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"Legal" AR-15 Style Gun Importation Method?


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Old December 14th, 2008, 01:04   #31
zone 69
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Originally Posted by pestobanana View Post
I already converted it to CAD, I am not a total retard... If I go to the U.S. for vacation or something, I can bring the shell and do the work myself. I can just bring the front barrel assembly and the shell. I can take the CA, put on the JG Dragon front barrel assembly, and then put the shell on. From what I have read, barrel assemblies are legal to import back into Canada. The other thing is, a gun with a shell like the JG Dragon clearly looks like a toy. I have dug deep into my guns (when I was in China), and I trust myself with modding any part of the gun except for chinese internals (aside from JG). I modded my friend's G3A3 into a G3SAS (is that a real gun?) so I believe I can switch barrels...

If it all came down to having to use clearsoft, I'll just stick with the AUG i already have thank you.
Doing it in that manner or way would that not be considered Smuggling.? And if they catch you it could lead to fines and or jail time for the adult involved.

Last edited by zone 69; December 14th, 2008 at 06:30..
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Old December 14th, 2008, 01:21   #32
formerly steyr
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From one under-ager to another: Give it up.
At first I didn't. Sure, I managed to acquire an AEG. Then I said "now what?" I couldn't go play anywhere, I was confined to pretty much dry firing it in my house. Waste of money. Being stubborn will not help you here, and you better learn patience. The only thing fast about airsoft in Canada is flaming.
If you were closer to my age (a few months shy of 18) I would reccomend you wait, but at your age, go play paintball.
PS Look at my join date.
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Old December 14th, 2008, 06:02   #33
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After reading through this entire thread I would like to add something that noone else has brought up yet. I'll do this with pictures so its easier for everyone.

First off we have the JG dragon.

Yes it does not look like any firearm that we know of today, and yes it does have an AR lower on the bottom half.

Now lets take a look at these other Masamune Shirow inspired airsoft guns.

and finally

(Note the AR lower, essentially its just a CQB style JG Dragon)

Now Im sure we can all agree they do not look like any known existing modern day or antique firearm, but we can all agree that they all do look like some form of firearm. Now in that last sentence lies my key point, they "look" like some form of firearm. Regardless of the fact that they may look futuristic, they still look like a firearm of sorts. When it comes to border services and inspection, anything that resembles a firearm can and will be confiscated under the Tariff 9898.00 of the Canadian customs Tariff schedual, if the inspecting agent see's fit to do so. While some agents do not consider such futuristic items to be any known firearm and simply let them pass, many agents do adhere to the Tarriff to the letter and will confiscate anything that resembles anything that resembles a firearm regardless if it can or cannot be made to fire a real round.

There are many who are apart of this community, including myself who have in the past attempt to bring in Masamune Shirow style airsoft guns and have had little success. The ratio of failure to success was massive.While the JG dragon contiues to slip through now, its not guaranteed that it will continue to do so.

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Old December 14th, 2008, 08:26   #34
The Saint
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Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
When it comes to border services and inspection, anything that resembles a firearm can and will be confiscated under the Tariff 9898.00 of the Canadian customs Tariff schedual, if the inspecting agent see's fit to do so. While some agents do not consider such futuristic items to be any known firearm and simply let them pass, many agents do adhere to the Tarriff to the letter and will confiscate anything that resembles anything that resembles a firearm regardless if it can or cannot be made to fire a real round.
Actually, replica firearm within s. 84(2) of the Code is interpreted as resembling specific models of firearm, not as generically firearm. Whenever CBSA interprets otherwise, it's a mistake, not that the CBSA will acknowledge that easily.
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Old December 14th, 2008, 09:44   #35
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Originally Posted by The Saint View Post
Actually, replica firearm within s. 84(2) of the Code is interpreted as resembling specific models of firearm, not as generically firearm. Whenever CBSA interprets otherwise, it's a mistake, not that the CBSA will acknowledge that easily.
Wha? The CBSA acknowledging fault? Never! They'll fight tooth and claw and carry it to the grave.

