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Tatical Force - 16


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old August 4th, 2008, 14:59   #1
Kusco's Avatar
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Tatical Force - 16


I am very new to the airsoft scence, I am 24 years of age, I have sent out a message to get AV'ed.

I am looking foward to my first event/game.

I am just wondering how my gun will stand on the field compared to everyone elses.

I own a Tatical-Force 16, the box indicates it shoots 340 fps.

I have tried using 0.12g bb's in my basement shooting boxes, it does not seem to strong at all vs some of the videos ive seen of other airsoft guns.

If i were to use 0.2 g bb's (which to my understanding is standard) how much fps will i lose with my gun?

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Old August 4th, 2008, 15:02   #2
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Your gun will be shooting at around 300fps, but with better flight time and tighter groupings. The amount of energy in the BB will be the same, so don't think it will punch through boxes any better, .
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Old August 4th, 2008, 15:20   #3
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I was looking in the Ontario sub sections of the forum, Limit is 400 fps.
Just wondering what the actual average of fps of guns on the field?

And my gun itself, will it be sufficient
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Old August 4th, 2008, 15:51   #4
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400 is the maximum, not a goal to reach. Upgrade the player before you upgrade the gun.
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Old August 4th, 2008, 15:58   #5
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out here we seem to average around 360 to 380 fps
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Old August 4th, 2008, 16:36   #6
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Mine can shoot through a can and out the other side.
I can make a big dent on the bottom of the can but it can't go through in one shot.
EDIT ; WIth .20's, OFC.

I love it.

Last edited by LeetG; August 4th, 2008 at 16:42..
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Old August 4th, 2008, 16:40   #7
Sha Do
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All airsoft are chronied using 0.20 weight BBs as a standard, and if you use 0.25s in a 400 fps AEG, it will bring your fps down to around 380-385 fps.

Using slightly heavier weight BBs will drop your fps and over all range, but improves your overall tajectory. Also, if you work out the joules, a heavier weight BB actually hits a little harder, and tend to penatrate light cover better as well as resist the affects of wind.

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Old August 4th, 2008, 16:41   #8
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With the exception of one gun that shoots too hot (JG 416 @ 415 fps), my AEGs all shoot between 340 and 395 fps. IMO, 360-380 is a good goal. It will give you good range and goof penetration for brush.

That being said, I think anything 300 and above is more than suitable for a game. Velocity isn't the be-all, end-all. Consistency is the key. To be able to know that 2 consecutive shots are going to travel exactly the same way to me is more important than getting a high velocity.
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Old August 4th, 2008, 16:51   #9
Kusco's Avatar
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Originally Posted by SINN View Post
400 is the maximum, not a goal to reach. Upgrade the player before you upgrade the gun.
definitely!!! Still familiarizing myself with rules and conducts.

Originally Posted by LeetG View Post
Mine can shoot through a can and out the other side.
I can make a big dent on the bottom of the can but it can't go through in one shot.
EDIT ; WIth .20's, OFC.

I love it.

Nice gun , custom paint?
If most guns average about 360-380, this gun is pretty under powered?
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Old August 4th, 2008, 17:07   #10
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I wouldn't call it underpowered at all if it shoots lower than 340. I wouldn't start calling a gun underpowered unless it's a dedicated outdoors gun shooting under 280 or so (stock Tokyo Marui shoot 280). Seriously, if you're just starting out, your gun in stock form shoots fast enough.
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Old August 4th, 2008, 17:11   #11
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my m4 fires at 330FPS with 0.20g. It lost 70FPS after installing the KM RH75 hop up rubber + strike chamber + madbul tightbore

but it outranges and outaccurates(if there's such a word) the old 400FPS set up.

it beats the range by atleast 15feet and the accuracy is just so much better....

I'm never going back to 400FPS again
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Old August 4th, 2008, 17:22   #12
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Ic, thanks for the info about accuracy vs velocity, But as for the guns accuracy itself it hasn't been very good.

But i have not played with the hop up yet, i dont know how. the instruction manual didnt have much info or any about it at all.

But from my indoor testing which was about 10-15 feet away from the box, it was still not grouping that well (about 5-10 cm's apart at most). I have tried adjust the sights but still not working out to well.
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Old August 4th, 2008, 17:24   #13
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If installing all that in your gun lost you 70 fps, I would suggest that you probably have an air leak somewhere. A tightbore alone should have given you 20-25 fps more over stock. Not that there's anything wrong with shooting 330 with a good, accurate gun, but that drastic of a drop in velocity without changing the spring would indicate a problem to me.
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Old August 4th, 2008, 17:35   #14
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
If installing all that in your gun lost you 70 fps, I would suggest that you probably have an air leak somewhere. A tightbore alone should have given you 20-25 fps more over stock. Not that there's anything wrong with shooting 330 with a good, accurate gun, but that drastic of a drop in velocity without changing the spring would indicate a problem to me.
yes Im very aware that there is an air seal problem. And its very likely to be the hop up rubber(KM RH rubbers are notorious for decreasing FPS by 50ish). They are just too skinny and too short compared to ones like Prometheus or Guarder. It's not something I can fix.

Also, the tightbore wouldnt increase any velocity because the stock KWA barrel is tightbore as well. I just got the madbull because it was coated. The stock KWA barrel is 395mm and the madbull I got was 363mm(they dont sell 395 =\) so basically I should have LOST FPS instead of gaining any at all.

In any case, I couldnt care less about the gun shooting 330FPS or 400 anymore. The reason it was even 400FPS was to increase the range, but with the set up now, it outranges the original 400FPS by FAR, and its MUCH more accurate(like hitting the same hole accurate).

so 400 and 330 are just boring numbers that makes the player happy, after all, what you see, is what you get.
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Old August 4th, 2008, 18:04   #15
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Gotcha on the tightbore. Didn't know KWA had tightbores as stock. However, I don't think that 3 cm shorter would really affect your velocity in any appreciable manner. You're probably right about the hopup rubber then. But as long as it's consistent, then that's what really matters.

As for accuracy and velocity, my Real Sword shoots 310, and it outranges all my other guns by a fair distance. It's very accurate up to about 125 feet out, and effective at over 150 feet. At that range though, the iron sights become my weakness with the gun and accuracy drops. But the BBs just keeps right on going well past that and still seem to be trave

My CA M15 rifle is second. It has a 6.03 tightbore and shoots 385 fps. It's my most accurate gun, which is helped by the 3.4x CA Elcan replica. In semi and short auto bursts consistently hit a man-size target at 150 feet, and I can hit semi-accurately to about 200 feet out. At that range, the BBs drop.

So yeah, velocity is not the be-all end-all of the equation.
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