out in the open when the field owners did not listen to you is great. One complaint can be passed on to many. And then business is loss which I hope will make the owners smarten up.

So far I want to add Soldier Gear paintball and Defcon paintball have been one of the best friendly staff I have ever met, they will even play a game or two with us. And they are not noobs, they are just as good or maybe better than some of the vets I've seen.

One last wish goes to Area51. Wherever you guys are, I hope the best.
- Pistolero Steve -

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Old February 4th, 2009, 21:52   #99
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Seriously wtf dude how old are you to write like that? 12?
Originally Posted by Mr.Shiney View Post
Yes it is hard to find an Instructor that teaches how to Finger, Suck, Squeeze and Blow all at the same time.
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Old February 4th, 2009, 21:59   #100
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good story, I am not the best at writing either but i did manage to read it. By the way guys, this is kamikaze33 6th post on our forum. Remember when our moms taught us, if you dont have something nice to say dont say anything at all. My experiences at paintball fields have always been playing airsoft. Wasaga beach always takes care of us but the Soldier Gear staff in Angus are really the cats ass.
I guess I have been lucky never really got into paintball. Just straight into airsoft and for the most part everyone i play with is great.
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Old February 4th, 2009, 22:04   #101
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Originally Posted by georgehutchison View Post
good story, I am not the best at writing either but i did manage to read it. By the way guys, this is kamikaze33 6th post on our forum. Remember when our moms taught us, if you dont have something nice to say dont say anything at all. My experiences at paintball fields have always been playing airsoft. Wasaga beach always takes care of us but the Soldier Gear staff in Angus are really the cats ass.
I guess I have been lucky never really got into paintball. Just straight into airsoft and for the most part everyone i play with is great.
Sorry but if he wants to make a point, good or bad, the minimum he can do is take the time to spell it out properly. All the tools are there for him to do so. No one is asking perfect English. Shit spelling like this shows a total lack of respect for the audience he is aiming at. It also makes him look like a illiterate retard.

Now back to the thread. Oh and i find airsoft to give me more of the thrill that i look for than paintball.
Originally Posted by Mr.Shiney View Post
Yes it is hard to find an Instructor that teaches how to Finger, Suck, Squeeze and Blow all at the same time.
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Old February 4th, 2009, 22:12   #102
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Originally Posted by Ronan View Post
Sorry but if he wants to make a point, good or bad, the minimum he can do is take the time to spell it out properly. All the tools are there for him to do so. No one is asking perfect English. Shit spelling like this shows a total lack of respect for the audience he is aiming at. It also makes him look like a illiterate retard.

Now back to the thread. Oh and i find airsoft to give me more of the thrill that i look for than paintball.
You are very right. All I am saying is that everyone does not need to tell him the same thing. You and I both know how he looks making a post like that. I just dont think it takes everyone to jump on him like that. I am sure he got the point by the first reply.
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Old February 4th, 2009, 22:22   #103
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I don't know if I'm allowed to do this on this forum, so if the admins wanna whack me - go for it.

But, in response to Ghost's post in the "Paintball vs. Airsoft" thread, I just figured I'd post this, because I think that experience you had really sucks.

I played paintball for about 2 years recreationally, then did a year of tourney, but hated it and went pump for a year, then I went back to semi for a bit, and now I'm back playing pump. I'm from Edmonton, and the paintball scene out here is pretty big.

So is pump. I think maybe that field you attended may not have been the best. The field I frequent sells paint for $80 regular, $60 on team nights and, if you know the right people, you can get it for as low as $40 for Xball Silver. I can totally identify with your feelings of the "teen punks." I guess I'm still a teen punk being only 18, but here we get your scenario with 13 and 14 year olds.

These "teenie boppers" are even brazen enough to confront the older and experienced players as if they want to fight. Kinda pathetic. but that crap aside, I think the field you play at makes a huge difference.

I went out to some place (I won't name the field, because I caused a rather large ruckus on when I brought it up) in the boons with a buddy and our pumps. There was a 'team' decked out to the 9's in brand new shiny semi gear. We joined their group, and they also threw in a birthday party of 14 year old renters. So this 'team' tells us they want to play them stick all of us. ('the fuck? -editor)

My buddy and I laughed, having both played rookie as pumps, and novice as semi (whatever the hell that means -editor), taking podium in both divisions. So anyways, we figured, why not.

This 'team' immediately starts tearing through the renters on this bushball field, overshooting and reffing at the same time.
After seeing a few kiddies come off near tears for being lit up so hard on their first ever outing, my bud and I got a bit annoyed. So, we go off and take down 3 of their guys.

One of the remaining two figured it would be a good tactic to just start yelling and screaming at us that he had shot us, even though he hadn't even fired his marker in our direction all game. Eventually, the 2 just turn on the ol' "ramping modes" on their guns and lane me and my bud - which is fine, we didn't care, they were newbs anyways.

