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Airsoft IPSC in Canada?



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Old April 12th, 2008, 01:07   #31
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I only paid 90 dollars to get my PAL.

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Old April 12th, 2008, 01:11   #32
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Originally Posted by G.Sgt Marty View Post
Ok I myself being Ex-Military and using Real Steel Weapons as well as having Airsoft weapons and being a Airsoft Team Leader......I just wanted to say to Firewalker is, DUDE are u nuts?????!!!!!! Airsoft is number one safer then Real steel, plus u dont need pay $400 to get a PAL and take the coruse to own a airsoft weapon, and what fun is making a loud KA-CRACK as u put it while just shooting Paper.....while u can make a soft P-toof and be able to shoot real living people in Milsim's and not got to jail for killing someone? Dude if u like to have Real Steel over Airsoft then join the Military LOL!
$400 for a PAL?

What in the hell?

$30 to the trainer, $60 to the govn't. I know I did bad at math, but I honestly thought that $30 plus $60 equaled $90. Boy am --I-- dumb.
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Old April 12th, 2008, 02:30   #33
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Originally Posted by The Saint View Post
IPSC isn't saying you can't. I don't see why people are getting all indignant about this. Airsoft IPSC isn't meant to denigrate real steel shooting or one's right to basement plink to their heart's content.

I'd personally love to do both, preferably the less expensive one first, and the more expensive one later down the road.
I'm not against it, I just don't see the need for it. You need permits for firearms and safe ranges, hence IPSC. You don't need to have organizations to be able to coordinate meets that individuals or small groups could do by themselves.

If enough people wanted one I'd support it on principle, but it just doesn't seem necessary to me.

Originally Posted by Aquamarine View Post
$400 for a PAL?

What in the hell?

$30 to the trainer, $60 to the govn't. I know I did bad at math, but I honestly thought that $30 plus $60 equaled $90. Boy am --I-- dumb.
30 bucks for a trainer? My restricted/non restricted courses cost about 200 bucks, and that was a discounted rate.
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Old April 12th, 2008, 02:54   #34
Hedonism Bot
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The price varies but it CAN get as high as 400 bucks. easily.

200 - 225 for the full two day safety course
30 for the books
60 for the application
150 - 300 for a gun club membership (required for restricted PAL)

Sure you could just challenge the exam and pay the application fee but do you really want a bunch of new shooters out there who have never been taught properly?
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Old April 12th, 2008, 14:04   #35
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Wow it's expensive to get your Restricted PAL in Ontario. Out here it's $160-$195 for the 2 day course including books, $60 for the application.
You don't need the gun club membership to get the PAL, you need it to get the ATT when you purchase the gun, otherwise it's useless for you to have a gun that just sits at your house because you can't take it anywhere. Most good clubs usually wave the membership fees as long as you do their introduction to their range course. Couple hours around $80 here.
To challenge the exam, in BC at least, you have to write the exam at a licensed training facility to prove that you know how to handle the gun, so it's not as simple as untrained, new shooters getting it.
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Old April 12th, 2008, 14:08   #36
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Originally Posted by stoo_ped View Post
why??? Because, some of us are married and have kids....and the wife MIGHT just not allow real guns at home. I cant help it if i respect my wife... not to mention hate sleeping on the couch... so airsoft is it.
she doesnt respect you.

theres no way im giving up firearms for a lady. no matter what.
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Old April 12th, 2008, 14:19   #37
Shooting Chef
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Hey Folks,
Its great to see that the interest in IPSC airsoft has come around. I have been shooting IPSC for years now and to see it come to airsoft shows the progression of airsoft in canada.

Just a factor that I did not see on this thread is that you guys did not mention the fact that not only do you have to get the proper licences (PAL), a gun, gear and a club. You also have to have atleast 1 year of experience shooting, cuz if you can't hit a 8x11 at 10 meters, then it'll take you a while to complete the IPSC course. Which brings me to my next shoot any IPSC sanctioned matches, you have to do a Black badge course. The course runs a few times in a year in Ontario at different ranges. You do a friday night briefing/class then sat and sun are total shooting from 9 to 4. Yup, at average you will shoot about 300-400 rnds easy. The cost of the Black badge course is about $100. Then you have the yearly Black badge dues which runs $70. You have to complete these before you can pass the Black badge course:

Black Badge Course Outline
Load and Unload & Range Commands
7 Meters - Draw & Fire One Round - 6 times - No Time
15 Meters - Draw & Fire One Round - 6 times - No Time
7 Meters - Draw & Fire One Round - 6 times - 2 Seconds
7 Meters - Draw & Fire Two Rounds - 6 times - No Time
15 Meters - Draw & Fire Two Rounds - 6 times - No Time
7 Meters - Draw & Fire Two Rounds - 6 times - 2 Seconds
15 Meters - Draw & Fire Two Rounds - 6 times - 3 Seconds
10 Meters - Fire Two Rounds/Reload/Fire Two Rounds - 3 times - 7 or 10 Seconds
Malfunction Clearing
10 Meters - Draw & Fire Two Rounds S/H/O* - 3 times - 3 Seconds
10 Meters - Draw & Fire Two Rounds W/H/O* - 3 times - 4 Seconds
25 Meters - Draw / Prone* & Fire Two Rounds - 3 times - No Time
15 Meters - Draw & Fire Two Rounds R/S* Barricade - 3 times - No Time
15 Meters - Draw & Fire Two Rounds L/S* Barricade - 3 times - No Time
Demo & Practice Lateral Movement & Obstacles
10 Meters - El Presidente* - 12 or 18 Seconds - Back to (3) targets, turn, draw and engage targets (2) rounds each, reload, re-engage targets with (2) rounds each.

