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Old November 14th, 2008, 19:52   #1
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Cool ATT: ALL M500 Shotgun Owners! USE YOUR GUN IN THE COLD!

That's right my fellow shotgun lovers, an upgrade is available very simple and easy to do, if I think about it this could probably work with Maruzen shotguns as well!

Either way by upgrading your shotgun this way you'll never have to put your gas shotty away for the winter!

Essentially it's just hooking the shotgun up to an external air rig similar to ClassicAirsoft guns. I'm planning on doing something similar but I will probably use different components so it'll look better

Here's the link!


I'm currently in the process of getting the bits from the following site, I'm having Tirador take care of it for me though, will let you know how that works :P

If you already have an external rig, if you don't you can pick one up off of running HPA would make cold weather games awesome, consistent power etc.

You can get the pre-assembled dual rig from here,
You'll be getting a bigger bang for your buck than what I paid purchasing my air rig off of Palmers =/

Anyways back to the Japanese website, from there you only need these parts.

FMST/4C Quick Disconnect to Push Fitting (4mm)
FTYPE-2 Fitting that goes into the Gun to the quick disconnect
FH-4 4mm hose

After that just pickup a simple 6mm to 4mm push fitting so you can use it with the pre-assembled dual rig than you'll never hafta fill up.

Last edited by aZn_triXta07; March 27th, 2009 at 01:32..
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Old November 15th, 2008, 00:24   #2
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But...I don't want a paintball rig.
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Old November 15th, 2008, 02:20   #3
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Thumbs up

Originally Posted by pivot View Post
But...I don't want a paintball rig.
If you weigh out the pros and cons and leave out the personal preference of not having to carry around an air rig you'll find that it's not a big deal.

I hope you read through the entire thread as to the reasons why he modified it cause they make alot of sense.

- consistent power, all your shots will fire the same regardless of the weather, cool-down, or how how much gas is left this is particular with the 8mm version
- control the velocity, if people complain that it shoots too hot you can adjust the pressure
- no more leaking valves, or having to carry around propane/green gas in the field, the parts required for this modification are readily available at paintball shops and are VERY cheap
- if you're indoors it won't stink up the damn place, you shoot alot with this thing
- opens up more possibilities of upgrading for higher velocity for outdoor games, now 6mm version can shoot through the brush alongside with its 8mm counterpart
CONS: (Or reasons why not to)

Problem #1: Majority of people steer away from having to carry an air rig

SOLUTION: If you're in a full out load bearing vest or chest rig chances are you'll have a back pouch where you could store it, you could also run the macro line through your vest, strapped onto your clothing. Quick-Disconnect allows you to depart from the gun so you don't have to take it everywhere with you.

If you're that nit-picky over having to carry an air rig I really don't know what to say about that. I'm not a large person but I carry the tank in my back pouch of my RAV vest and it works like a charm.
Problem #2: Having to fill up on HPA, tanks are expensive?

SOLUTION: The paintball industry was hit hard this year so alot of prices have plummeted, also HPA is really cheap and since this is a shotgun you won't kill through air that easily in comparison to a full-auto Classic Airsoft gun. If you're playing at a paintball field the staff will fill it up for free.
I seriously can't think of anything else that's bad about this, the end result is that you get a BADASS shotgun that you can use ANYWHERE/ANYTIME and becasue of this upgrade I will no longer need a 3-shot springer shotgun for winter games :P
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Old November 15th, 2008, 03:39   #4
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let us know how the upgrade goes!

i wonder if it changes the sound ?? make it sound more manly?
i noticed when shooting with propane it makes a very weird pop sound ..

Also how many shots per tank of air??
would be kind of inconvenient filling up if you aren't playing at a paint ball field.
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Old November 15th, 2008, 03:53   #5
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Oh man You're just adding to the reasons why I should buy one of these things...

My car is never gonna get that new engine at this rate...

My only concern though is that the ACM Monkey metal wont hold the threading for very long.. Does the guy mention anything about long-term durability?
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Old November 15th, 2008, 04:30   #6
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Originally Posted by szetor View Post
let us know how the upgrade goes!

i wonder if it changes the sound ?? make it sound more manly?
i noticed when shooting with propane it makes a very weird pop sound ..

Also how many shots per tank of air??
would be kind of inconvenient filling up if you aren't playing at a paint ball field.
Will do.

Depending on how high the PSI is, camera audio is never the same but it is an airsoft shotgun so it'll never give the same satisfying noise as a real shotgun haha.

Propane, I've gotten about 19 shots+ but keep in mind that only the first few shots get full blast after that it's not as strong, I've owned one before ... well I got another one now but you can definitely notice after a bit. You literally have 30 shots worth of ammo anyhow.