But after the game, one of the players walks over getting all in my buddies face, and screaming at him for not calling out when he was "shot." Some heated words were exchanged, and both us and the birthday party left. I talked to the field owner about it after, who supported this "team" for shit storming the renters and absolutely dominating, stating that it was "good practice' for the 'team." We pointed out that ganging up on a bunch of kids is not practice, and would in fact lessen his business as these kids probably won't return.

The owner then hops on another forum, where I posted my experience, and begins flaming my buddy and me for our "conduct", having found out our personal tourney experience, giving us shit for coming to a field and trying to ruin his "best paying customers" (these guys hadn't even played a tourney, by the way). So, as you can tell, I am not going to be attending that field ever again.

My case in point:
My regular field, Paintball Action Indoor, would never allow such conduct and would even ban players, were they to gang up on a pile of renters like that.
The staff go out of their way to make sure this is enforced, and I always have a good time at that field.
If the field owner allows shit like this to go, 14 year olds to run their mouths and people to gang up on lesser players, then bad experiences will be had and it will certainly give the sport a bad name.
If you haven't given up on paintball altogether, may I suggest trying a new field? It makes all the difference in the world.


Crisis averted. All it took was an immigrant to fix it up.

Last edited by Panek; February 4th, 2009 at 22:27..
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Old February 4th, 2009, 22:33   #104
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Forums are a repository for info, not spoon feeding your sorry ass.
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Old February 4th, 2009, 23:58   #105
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Originally Posted by Panek View Post
I don't know if I'm allowed to do this on this forum, so if the admins wanna whack me - go for it.

But, in response to Ghost's post in the "Paintball vs. Airsoft" thread, I just figured I'd post this, because I think that experience you had really sucks.

I played paintball for about 2 years recreationally, then did a year of tourney, but hated it and went pump for a year, then I went back to semi for a bit, and now I'm back playing pump. I'm from Edmonton, and the paintball scene out here is pretty big.

So is pump. I think maybe that field you attended may not have been the best. The field I frequent sells paint for $80 regular, $60 on team nights and, if you know the right people, you can get it for as low as $40 for Xball Silver. I can totally identify with your feelings of the "teen punks." I guess I'm still a teen punk being only 18, but here we get your scenario with 13 and 14 year olds.

These "teenie boppers" are even brazen enough to confront the older and experienced players as if they want to fight. Kinda pathetic. but that crap aside, I think the field you play at makes a huge difference.

I went out to some place (I won't name the field, because I caused a rather large ruckus on when I brought it up) in the boons with a buddy and our pumps. There was a 'team' decked out to the 9's in brand new shiny semi gear. We joined their group, and they also threw in a birthday party of 14 year old renters. So this 'team' tells us they want to play them stick all of us. ('the fuck? -editor)

My buddy and I laughed, having both played rookie as pumps, and novice as semi (whatever the hell that means -editor), taking podium in both divisions. So anyways, we figured, why not.

This 'team' immediately starts tearing through the renters on this bushball field, overshooting and reffing at the same time.
After seeing a few kiddies come off near tears for being lit up so hard on their first ever outing, my bud and I got a bit annoyed. So, we go off and take down 3 of their guys.

One of the remaining two figured it would be a good tactic to just start yelling and screaming at us that he had shot us, even though he hadn't even fired his marker in our direction all game. Eventually, the 2 just turn on the ol' "ramping modes" on their guns and lane me and my bud - which is fine, we didn't care, they were newbs anyways.

But after the game, one of the players walks over getting all in my buddies face, and screaming at him for not calling out when he was "shot." Some heated words were exchanged, and both us and the birthday party left. I talked to the field owner about it after, who supported this "team" for shit storming the renters and absolutely dominating, stating that it was "good practice' for the 'team." We pointed out that ganging up on a bunch of kids is not practice, and would in fact lessen his business as these kids probably won't return.

The owner then hops on another forum, where I posted my experience, and begins flaming my buddy and me for our "conduct", having found out our personal tourney experience, giving us shit for coming to a field and trying to ruin his "best paying customers" (these guys hadn't even played a tourney, by the way). So, as you can tell, I am not going to be attending that field ever again.

My case in point:
My regular field, Paintball Action Indoor, would never allow such conduct and would even ban players, were they to gang up on a pile of renters like that.
The staff go out of their way to make sure this is enforced, and I always have a good time at that field.
If the field owner allows shit like this to go, 14 year olds to run their mouths and people to gang up on lesser players, then bad experiences will be had and it will certainly give the sport a bad name.
If you haven't given up on paintball altogether, may I suggest trying a new field? It makes all the difference in the world.


Crisis averted. All it took was an immigrant to fix it up.
Thank you, i don't know how you did it seriously.
Originally Posted by Mr.Shiney View Post
Yes it is hard to find an Instructor that teaches how to Finger, Suck, Squeeze and Blow all at the same time.
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