About ammo...I relaod my own. Its so cost effective and you can adjust your ammo specs to your liking.

Back to IPSC airsoft...If you want an ru ready speed timer(non-RF), there is a place in Cawthra and Queensway which provides timers. For tragets, there is a place at Dundas and 427 that provides cardboard IPSC targets.

Sorry folks for making this thread so long. If anyone is interested in running a trial IPSC night, I can talk to some people for a facility. If I can get 8 or so bodies, I can take one night to run an IPSC night here in toronto. Just pm me if you guys are interested. Thanks guys...hope this brings some light on the topic.
Nierbee Custom

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Last edited by Shooting Chef; April 12th, 2008 at 15:34.. Reason: change directions
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Old April 12th, 2008, 14:42   #38
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Sounds very interesting. Count me in! ^^
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Old April 12th, 2008, 21:23   #39
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Originally Posted by Shooting Chef View Post
Hey Folks,

Back to IPSC airsoft...If you want an ru ready speed timer(non-RF), there is a place in Cawthra and Queensway which provides timers. For tragets, there is a place at Dundas and 427 that provides cardboard IPSC targets.
Can you give me a little more info (type of targets, website/contact info..). I've been getting by with making my own targets but it's hard to find scrap cardboard in the correct size. I've googled one website but it's in the states and i'm afraid of what the shipping cost of a large stack of cardboard would be
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Old April 12th, 2008, 21:31   #40
Shooting Chef
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Hey Rob, Im not sure what company handles targets for IPSC BC. I know here in ontario, Doug Lewis does. His phone number is 416-259-1113. For 10 or more classic targets is about $30 and metric targets are about $50. I usually use patches to patch-up my shots to save on targets.

Maybe you can ask Doug if he knows anyone who handles targets for IPSC BC and he can probably lead you the right way. Good Luck.
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Old April 12th, 2008, 22:27   #41
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The other option I was thinking is to go to a gun store and ask. One of these days i'll find some time and actually go outside to interact with people
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Old April 13th, 2008, 03:08   #42
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Originally Posted by G.Sgt Marty View Post
Ok I myself being Ex-Military and using Real Steel Weapons as well as having Airsoft weapons and being a Airsoft Team Leader......I just wanted to say to Firewalker is, DUDE are u nuts?????!!!!!! Airsoft is number one safer then Real steel, plus u dont need pay $400 to get a PAL and take the coruse to own a airsoft weapon, and what fun is making a loud KA-CRACK as u put it while just shooting Paper.....while u can make a soft P-toof and be able to shoot real living people in Milsim's and not got to jail for killing someone? Dude if u like to have Real Steel over Airsoft then join the Military LOL!
If you're going to address me, I'd prefer it be in English and not Swahili. Those clicks and pops are hard to understand.

And we're not talking about milsim, we're talking about shooting paper targets with airsoft guns. Shoot paper with fake guns or shoot paper with real guns. I know what I'd like... I just find it superfluous when it's essentially more accessible to get into the real IPSC than to track down airsoft guns. Like I said, I can go down to the range and fire off a handgun to my heart's content and be within every last one of my rights as a Canadian. On top of that, buying a firearm is much easier than buying an airsoft gun.

Also, if you paid 400 to get a PAL, it might explain why you have trouble typing, it looks like you got SURPRISE SEX IN THE BUMTUBE. It cost me 120 dollars for a full firearms safety course, both tests and ammo.

It's just my opinion that it's pointless.

It's like buying an airsoft gun for plinking... completely useless.
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Old April 13th, 2008, 05:02   #43
Captain Tenneal
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Hey Shooting

Just wondering, is there any place in Canada that has a website that retails those shot timers? I can't seem to find anything anywhere (even on the IPSC Canada website) and I was sort of looking for a cheapish one (Heck, even a standard Pocket Pro would do I imagine) and I wanted to know exact timing and split timing between shots, something that the Mad Bull Airsoft one can't do.

btw, even with the adjustable sound-meters, they should pick up guns running on duster with plastic slides right?
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Old April 13th, 2008, 11:38   #44
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what I've been trying to buy is a stop-plate based timer. It doesn't count shots, but you initiates the timing, it does a countdown and you start shooting, at the end you shoot the stop plate that connects to the timer and it stops the clock.

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Old April 13th, 2008, 12:26   #45
Captain Tenneal
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Madbull makes what you're looking for. There's a larger set (which strangely is more available, even though it's custom) with a large LED scoreboard and a timer set linked up to a final popper which is available for 250 USD + Shipping from Red Wolf.

Madbull also makes another simpler set with just a small timer linked to a popper plate, but I haven't found anyone who stocks it.
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