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Difference Between Airsoft and Paintball



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Old January 10th, 2009, 23:40   #31
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Originally Posted by zone 69 View Post
I have played both panitball and now airsoft and in airsoft I find more comradery and Honesty in peep's.

I am part of the ww2 guys, and you would be hard pressed to find paintballers who take any ww2 impression half seriously, let alone respecting others who would. Also consider that airsofters call their own hits, and this is not usually a problem, while most of the times I have been paintballing I have watched people wiping it off, which is just the tip of the iceberg.
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Old January 11th, 2009, 00:02   #32
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Originally Posted by backspasm View Post

I am part of the ww2 guys, and you would be hard pressed to find paintballers who take any ww2 impression half seriously, let alone respecting others who would. Also consider that airsofters call their own hits, and this is not usually a problem, while most of the times I have been paintballing I have watched people wiping it off, which is just the tip of the iceberg.
You would be amazed who doesn't call their hits.
Originally Posted by Mr.Shiney View Post
Yes it is hard to find an Instructor that teaches how to Finger, Suck, Squeeze and Blow all at the same time.
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Old January 11th, 2009, 03:38   #33
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Originally Posted by Ronan View Post
You would be amazed who doesn't call their hits.
Gotta agree. There's one person in our province who seems to think that since he is obese, he can take extra shots without dieing. Or so I'd assume. Nailed the bugger in the chest, in the gun and ACCIDENTALLY hit him in the goggles... he just kept playing.

(And for those of you local boys reading this: it's NOT Kip or Jody)
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Old January 11th, 2009, 21:54   #34
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LOL I play paintball all the time still (under 18) and I’ve never had trouble with people not calling their shots. I just shoot them until they do because the club I play at sells paint at 60$ a case instead of the usual 80-120$. The reason I’ve had a better experience is the fact that I play at a club that is non profit and my friend and I help out whenever we can. Not to mention the average age there is 25-30 not 12-18
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Old January 11th, 2009, 21:57   #35
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Originally Posted by Aquamarine View Post
Gotta agree. There's one person in our province who seems to think that since he is obese, he can take extra shots without dieing. Or so I'd assume. Nailed the bugger in the chest, in the gun and ACCIDENTALLY hit him in the goggles... he just kept playing.

(And for those of you local boys reading this: it's NOT Kip or Jody)
Well that extra fat probably make him not feel the hits...

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Old January 12th, 2009, 10:48   #36
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Worst experience with paintballers I've had would be after a mil-sim, myself and two friends were just chillin' relaxin' all cool in the parking lot when some dickmouth from a paintball game that was the next day decided it'd be fun to throw a smoke grenade at us and scream, "WELCOME TO REAL GUNS."

Real paintball guns.

However we were talking to others who were attending that same game who seemed to be very interested in the stuff we had. I agree, paintballers on the whole don't exactly project an image of maturity, though thank god those guys are still a marginal demographic... I hope.

But yeah, they're two different games, and no one's better than the other. Though Airsoft is really my cup of tea.
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Old January 12th, 2009, 11:02   #37
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As far as the game is concened, one isn't better than the other. The players on the other hand...

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Old January 12th, 2009, 11:11   #38
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Originally Posted by FlyGuy View Post
Nice mental image you just painted there Stalker...thanks ever so much for that! Kinda like the mess Mercer left behind in the Falcon after the taping?? -LOL!

Lol, ya no shit! At least we have a couple high school students around here on co-op with the AMEs who had the pleasure of cleaning out the plane. Unless you have a younger brother to clean your gear and clothes after paintball.............. you are S.O.L!

Originally Posted by Cpt.Flan View Post
Well that extra fat probably make him not feel the hits...

Rather reminds me of something I read in one of those kids dinosaur books years ago regarding the Bronosaurus, it had a small brain and because of it's size, it woud take a while for it to feel the pain of being bit in the tail due to distance the signal woudl take to reach the brain, so evolution developed a brain at the base of it's tail to ensure survival.................... maybe the obese guy's skin is so far away from his brain that he doesn't feel the hits? Maybe more brains need to develope in his body so they are close to the skin. Lol, I can't see evolution considering calling airsoft hits as 'survival'. Hahaha

And finally............Kip is obese? I thought he was just "big boned". Lol

Last edited by CDN_Stalker; January 12th, 2009 at 11:20..
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Old January 12th, 2009, 12:53   #39
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this is a tippmann A5, a commen woodsball and scenario marker

this is my A5, as I play milsim paintball:

so you see, its not all flashy jerseys and equipment, the milsim community is a growing one. its really pointless to sit on a computer and bash another way to play army, just do your thing.

this is my first post here by the way, and I chose this thread to introduce myself because I play milsim paintball.
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Old January 12th, 2009, 12:58   #40
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Have fun washing the flourescent paint out of your pretty BDU's lol jk

Welcome to ASC!! and congrats on seeing the light
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Old January 12th, 2009, 13:09   #41
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The biggest thing I've noticed between the airsoft and paintball community in my area is the attitude... I find there's much less arrogance with airsoft. A good example of this is I was playing paintball with a couple of my friends at a local place, and out the blue some random jackoff walked up to me and told me; "My grandma could shoot faster than that."

I don't understand what the obsession with getting out as many shots as possible is...
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Old January 12th, 2009, 13:49   #42
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
I don't understand what the obsession with getting out as many shots as possible is...
and that is different from the typical AS obsession with ROF how?
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Old January 12th, 2009, 13:55   #43
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please take more "glamor" shots as it looks when being used, with bug bull testicle hovering overtop and a chunky CO2 tank sticking out the end. Then tell me how cool paintball is.
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Old January 12th, 2009, 14:40   #44
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Originally Posted by Aquamarine View Post
Gotta agree. There's one person in our province who seems to think that since he is obese, he can take extra shots without dieing. Or so I'd assume. Nailed the bugger in the chest, in the gun and ACCIDENTALLY hit him in the goggles... he just kept playing.

(And for those of you local boys reading this: it's NOT Kip or Jody)
Damn, there goes my first guess. BAH! ON WITH THE OWL HUNT!

You know one of the other big differences? Airsofters make "Airsoft vs Paintball" threads almost like clockwork!

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Old January 12th, 2009, 18:59   #45
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
The biggest thing I've noticed between the airsoft and paintball community in my area is the attitude... I find there's much less arrogance with airsoft. A good example of this is I was playing paintball with a couple of my friends at a local place, and out the blue some random jackoff walked up to me and told me; "My grandma could shoot faster than that."

I don't understand what the obsession with getting out as many shots as possible is...
After switching to airsoft, I went for a day of paintball over the summer. Once you're used to an AEG, the lack of accuracy in a marker is maddening. I couldn't even hit people crouching at a distance where quarters would have been at risk with my M16.

You need pure rate of fire just to hit anything it seems.
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