Well most of the time I remember to stop by the local paintball field to get my tanks filled up if their empty and I'm good, I got two 3000psi tanks and I'd only kill one tank if I were fullauto'n it up while plinking.

The big plus to me is that I can now use this at the next outdoor all night freezing cold zombie games without having to worry about low fps haha.

Originally Posted by Amos View Post
Oh man You're just adding to the reasons why I should buy one of these things...

My car is never gonna get that new engine at this rate...

My only concern though is that the ACM Monkey metal wont hold the threading for very long.. Does the guy mention anything about long-term durability?
Everyone should have one of these badboys.

Don't know, but from what I've seen/felt it's strong if johnnyrico reads this he can give some input on it cause he's torn these things apart before.

Either way I don't think 'monkey metal' would have a problem, majority of Classic Airsoft guns have brass internals anyhow and their threading or what not can handle the pressure of up to 120psi full auto :P

I hooked Bob up with one of these I promised him one eons ago haha he's loving his, keeps destroying boxes with it hahaha.
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Old November 15th, 2008, 04:34   #7
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Originally Posted by aZn_triXta07 View Post

I hooked Bob up with one of these I promised him one eons ago haha he's loving his, keeps destroying boxes with it hahaha.
Oh GOD yes. This thing is siiiiiiiick.

Compatible with real-steel parts too, going to order half of the ATI universal catalogue tomorrow.
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Old November 15th, 2008, 05:20   #8
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M500 is the shiznit. I have the 8mm version. It's a beast. Used it outdoor with great success. Everyone should be shot with one.

That external rig he has would be way better looking if he had a 90 bend on the adapter coming out of the gun. The run the line down the stock.

Some people call them Terrorists. These boys have simply been...misguided.

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Old November 15th, 2008, 05:34   #9
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Originally Posted by krazie Sj View Post
M500 is the shiznit. I have the 8mm version. It's a beast. Used it outdoor with great success. Everyone should be shot with one.

That external rig he has would be way better looking if he had a 90 bend on the adapter coming out of the gun. The run the line down the stock.
That's what I plan on doing :P except mine is pistol grip but it'd still be more neater than what he did.
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Old November 15th, 2008, 06:15   #10
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I'd be more inclined to do it with the KWC 12gr CO2 adapter (or similar setup), which is probably good for a couple of dozen shots, and much easier to obtain (for me) than getting HPA bottles filled.

Not sure I wanna drill/retap the reservoir either.
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Old November 15th, 2008, 06:19   #11
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
I'd be more inclined to do it with the KWC 12gr CO2 adapter (or similar setup), which is probably good for a couple of dozen shots, and much easier to obtain (for me) than getting HPA bottles filled.

Not sure I wanna drill/retap the reservoir either.
It's all personal preference, technically you could just remove the resevoir altogether, than again I don't know the internals very well but you could always have the connector feed directly in. If that would work than the elbow connector would be able to fit inside the gun without having to hang outside.
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Old November 15th, 2008, 07:47   #12
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Originally Posted by aZn_triXta07 View Post
It's all personal preference, technically you could just remove the resevoir altogether, than again I don't know the internals very well but you could always have the connector feed directly in. If that would work than the elbow connector would be able to fit inside the gun without having to hang outside.
Reservoir looks like its all one piece (it also has the firing valve and nozzle, like a GBB mag), so can't really be removed.

What I was actually wondering is if there's any suitable coupling which has a size and same threads as the fill valve (replacing it). Then hook the gas line up to that, and use an adapter to connect to the regulator.
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Old November 15th, 2008, 20:28   #13
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Well the inventor said that he had the choice between drilling/tapping and using the KWC CO2 Adaptor I believe, I'm pretty sure it's possible to find something ie. using a micro line with an adaptor to a macro to 1/8' fittings.

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Reservoir looks like its all one piece (it also has the firing valve and nozzle, like a GBB mag), so can't really be removed.

What I was actually wondering is if there's any suitable coupling which has a size and same threads as the fill valve (replacing it). Then hook the gas line up to that, and use an adapter to connect to the regulator.
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Old November 15th, 2008, 23:16   #14
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I hate peoples view on having a hose come out of there gun. They always say eww its paintball. Its how airsoft started for christ sakes. Gears didnt eat themselves. Guns were built stronger and upgrades were just springs or a weight on the barrel or a stiff oring. If something broke it was likely a warn out oring that costs 1 cent to swap.
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Old November 24th, 2008, 15:35   #15
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Anyone here in the GTA good at drilling/tapping?

Will pay
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