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Battery heat


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Old May 1st, 2008, 04:51   #1
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Sliema, Malta, Europe
Battery heat

I don't know if this is the right section. If it isn't I apologize and ask the mods to move it! Now, i have a CA m15a4 Carbine and I use a 9.6v sony 1700mah ninchuck style NiCd battery. My charger is a Winstar fast charger charging at 3ah . On the box it says that when the green light goes off it means it is fully charged. Now the guy i bought the stuff from told me it sould take 20 mins to charge but after about 30-35 minutes the green light didn;t go off so I disconnected everything since the batts were getting very warm and so was the charger.

Did I damage my batteries or charger?
If I did can I damage my AEG?
Is this normal for fast charging NiCd's?

Thanks for all the help you can give me.
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Old May 1st, 2008, 05:21   #2
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I bough a windstar charger and burned my battery with it. Had to buy another charger and a new battery. My advice: stay away from that charger and buy another one. Otherwise it should be okay with the slow charge mode... stil i just can't thrust it.
While i was searching on the net how many mah the windstar charger was outputting on fast charge ,i read that if your battery's a 9,6v 1700mah, then you should not charge it with a current higher than 9,6v 1700mah or it could burn it. That's what happened to mine. I could be wrong but it sound pretty logic to me.
Did you damage your battery? Possible. Depend how warm it was, mine was so hot i almost burned my hand when i took it. Also see if one of the cell leaked due to the heat.
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Old May 1st, 2008, 14:07   #3
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Location: Sliema, Malta, Europe
Originally Posted by Naerah View Post
i read that if your battery's a 9,6v 1700mah, then you should not charge it with a current higher than 9,6v 1700mah or it could burn it.
Didn't get this part. Thanks for replying
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Old May 1st, 2008, 20:26   #4
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Technically, at the charging rate of 3A-hr, your 1700mah should be fully charged by 33.6mins.
-too much heat can damage your batteries during charging
-your aeg won't be damaged by the battery, only the battery will be damaged
-charging a battery would really involve heat, but it depends on the heat the battery takes. If it's too hot, there's a problem.

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Old May 1st, 2008, 20:32   #5
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I slow charge my batteries on my TLP 4000 intellicharger.

Batteries are never "hot" just warm to the touch.
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Old May 1st, 2008, 20:46   #6
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Originally Posted by Sindagon View Post
I don't know if this is the right section. If it isn't I apologize and ask the mods to move it! Now, i have a CA m15a4 Carbine and I use a 9.6v sony 1700mah ninchuck style NiCd battery. My charger is a Winstar fast charger charging at 3ah . On the box it says that when the green light goes off it means it is fully charged. Now the guy i bought the stuff from told me it sould take 20 mins to charge but after about 30-35 minutes the green light didn;t go off so I disconnected everything since the batts were getting very warm and so was the charger.

Did I damage my batteries or charger?
If I did can I damage my AEG?
Is this normal for fast charging NiCd's?

Thanks for all the help you can give me.
Mathematically speaking it should take 30-45 mins to charge that battery at the amperage your charger outputs

If it is a smart charger it *should* charge the pack to near peak charge and then trickle charge the remaining 10-15% of the pack.

Your batteries should never be hot, warm is alright.
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it would appear I am not first up in this gang-bang
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