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Beginning in the world of airsoft



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Old September 5th, 2008, 14:32   #1
Join Date: Sep 2008
Beginning in the world of airsoft

Hey everyone !

I just recently discovered airsoft from a friend who I did a couple of paintball games with.(I was complaining how ridiculous paintball "guns" were getting, so small and childish, and he showed me back home a M16 or M4 or something he bought from a friend who stopped playing airsoft... but now he had trouble finding gear and people to play with...)

Looking around the internet, I couldn't really find how much it costs to start from scratch. I searched the forum... my apologies if I didn't search enough.

I was wondering (from what I read on the forum) if "cheap" guns are worth anything, and if so if they could be bought somewhere in Canada.

The thing is I wouldn't really mind buying myself good equipment, a good AEG...
but I'd also like to play with my younger brother (He's turning 18) and a couple of friends (who WON'T pay all that much for airsoft...)

So I'd like to know this:

1- How much to expect to get in Airsoft with a decent AEG, some gear, enough to really play !

2- If possible, how much to expect for a REAL MINIMUM equipment, budget gun, eye protection and so.

3- Are "clearsoft" any good ? I mean for someone who'd probably use it like twice a year ?

Hope you can help !

P.S. I am NOT asking for "Where to buy TH3 GUNZ", I am seriously considering getting age verified, if prices are in a range I can afford right now. Airsoft looks like a really great sport, so I'll do what I must, as long as I get get the money !:wink:
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Old September 5th, 2008, 14:33   #2
Join Date: Sep 2008
Oh I forgot !

By the way,

I saw alot of USA sites selling 3$ Full auto Airsoft Pistols ?!?!?!
What's with that ?

Can a 3$ gun really shoot (and they claimed thing like 250/300 fps !)
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Old September 5th, 2008, 14:37   #3
Casual Friday
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First, read the FAQ section. It's a lot of material but it'd answer a lot of your questions.

Since I'm feeling nice today, here's some answers:

1) For a decent, used, AEG, expect to pay around $500. For gear and eye protection, I'd say estimate another $600 (boots, goggles, BDU's, vest, etc). You don't really need camo or vests to play airsoft either, just get some good eye protection and boots. Get age verified and you'll see the buy/sell sections where you can get good deals.

2) See above.

3) No, clearsoft is not good. It will leave a bad taste in your mouth.

4) You can't bring in guns from the US by yourself.
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Old September 5th, 2008, 14:42   #4
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Originally Posted by Casual Friday View Post
2) See above.

3) No, clearsoft is not good. It will leave a bad taste in your mouth.

4) You can't bring in guns from the US by yourself.
2- So it doesn't get any cheaper ?

3- You know, I never planned to eat the thing...

4- That I already know, I was just wondering if people in the states can really get a working AEG for THAT CHEAP !?

Thx for the answer still, I'll go check the FAQs some more... but man it's a lot of posts...

Have a nice day !
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Old September 5th, 2008, 14:46   #5
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thats the cheapest it gets.. ( you might find some stuff for $375 ish in the calssifieds but it will come out to around 500 with batteries and magazines )
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...stalker's gonna kill you....and you wont even see it coming! Hell, he'll kill you and god himself will be going, "Where the hell did that come from!?" CDN_Stalker should just be the new god!
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Old September 5th, 2008, 14:47   #6
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Tip of the day: When removing a chain of anal beads from your lovers rectum. Do not pull them out as if you were attempting to start a lawn mower.

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Old September 5th, 2008, 14:51   #7
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You can get geared up for a bit less.

Cheap paintball mask (if you don't have one already): $40
Replica BDU's (since you don't plan to play a lot): $60 - $100
Used Boots (if you don't have a pair): $45
Tactical Vest (depending on used, quality etc.): $40 - $120

I don't own an AEG yet so I won't comment too much on those, but from everything I've researched and heard from experienced guys you don't want to cheap out on on this part.
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Old September 5th, 2008, 15:30   #8
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Well... First of all sorry, I looked deeper and everything was mostly in the FAQs... as always...

1000$ is over my budget for now, as I am going back to school... I can't be working as much... But in time I'll get the money:wink:

I had 4-5 friends who wanted to get in for 200-300.... guess they'll have to make a choice...

But noone answered about those 3$ full-auto-full-metal-full-size-300fps-electric-gun... I'm just being curious... I know they must be trash... but 300fps BB-firing thrash ?

Thank you for all your answers and taking the time to help !
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Old September 5th, 2008, 15:37   #9
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300fps is definitely a lie, period.

If youre on a serious budget, get a clear AEG (a halfdecent one, such as a Aftermath Kraken AK 47 or a Broxa MP5). Those go for under $200. Most games don't require any camo sets or vests, but are definitely something you'd want to get. If you shop around you can often find something used cheap on these classifieds. Get verified, check often, snap up bargains.
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Old September 5th, 2008, 16:27   #10
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Can't go wrong with the kraken, 150bucks at bassproshop and a paintball helmet and you are good for a game.
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Old September 5th, 2008, 23:17   #11
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it really is getting cheaper and cheaper to get into the game; it's just most of the die-hards will try to scare you off with the prices of mil-sim kits. You can be playing in a game with a $200-$250 AEG that might last you one season, or ten. The krakens, the new SIG55x's - they're cheap, and you get what you pay for; the kraken might literally break in your first day, or run for 3 years.