The first read through of that I thought....section 84 of the Tarriff? That refers to Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances!(see extremely confused looking picture)

Then I thought wait wait....took a big gulp of coffee and said to myself "Criminal code!" I read through 84(1) and 84(2) and you a correct.
Although I stand by my point that a person importing on their own is still boned.

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Last edited by TokyoSeven; December 14th, 2008 at 09:51..
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Old December 14th, 2008, 10:37   #36
doomed marine
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No flaming here, just plz plz dont do it. 99% it wont work, and if/when it doesnt, dont come here looking for sympathy, warnings are all over this site.
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Old December 14th, 2008, 10:49   #37
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Just wait another 3 years, that way you will earn some respect from other canadian airsoft players.
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Old December 14th, 2008, 10:52   #38
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If I do end up trying it and it does not work, I will not be coming here asking for sympathy. I will come here and warn others that it will not work.

Also, I don't think it is considered smuggling if you truthfully declare what you are bringing.
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Old December 14th, 2008, 10:52   #39
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Originally Posted by TCSF-Bowers View Post
well 007 and the other retailers are licensed to import for one

and dont call me sir i work for a living! lol
Good Morning Vietnam?

Anyway, my best advice is to NOT try to circumvent import laws, you will regret it if you get caught, and since you are underage, your parents will regret it as well. Seriously, just live with what you've got for the next few years, when you turn 18, then you can buy a gun through the classifieds here.

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Old December 14th, 2008, 11:03   #40
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What are you going to do with it if you do get it? Like the other kid says, it will just sit around collecting dust. Nobody wants to play with you. You can't play at an airsoft game because of your age, and now, once you are old enough to play, you'll be that kid who acted like an impatient two year old. I don't want you on my team...

Why don't you just pipe down for a while and just learn about airsoft in Canada for a few years. Showing a little patience might pay off in the long run.

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Old December 14th, 2008, 11:10   #41
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My AUG has been sitting here collecting dust for a year and a half now. In a couple of months I'll be 16 and I'll be able to play with a waiver. In the years before I came to Canada, I was airsofting with my friends every Friday and Saturday.

I don't care if you don't want me on your team, go on the other team and shoot at me then. I can be patient and wait for one year, I've already waited more than that. I can't wait another two and a half years to go to the classifieds. By then I might be living in the U.S. anyways. And for those of you that want to bash me and say I'm going to the U.S. for just airsoft, it is not true. It seems that ASC has as much flaming going on as friggin youtube.
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Old December 14th, 2008, 11:26   #42
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You won't find many if not any fields which will allow a 16 year old to play with a 'waiver', don't get paintball rules confused with our rules. The conditions are set by the host of the game, and there are no 'waiver' sign-ups as there are no insurance policies for airsoft, hosts occasionally do allow minors on a field with parental supervision if they show the patience and proper interest in maintaining the rules of the sport. If you keep babbling on how you're going to import a restricted device across our border by disguise, you won't find many places that will welcome you once you've turned of age.

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Old December 14th, 2008, 11:40   #43
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My friend played when he was 14, they do allow it once in a while.
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Old December 14th, 2008, 11:43   #44
Captain Sunshine
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not all the time. so stop being so sure of yourself. From the games around this area, no one is going to let you play if you keep the attitude up.
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Old December 14th, 2008, 12:09   #45
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Originally Posted by pestobanana View Post
My AUG has been sitting here collecting dust for a year and a half now. In a couple of months I'll be 16 and I'll be able to play with a waiver. In the years before I came to Canada, I was airsofting with my friends every Friday and Saturday.
I was not aware that you could participate in Airsoft under 18 in Ontario. In Ontario the minimum age to purchase airsoft is 18. Children under 18 must be supervised by someone over 18. As far as I know nobody including myself will allow a person under 18 to participate in Airsoft. Now that being said would I have volunteers assist at the field as long as their are supervised by a adult no problem but there is no much liability and having recently aquired insurence for BWIII it was clearly stated no person under 18 under any circumstances can handle or activily play in and event that uses Airsoft guns.

Last edited by Krusty; December 14th, 2008 at 12:18..
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