The rest of your gear, minus solid goggles (many places won't let you play without quality eye wear like JT) can basically consist of a hoodie and jeans.

Like I said - the die-hard mil-sim crowd are going to shit on this reply, because it's ruining the integrity of their game!!!!!


And yet there's still plenty of games for them...

So yeah, if you can budget $500, you can start playing and learning the game and you can upgrade later should you choose to.
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Old September 5th, 2008, 23:24   #12
Ktown Militia
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Originally Posted by light_bringer777 View Post
Well... First of all sorry, I looked deeper and everything was mostly in the FAQs... as always...

1000$ is over my budget for now, as I am going back to school... I can't be working as much... But in time I'll get the money:wink:

I had 4-5 friends who wanted to get in for 200-300.... guess they'll have to make a choice...

But noone answered about those 3$ full-auto-full-metal-full-size-300fps-electric-gun... I'm just being curious... I know they must be trash... but 300fps BB-firing thrash ?

Thank you for all your answers and taking the time to help !
Dude, if you're serious about getting into airsoft, read what you just read. A $3 "gun" is a $3 gun. Dont expect anything amazing. Like everyone is saying, get goin with the basics for now. $500.00 to get started is probably right for a beginner. Camo, mags, and a decent AEG. And trust me, once you get started its addicting, cuz you want better camo, more mags, more power, and more FPS. If you're really stoked on airsoft you will accumulate theses things over time. Unless you got a fucking fat bankroll. Good luck bro.
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Old September 5th, 2008, 23:46   #13
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I think that $600 to gear up is a bit steep.

I got a vest and some surplus army BDU's at the Stouffville market for $35 + $25
Face mask w/ removable goggles at Hero for $30
I made my own leg holsters (with the help of a rivet tool) out of a $10 multitester pouch from Home Depot and a couple of Velcro straps from Dollarama.
With gear you can be original and creative, and save a bundle.

Don't be scared off by the die-hards, they just want us noobs to know our place and give them due respect!
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Old September 5th, 2008, 23:59   #14
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Haven't been out to a game yet but I got a nice setup going on for $500.

Well $600 if you count all my stuff: gun, fleck (BDUS), mags, other essential accessories, facemask.
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Old September 6th, 2008, 00:14   #15
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Originally Posted by Buzzrexx View Post
I think that $600 to gear up is a bit steep.

I got a vest and some surplus army BDU's at the Stouffville market for $35 + $25
Face mask w/ removable goggles at Hero for $30
I made my own leg holsters (with the help of a rivet tool) out of a $10 multitester pouch from Home Depot and a couple of Velcro straps from Dollarama.
With gear you can be original and creative, and save a bundle.

Don't be scared off by the die-hards, they just want us noobs to know our place and give them due respect!
airsoft is addict and it's cost alot in the end,when i first start back to jun i spent more than $3000(some gear you can avioed)here is my list!
this is from can ship to canada)$386 shipping include
10 x MagPul (Blk)
1 x OE TECH Tactical Duty Belt (TAN)
1 x HSS Belt Mount Dump Pouch (TAN)
1 x Tac Force Knee Pads (Tan)
1 x OE TECH Tactical Thigh Rig (TAN)
1 x Ambidextrous MOLLE Compatible Holster for M1911 (TAN)
1 x Airsoft GI Gunfighter Cap (Limited Edition)
1 x Intellect 8.4v 1600mah NiMH Mini Battery
1 x OE TECH Dual Bungee Sling Set (TAN)
1 x OE TECH Shemagh (BLK)
1 x OE TECH 42" Delux Molle Dual Gun Bag (TAN)

this is from $334 shipping include
1 ea. King Arms High Capacity BB Loader - Black
1 ea. DNTC Agressive Compensator
2 ea. King Arms M4/M16 68R Magazine - Black - 5pc Box Set
2 ea. BB Bastard High Performance .25g - 2000 Count
1 ea. Marui Hi-CAPA 5.1 Standard Magazine
1 ea. Intellect 9.6v 1400mah Mini Battery - KA Stock

this is from uncompany(all can ship to canada)$140 shipping include
1 x Intellect-1600mAh-8.4V
1 x Mini Fast Charger #789A
1 x G&P 30mm AP Red Dot Sight (Aim Point ML2 Style)

this is from ebaybanned $89
1 x Military Velcro Patch - Black Water-
1 x Pirates of the Caribbean White Patch

this is from ASC huang's store $410 shipping include
1 x EO 552 full trades
1 x M910 105
1 x High Quality Coyote Brown CIRAS with hydration bladder

this is from $245 shipping include
1 Taclite Pro Pant
1 Advance Boot

this is from redwolf $92 shipping include
1 x Pantac Waist Bag (CB / CORDURA)
1 x Pantac Double M16 Mag Pouch (CB / CORDURA)
1 x G&P Neoprene Mask with OEF Series USMC Goggle (3mm PC Glasses, Black)

for the weapon mopic is the best!! but you need age vetify!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KWA KM4-TAC($550)
KWA M16($550) due to next week
G&G SCAR TAN($585)
TM HI-CAPA 5.1($200)

think about all this is just for starting, i am not even a pro, a pro get 10x better gear than me!!!
i think this can make you clear go to the websit check yourself!

Last edited by SOCINCO; September 6th, 2008 at 00:18..
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